UPSC Coaching Institutes and false advertising – the twisted ethics of the industry and how to navigate around it

upsc coaching exposed

The UPSC coaching industry has thrived in India generating Billions of dollars in revenue. In recent years, many businesses in the industry have seen the rapid infusion of venture capital. This capital investment implies that companies must generate revenue at a certain pace to satisfy their investors and to do that, they must rely on … Read more UPSC Coaching Institutes and false advertising – the twisted ethics of the industry and how to navigate around it

How NOT to become a UPSC topper

how NOT to become UPSC topper

How badly do you want to TOP the UPSC exam with AIR 1? Be honest and note if you have ever had daydreams of being famous on Instagram, your photo splashed across the newspaper, coaching institutes clamoring for your attention as the news of you securing AIR 1 in the UPSC CSE goes viral? Everyone … Read more How NOT to become a UPSC topper

The best way to use NCERT books to prepare for the UPSC exam

There are a bunch of associated questions when it comes to the NCERTs one of which is- Are they enough for the exam? Well, they are not. But then how best to use them to prepare for the exam?

The BEST optional subject for UPSC CSE

optional subject

For Optional subjects, the UPSC Civil Services Exam notification list 25 subjects which can be opted for paper VI and VII in the mains examination. The list consists most of the vast disciplines of academic study known to man, with subjects ranging from Agriculture to English literature. Interestingly UPSC does not put any kind of … Read more The BEST optional subject for UPSC CSE