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What is "Highlights" on Instagram?

We all know Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms where you can add stories which are visible for 24 hours. Instagram highlights is the feature where you can add the stories when you want to save your important stories that you don't want to disappear. Whenever people visit your Instagram profile they can view your highlights. They are like archives for your favourite Instagram stories. If you want to know the insta highlight views then our blog will help you to do so.


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"Highlights" on Instagram refers to a feature that allows users to curate and showcase their Stories on their profile permanently. Instead of disappearing after 24 hours like regular Stories, Highlights remain visible as clickable thumbnails on a user's profile. Each Highlight can be dedicated to a specific topic, event, or theme, and users can select which Stories to add to their Highlights. This feature enables users to create a more lasting and organized collection of their favorite or important Stories for their followers to view at any time.

"Highlights" on Instagram refers to a feature that allows users to curate and showcase their Stories on their profile permanently. Instead of disappearing after 24 hours like regular Stories, Highlights remain visible as clickable thumbnails on a user's profile. Each Highlight can be dedicated to a specific topic, event, or theme, and users can select which Stories to add to their Highlights. This feature enables users to create a more lasting and organized collection of their favorite or important Stories for their followers to view at any time.