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How To Focus Deeply While Studying: Mind-Tricks
The ability to focus on demand is the holy grail for success in life. Both Warren Buffet and Bill Gates attribute the ability to focus for the...

UPSC Prelims is close, the competition is tight, and the stakes have never been higher. As you already know, in UPSC Prelims, even a fraction of a...

Prelims 2020 : GS FACT-CHEAT PART 1
With the Prelims approaching fast, I know you feel anxious and nervous about your GS Score .There is always doubt if you have done enough and if you...

UPSC Mains 2021-2022 Essay Paper: 4D Analysis & Discussion
The Essay paper of UPSC Mains 2021 conducted in January 2022 was as predicted and unsurprising-...

Richard Feynman said that the best way to learn something is to teach it. When it comes to UPSC...

The Focus dis-ease
The ability to focus is the ultimate superpower they say, but at what cost it comes, they say not. Platitudes on focus being the holy grail of life...

Reality of government jobs you should know– Myth Vs Facts
In most developed countries, being a civil servant is not cause for veneration or celebration. In much of Indian society however, to secure a...

GS score Cheat Sheet: Memorization Cheat Codes
-Amit Kumar Singh, IRS Most of the aspirants who start studying for UPSC are overwhelmed with the amount of the factual information they are...

How to read newspaper for UPSC preparation: Ask the topper
Current Affairs and newspapers are ubiquitous with UPSC preparation. But how exactly to cover newspapers scientifically from the POV of the UPSC exam is far less understood.
Fear not, I had the same doubts when I started UPSC preparation. In this article, I share my insights about how to do so with maximum efficiency.

How to make notes for UPSC exam like a topper
Making notes for UPSC criticically important for all UPSC aspirants to condense the vast syllabus of this exam. This article shows you how.

Geography for UPSC: Super-Simplified Scientifically for Prelims and Mains
What on Earth is Geography? Everything that happens to the Earth IS literally, Geography. Geography is the story of the profound inter-connectedness...

UPSC Syllabus verbatim
Simply the UPSC Syllabus in pdf format for download.

How to master IAS syllabus while having fun
The IAS exam is considered to be the most difficult competitive examination in India because of the vastness of the IAS syllabus A single attempt...

THE DARK SIDE OF THE MIND – How to break our of negative thought cycles
They say your mind is your worst enemy or your best friend. If things go well and you achieve your goals, you feel driven and focused and the future...

I cleared the UPSC exam while working full-time at a software company in Pune. I think that the UPSC exam has become EASIER TO CLEAR FOR WORKING...
How To Focus Deeply While Studying: Mind-Tricks
The ability to focus on demand is the holy grail for success in life. Both Warren Buffet and Bill Gates attribute the ability to focus for the...

5 reasons why you should not aim for Only IAS?
When it comes to the IAS exam, people assume that only IAS should be their goal in life and they ought to do or die for it. There are a lot of...

Indian Polity for UPSC Exam Super-Simplified
As a serious UPSC aspirant ought to know about Indian Polity as if it were the brochure about your future employer. Polity is interesting as well as...

Geography for UPSC: Super-Simplified Scientifically for Prelims and Mains
What on Earth is Geography? Everything that happens to the Earth IS literally, Geography. Geography is the story of the profound inter-connectedness...

Introductions are the first impression you will make on the examiner. First impressions are not only the last impression but inform how we form judgments about the source of the object.

Often, in the exam, even while knowing a lot about a topic, the best points and examples may not come to mind when you need them. Only later when the exam is over do you realize that you could have used that point or you forgot to write that example etc.

The UPSC essay and the Mains exam, in toto, is all about the quality and depth of your understanding. But this does not necessarily mean that you...

The BEST optional subject for UPSC CSE
UPSCbtamanoptionalyzerDownload For Optional subjects, the UPSC Civil Services Exam notification list 25 subjects which can be opted for paper VI and...

UPSC Prelims is close, the competition is tight, and the stakes have never been higher. As you already know, in UPSC Prelims, even a fraction of a...