5 CRITICAL Things to do after UPSC Prelims 2020

upsc prelims

-Shri Amit Kumar Singh, IRS UPSC prelims 2020 is over but the hangover remains. Here’s what you need to do immediately if you want to get the edge in this upcoming UPSC Mains exam. ‌1. Stop analyzing the UPSC Prelims Paper. The Time period between prelims exam and result is the most prone to wastage. … Read more 5 CRITICAL Things to do after UPSC Prelims 2020

IAS score Multiplier : Time Mastery

The IAS score reflects your preparation and hard work over months which finally judged during a three-hour test. In all examinations, time is of the essence. Literally. You must have experienced the feeling of the examiner approaching at great speed, coming to snatch your answer sheet away, while you desperately try to move your tired … Read more IAS score Multiplier : Time Mastery