The Essay paper is either a golden egg or a dream-killer, depending on how honest you are with yourself. This is because the easiest person to fool is yourself.
But you can also be your own best judge as well. It takes courage to assess your own self. But beyond fear lies mastery, as Bruce Lee would say.
This article/lesson is about getting inside the mind of the UPSC examiner. And learning how to look at your own essays through his/her eyes.
Enter the dragon.

What the UPSC wants in the Essay paper of the Mains exam
The ESSAY PAPER in the UPSC examination is General Studies Paper 1 accounts for 250 marks in the Mains examination.
- The good news is that the essay paper is the smoothest paper in the civil services Exam to score very high marks in.
- You don’t need to be a gifted writer to write good essays.
- You hardly need any specialized study for it.
- You don’t need to use flowery language in your essays. You should avoid it.
- You don’t need to memorize facts and data to write great essays for an essay paper.
You just need to know what a good essay is and then give the UPSC what it wants.
Lucky for you, the UPSC syllabus and notification tells you precisely what it is looking for in the Essay exam.
Here is the excerpt from the UPSC notification.

In this one small passage alone, the Union Public Service Commission tells you everything you need to know about the Essay Paper.
Here is Part 1 of the video tutorial:
1. MULTIPLE TOPICS of Essay Paper
You are asked to write more than one Essay in three hours.
Indeed, the previous years have seen a trend towards two essays of 1000-1200 words each. Writing multiple essays in 3 hours is a challenging Time management task, but that’s just one challenge among many.
There is a hidden trap waiting for you in the exam. Each topic must be chosen from a set of 4 choices. So, you must choose two questions from 8 options and write essays on them.
The choices mean that you will have to choose from many options before you can even begin THINKING about what you are going to write about. The clock will be ticking, and the decision-making process will consume precious time.
You can refer to the relevant article for more details below-
Once you make the right choice, you have won half the battle.
And now on to the other half.
2. Keeping closely to the topic in the Essay paper
Keeping close to the topic means that you should not stray from the subject and talk ONLY about the subject and the relevant issues.
You should not write about anything which does not directly address the topic on hand. Keeping close to the subject also means that the examples you give should be relevant and be able to support your arguments.
But this is not easy to do. Especially if You choose a topic and begin writing without giving it much thought. It is likely that in the middle of the exam. You realize that you don’t know as much about the topic as you thought you did. You wonder if you should have chosen some other topic instead.

Or, you could lose your chain of thought and continue writing too much about something unimportant and too little about something quite important. You may overshoot the word limit or find yourself woefully short of a respectable word count.
With the clock ticking away, this is a recipe for disaster. And it happens all too often. The only way you will keep close to the topic for 1000 words is when you have genuinely understood the topic of the Essay.
Here is Part 2 of the video tutorial:
3. Arranging your ideas in an orderly fashion
This means that your essay should have FLOW and STRUCTURE.
Structure means that you should divide your Essay into parts which are usually-
- Introduction- Here, you introduce the topic and let the examiner know that you have understood the crux of the matter.
- Body – This part of the Essay will contain all your main arguments and examples. There are always two sides to a case, and the body of the Essay should ideally cover both.
- Conclusion- Here, you emphasize your side of the argument one last time before signing off.

Flow means that your Essay should connect from one part to the next in a logical manner. When you move from the introduction to the main body of the Essay OR when you move from the body to the conclusion, it should seem like it is all connected.
Similarly, when you make your arguments, the points should not start abruptly but have some connection with the preceding points. One point should connect or transition to the next one in an unbroken chain of reasoning.
An example should clarify what Flow and structure are-

This means that you should not use unnecessary words and sentences. Avoid repetition. Or that you should be able to convey the meaning of your argument in a few words.
This also means that you should not try to ‘spread out’ your Essay by repeating the same points or by extending a single point by using more words to fill the space and meet a respectable word limit. But writing concisely in a stressful timed examination is not easy,
To do this, you should have enough points BEFORE you begin writing. If the Essay is 1000 words long, and the introduction and conclusion take up 30% of the words, which is 300 words, this means that you are left with 700 words for the body to make your main arguments.
And if the average length of a sentence is about 10-15 words, then a paragraph of 4 to 5 lines is roughly 50 words. Assuming that one paragraph is needed to explain one point, this means that you will need approximately 14 paragraphs or 14 points to cover roughly 700 words to qualify as having ‘written concisely.’
(Notice that the passage above is itself an example of logical Flow.)
5. Use Effective and Exact expression
Below is a paragraph from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous essays
on Self-reliance, where he wrote in 1841-

“These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they
grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world. Society
everywhere is in a conspiracy against the manhood of every
one of its members. Society is a joint-stock company, in which
the members agree for the better securing of his bread to each
shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in most requests is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs.’’
The above passage is wordy, consists of many sub-points, metaphors and
analogies which makes it quite difficult to read. This is an example of how not to write in the UPSC exam.
(While Emerson’s prose may be exemplary for literature enthusiasts but it is not what the UPSC wants in the Mains exam. )
What’s relevant to you is to ask if it can it be simplified and made more concise? What exactly was Emerson trying to say?
To put it simply-
“That society forces its members into conformity, and we should try to maintain our independent thinking despite this pressure.”
This is to show that effective and exact expression means choosing simple over complicated language. Simplicity is Key, and it will fetch you marks in the Exam.
Ideally, your Essay should sound like one long, well-thought-out argument, filled with relevant examples.
In order to beat the game, you must understand the mind of the game-maker. Once you understand what the UPSC wants in the Essay paper, most, if not all your questions are automatically answered.

Your preparation will become smooth and aligned with the needs of the exam. You will begin to understand WHY particular types of Essays are asked in the Exam and how to tackle them.
But knowing all of this is of no use unless it is internalized practically. This is where Bruce Lee enters the picture!

This article/lesson is about getting inside the mind of the UPSC examiner. And learning how to look at your own essays through his/her eyes.
Looking in to the mirror and ruthlessly scrutinizing yourself is a difficult task. It will invoke fear. It will require courage. But beyond fear, lies mastery, as Bruce Lee would say. Follow the way of the dragon and embrace your inner warrior. Here are your tasks-
TASK 1 : Take the Dragon Test.
- Find the essay which you wrote on the topic- “Life is a along journey between being human and being humane.” in one of the previous assignments. You will need it to complete this assignment.
- If you did not complete that assignment, do it now. ( Watch the MasterClass where this assignment was revealed)
- Imagine that you are the ruthless UPSC examiner and evaluate your writing on the following guidelines-
Score your Essay on the 4 metrics mentioned below on a scale of 0 – 10 with zero being horrible and 10 being superb.
- Effective and Exact expression (How simple to understand and read is the Essay ?) : Score____
- Concise writing (To what extent have unnecessary words or sentences been used in the writing?) : Score____
- Arranging ideas in orderly fashion (How well structured is your writing? Is there flow and structure between the sentences and paragraphs?) : Score____
- Keeping closely to the topic (To what extent does the Essay consistently address the core of the issue in the Essay topic?) : Score____
TASK 2: Write in about 100 words about how you felt while undergoing the dragon test and what it has revealed to you about your strengths and weaknesses. Are there specific areas of weakness you have identified? What are they?
Do not be afraid of judgement. Especially your own. Treat your piece of writing as a stranger would. Detach yourself from your Essay and have zero emotional attachment while taking the dragon test.
Like in the decision matrix, the scores may surprise you but If you have done this honestly, you have already won.
If you are dishonest, the dragon will know.
The dragon knows all.
You are the dragon.

-Ravi Kapoor, IRS
Author of The Ultimate Cheatbook of Essay and Answer-writing.
1.Effective and Exact expression (How simple to understand and read is the Essay ?) : Score: 06
Concise writing (To what extent have unnecessary words or sentences been used in the writing?) : Score: 04
Arranging ideas in orderly fashion (How well structured is your writing? Is there flow and structure between the sentences and paragraphs?) : Score: 07
Keeping closely to the topic (To what extent does the Essay consistently?) : Score: 07
It feels so amazing to take part in this assignment as it reflects on my writing skills- my strengths and weaknesses. Here’s my Dragon assessment written as under–
Strength: I am capable of writing in a good story-like flow of the topic given, its pros and cons as well as a thoughtful unopinionated and honest yet critical analysis of the issue(s) with simple and effective wordings and minimum amount of jargons and difficult technical terms.
Weakness: I could do better in my wordings, precision/articulation, thematic approach, and wider view of the topic given. I could also have improvements in my speed and word count while writing an essay.
L Thangthianmung.
This dragon test was really helped me a lot. When I understand my own mistakes in essay writing, it becomes much easier to improve.
By practicing this exercise i was able to find some of my mistakes in writing an essay and i also found that it is going to be solved only by more and more practice.
4 3
Hlo sir
It’s very helpful for me.It has revealed my weakness as well as change my way to approach essay.
Thank you very much sir.
Hello Sir,
This dragon test was really helped me a lot as it has opened my eyes. When I understand my own mistakes in essay writing, it becomes much easier to improve. And of course I will correct the mistakes and try to write better next time.
1: 6
2: 5
3: 4
4: 7
This dragon test helped me to understand my level of writing skills and how I arranged my ideas in the easy. I have Written some points in repeating … but know I got to know how to overcome my mistakes by watching the part 2 video. And I will try to improve and work on it… thank you sir for the explanation video it helped alot ..
Sir this dragon method gave me a clarity about easy paper. Really I got good picture in my mind every step i followed here are needed thank so much .i will do more practice on this method
Task – 1
1. 7
2. 7
3. 7
4. 6
Task – 2
I felt confident while reading my essay
I came across that I need to work on my language ( vocabulary ) and the thing that I’m glad to see is structure of my essay.
Task 1 :-
1. 7
2. 4
3. 5
4. 5
Task 2 :- So, this task has really helped me to recognize the areas in essay writing that I lack in…like sometimes the sentences I have used seem to be repetitive and also the flow in the essay could be better ….
Task 1-
1) 3
2) 5
3) 6
4) 5
Task 2-
I personally thought that launguage, good English and some sense about the topic was enough to write good essay…but today I got to know myself and how worst I can go ….the essay i wrote was a nightmare and I’ll never repeat the same mistake . Thankyou very much sir on letting me know myself and an opportunity to improve.
Effective and Exact expression (How simple to understand and read is the Essay ?) : Score____08
Concise writing (To what extent have unnecessary words or sentences been used in the writing?) : Score____08
Arranging ideas in orderly fashion (How well structured is your writing? Is there flow and structure between the sentences and paragraphs?) : Score____08
Keeping closely to the topic (To what extent does the Essay consistently address the core of the issue in the Essay topic?) : Score____09
Dragon test was literally eye opener test. I want to say all the assignment teach us about honesty with yourself. My weakness is I am unable to arrange idea in orderly I don’t know how to maintain flow and switch to other scenario.
TASK 1 : Take the Dragon Test.
1. Effective and Exact expression (How simple to understand and read is the Essay ?) : Score 5
2. Concise writing (To what extent have unnecessary words or sentences been used in the writing?) : Score 6
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion (How well structured is your writing? Is there flow and structure between the sentences and paragraphs?) : Score 4
4. Keeping closely to the topic (To what extent does the Essay consistently address the core of the issue in the Essay topic?) : Score 4
TASK 2: Write in about 100 words about how you felt while undergoing the dragon test and what it has revealed to you about your strengths and weaknesses. Are there specific areas of weakness you have identified? What are they?
The dragon test is used to identify the mistakes which I committed and suggested the measure to correct the same.
Strength: Concise writing, ability to connect examples, a good introduction
Weakness : measures missing in the conclusion,
Followed orderly structure but connectivity between the paragraph is not there.
should include more points in the body like advantages, disadvantages of thing 1 and thing 2.
Task 1-
Task 2- The test was just like an eye-opening and truth-revealing assignment for me. my weakest area is arranging the idea in an orderly manner. And I also lack knowledge about the topic, so I could not perform well in this essay. Also Manny time I used to be just distracted from the topic .
Dragon test –
Task 1
1. Effective and Exact expression (How simple to understand and read is the Essay ?) : Score – 7
2. Concise writing (To what extent have unnecessary words or sentences been used in the writing?) : Score – 6
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion (How well structured is your writing? Is there flow and structure between the sentences and paragraphs?) : Score – 7
4. Keeping closely to the topic (To what extent does the Essay consistently address the core of the issue in the Essay topic?) : Score – 7
Task 2
Strengths – effective and exact expression + orderly arrangement + keeping close to the topic
Weakness – concise writing + evocative language + connectivity between paragraphs + fine tuning language skills + content diversity
Dragon test –
Task 1
1. Effective and Exact expression (How simple to understand and read is the Essay ?) : Score – 7
2. Concise writing (To what extent have unnecessary words or sentences been used in the writing?) : Score – 6
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion (How well structured is your writing? Is there flow and structure between the sentences and paragraphs?) : Score – 7
4. Keeping closely to the topic (To what extent does the Essay consistently address the core of the issue in the Essay topic?) : Score – 7
Task 2
Strengths – effective and exact expression + orderly arrangement + keeping close to the topic
Weakness – concise writing + evocatice language + connectivity between paragraphs + fine tuning language skills + content diversity
Thanks & Regards,
Madhuri B K
1. 7
2. 5
3. 1
4. 9
Introduction is good. Good use of sentences and grammar. But in body, I have combined too much information. I can’t be precise and write something right to the point. It feels like everything is important and I must include everything. Also, conclusion kind of feels incomplete.
1- 6
My weak area is exact expression and strong area is keep closely to the subject
Task 1
Sir as I analyze my self that may some times the understanding of the essay toppic hits mind I am not able to interpret the ideas and also failed express them orderly and also here is big problem is that is my English language skill which more poor. But I continuously work on it to improve it. That’s all sir.
Task -1
Effective and Exact expression – 6
Concise writing – 4
Arranging Ideas in an Orderly fashion – 6
Keeping closely to the Topic – 6.5
Task -2
The dragon test has showed me a few details :
1. Well executed Introduction
2. Good use of examples
3. Ability to connect examples to the topic and keeping them close to the topic
1. Break in the flow of different arguments on same topic.
2. Conclusion is a major drawback. Could have been more explanatory.
The dragon test helped me in analysing my mistakes and helped me to understand the right sequence of writing an essay, and showed me points where I lacked and need to work upon.
Also it is helpful to see how essay will actually be evaluated.
Thank you sir for this essential exercise.
Task -1
Effective and Exact expression – 6
Concise writing – 4
Arranging Ideas in an Orderly fashion – 6
Keeping closely to the Topic – 6.5
Task -2
The dragon test has showed me a few strengths and weaknesses
1. Well executed Introduction
2. Good use of examples
3. Ability to connect examples to the topic and keeping them close to the topic
1. Break in the flow of different arguments on same topic.
2. Conclusion is a major drawback. Could have been more explanatory.
The dragon test helped me in analysing my mistakes and helped me to understand the right sequence of writing an essay, and showed me points where I lacked and need to work upon.
Also it is helpful to see how essay will actually be evaluated.
Thank you sir for this essential exercise.
Task -1
Effective and Exact expression – 6
Concise writing – 4
Arranging Ideas in an Orderly fashion – 6
Keeping closely to the Topic – 6.5
Task -2
The dragon test has showed me a few strengths and weaknesses
1. Decent Introduction
2. Good examples
3. Ability to connect examples to topic and keeping close to the topic
1. Break in flow when giving two examples on same topic.
2. Conclusion is a major drawback. Could have been more explanatory.
The dragon test helped me in analysing my mistakes and helped me to understand the right sequence of writing an essay, and showed me points where I lacked and need to work upon.
Also it is helpful to see how essay will actually be evaluated.
Thank you sir for this essential exercise.
1 )8
2) 5
3) 5.5
i came to know that exactly what is my weak point. My weak area is concise writing ,i was using repitetive and unnessary words. Order of ideas was little off track.
Thoughts were a bit scattered. English could always be written better. Better phrases could have been used to enhance thoughts. This exercise taught me all of this.
Effective and Exact expression: Score_1_
Concise writing: Score_1___
Arranging ideas in orderly fashion: Score_1___
Keeping closely to the topic : Score__2_
There were seemingly many grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and missing links in my writing, but I finally realized that I could have known many mistakes and it would be better to not repeat them.
प्रभावी और सटीक अभिव्यक्ति-8
संक्षिप्त लेखन-6
विचारों को व्यवस्थित ढंग से व्यवस्थित करना-6
विषय को करीब से रखना-7
इस अभ्यास से मुझे अपने स्वयं के लेखन के बारे में समझने का आधार मिला है। मेरे द्वारा लिखे गए निबंध में प्रवाह कम था लेकिन लेखन विषय के करीब था, मेरे तर्क कुछ खास नहीं थे। इस परीक्षण से यह देखने को मिला कि निबंध का मूल्यांकन कैसे किया जाए। परीक्षण के लिए बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद।
hello sir,
Effective and Exact expression: Score_9_
Concise writing: Score_8___
Arranging ideas in orderly fashion: Score_9___
Keeping closely to the topic : Score__9__
this exercise definitely made me have an eagle view of my own writing. this whole exercise of writing an essay, provided me a more structured approach to write the essay. thank you sir, for all your efforts in the same.
1- 4
2- 3.5
3- 4.5
4- 5/10
Task2: Detaching myself from essay while evaluating has been most difficult but when parameters were laid down, it became more of an objective task. Though, I was happy to find out the essay had a flow and writing was close to the topic but it surprised me that my writing was neither concise nor effective. I could see my arguments were weak and often become repetitive. The dragon test proved helpful to see how essay will actually be evaluated. Thanks a lot for the test.
Task 1
1) Effective and exact expression – 4.5
2) Concise writing – 4
3) Arranging ideas in orderly fashion – 6
4) Keep closely to the topic – 5
Task 2
Dragon test was helpful in finding out the spaces which I could fill and improve. My weakness is concise writing and to write things in effective and exact way.
In the middle of writing essay I was struggling with content and structuring where and how to arrange things that were brainstormed. So this is the challenge which I would have faced in the exam but I will try to improve that as know I know where I’m lacking. So in this way writing essay and the dragon test was a helpful and insightful exercise. Thank you sir .
Task 2:- Dragon test is good for brainstorming. ?
1. 7
2. 6
3. 6
4. 7
Sir it is best tools i.e
Task 2:- Dragon test was helpful in finding out the spaces which I can fill and improve. My weakness is concise writing and to write things in effective and exact way. It is very struggle for me during these task and I could see my arguments were weak but I do try my best . Thank you sir
1. Effective and exact expression – 8
2. Concise writing – 5
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion – 6
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 7
I felt confident at putting words to express my thoughts but some unnecessary words could have been avoided. The flow of writing was good within paragraphs but the flow was a little wayward while changing paragraphs. I tried my best to keep close to the topic and did not venture into something that was out of the discussion. Putting phrases and quotes in proper place was a bit challenging. The language of the essay was more of direct than of blending metamorphy to it. More practice can develop the language of essay. Starting the essay was the most difficult part. Indroduction could have been more impactful and impressive. Better examples could have been used. It took a lot of time to compose it in a orderly fashion, but constant practice can help it improve. Overall it was a nice experience.
Task 2
This artical give me a thought how i manage my thought process during exam .my language are easy to understand and me not complicate things usally but my flow and sturcture are very bad .not having any sequence .i use example but not in proper way. Also i touch the topic but bcz not having good understanding things were repeat and my eassey not get proper sequence
“It seems little but when multiplied over a period of time, it is a game-changer”. This is a simple expression that I would like to say about the dragon task. Too often, we are occupied with the hustle culture of UPSC preparation and always missed taking a step back to reflect on our preparation- writing skills, MCQs and what not. The dragon task necessarily mandates us to reflect on our preparation. This is something that I have gained from the entire contribution of Ravi Kapoor Sir. God Bless HIM!
1- 6
2- 5
3- 3
4- 6
this gives the idea which we write on paper is the thing which is needed to write. help me to find my mistakes
Task 1
1. 4
2. 3
3. 5
4. 5
Task 2
Dragon test is very helpful for myself. I understood that I don’t have flow in my writing. I shouldn’t repeat the sentences.
Task 1
1. 2/10
2. 2/10
3. 4/10
4. 4/10
Thank you I come to know Introspection and Retrospection is best way to check yourself .
Through dragon test I analysed myself and trying to improve my writing skill . And the best things that helped me a lot was Deconstruction , Brainstorming and 12QC techniques.
Good evening Sir,
My self evaluation is:
1) Effective and exact expression: 9
2)Concise Writing: 8
3)Flow and Structure: 7
4) Keeping closely to topic: 7
Task 2:
I was very confident while writing essay. After evaluating I am somewhat doubtful that if I was able to arrange ideas in proper way or not and also whether I keep it closely to the topic…so they are kept in my weaknesses.
I am satisfied about the simplicity I kept in my essay and also keep it concise.
I tried to keep all things , arguments and examples in a order way.
I learnt a lot from this dragon test.
Thank you sir.
1. Effective and exact expression – 4/10
2. Concise writing – 3/10
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion – 3/10
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 2/10
I entered the dragon and got to know that i started quite good as you had taught how to write and introduction .I smoothly entered the body but after a page i was writing out of the subject or context.
1. 7
2. 6
3. 7
4. 8
dragon test helped me in analysing my mistakes and helped me to understand the right sequence of writing and essay, and showed me points where i lack and need to work hard upon.
Task 1
Task 2: This article is really helped me to understand what upsc really required and it gave me a thoughtful process and way of approaching an essay. Thankyou for this beautiful work.
1. 2
2. 2
3. 1
4. 4
This article really helped me to channelise the essay in the way upsc wants.
i was quite surprised when i get back to my essay that i have no way closer to what the exam demands but have written the essay in a way that is not concise . its an eye opener and helped me to get back on track and fully aware to write an essay that can fetch me very good marks.
thankyou sir 🙂
Task 1 :
1. 7
2. 5
3. 5
4. 7
Task 2 : Going through the dragon test, I realised that I need to improve in writing concisely and arranging my ideas in an orderly fashion. This test would help me evaluate my essay myself.
1. Effective and exact expression – 4/10
2. Concise writing – 3/10
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion – 3/10
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 2/10
I entered the dragon and got to know that i started quite good as you had taught how to write and introduction .I smoothly entered the body but after a page i was writing out of the subject or context. Dragon knows everything and since the Dragon is me. I know everything.
1. 7
2. 3
3. 5
4. 7
The dragon test helped me in pointing my mistakes that I have committed and where I need to improve. There should be a flow between paragraphs and reduce grammatical errors. I’m sure with practice and tricks, I’ll improve consistently. Thank you for your guidance sir.
Task 1. 7
I could feel certain things are to be improved in my thoughts and opinions in the essay paper. Iam writing the points but at certain points I deviated from the topic. And my points related to current and contemporary issues are far less. I used just the common things in my essay paper like examples but didn’t explained it’s pros and cons. I need to know more about the topic and points must be there in a precised as well as consiced manner.
Sir, I got to know through this assignment that what kind of mistakes I have done so far.I saw the need for a lot of improvement in my essay like writing in easy language, linking from one to the other, making arguments without deviate the topic. But you made it very easier for us how to enhance our essay writing I’m thankful and also l am grateful toward your efforts that you are giving to us.
This article was amazing and i realised my mistakes,which i did in my last essay and what i need to improve them.
This task help me a lot and make realise how important to know and understand the Topic of the essay.And it also show me my weak part in essay writing which is the conclusion part.Thank you Sir.
Task 1:-
1.Effective and Exact expression Score:-5
2.Concise writing Score:-7
3.Arranging ideas in orderly fashion Score:-6
4.Keeping closely to the topic Score:-8
Task 2:-
Strengths- good examples using LED, questions posed in arguments reflects introspection. Clear expression in some paragraphs.
Weakness- very long sentences- 27 words in a sentence could be made shorter!
Progression from one paragraph to another had missing connectors/flow.
The definitions at some places seemed like a overkill ninja at times and could be made crisp/clearer.
Too many ideas together made some paragraphs a cauldron of mixed soup.
Open ended loops raise questions within the arguments, left unacknowledged.
This article provides me useful insight about essay writing
1. Everyone tell about that maintain a flow, how to maintain it no one tells
But in this article sir clearly explain with examples about flow in essay and my all doubts regarding it, are solved.
Thank you sir for this article.
This article provides me useful insight about essay writing
1. Everyone tell about that maintain a flow, how to maintain it no one tells
But in this article sir clearly explain with examples about flow in essay and my all doubts regarding it, are solved.
Task 1
1. 5
2. 5
3. 7
4. 6
Task 2
Dragon task really helped to self analyse. By this, I came to know that I am scoring just 50% marks and that as per my perspective. I really need to add some value addition, some good theories and examples so that I atleast score about 65% marks in Essay paper
Task 1
1. Effective and Exact expression – 7
2. Concise writing – 6
3. Arranging ideas in an orderly fashion – 5
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 5
Task 2
Test helped to self evaluate the essay. It showed which areas need more work. It helped to understand the perspective of examiner. It cleared strengths and weakness to work on.
Thank you for the lesson.
1. 4
2. 5
3. 2
4. 2
Task2: I found it difficult to collect facts based on the topic so i consider it one of my weakness as lack of factual data apart from this the systematic arrangement of arrangement of data was not adequate and i found it more relative after writing in one of the topic as I was scared of writing the essay. So from the previous exercise I wrote more and collected more data related to the topic which is one of the strength I found after writing.
1. 4
2. 3
3. 3
4. 5
:- This dragon technique helps me and push me to write what you knows about any topic and be honest with yourself.
And further more i have to work a lot on my essay writing and my vocabulary ( this is my biggest problem that words doesn’t come into my mind whenever i try to write on any topic)
I will keep try hard on myself and i hope that one day I’ll be master in essay.
Task 1
1. Effect and exact expression – score (4)
2.Concise writing-(2)
3.Arrange ideas in orderly fashion-(8)
4.keeping closely to the topic -(5)
Task 2
In Essay You Pointed out flaws that “my expressions are at times abrupt and are perhaps unable to convey your thoughts in a compelling manner.” Flow seems to diverge from focus and this may cause the reader some confusion.
Content wise, some of my assertions are not clearly stated and may have invalid counter arguments.
Grammar and syntax may also need some polishing but the raw material for being an excellent writer is clearly visible.
That’s why 8 marks are awarded for ideas because in essay raw material is an idea.
1. 5
2. 3
3. 5
4. 7
The test actually made a lot of sense to me in terms of identifying the areas where I would end up losing out on marks from the examiners point if view. For instance, although I know I was trying to make a point that was closely related to my topic, but lack of good structure took it way from the focus. The test made me identify my strengths as well as my weakness. I think these questions are something I’d like to keep asking myself at the end of every page so that I keep myself aware of how close I am to my topic.
1. 4
2. 5
3. 4
4. 6
The dragon test helped me understand the various areas I am lacking in while writing an essay. It made me realise that I can be the best critique for myself and I am capable of figuring out my strengths and weaknesses and improve them. I was able to pinpoint the various areas where I had to work on especially on building an effective flow in my essay and picking out more to-the-point arguments.
1. 7
2. 8
3. 6
4. 6
This task helped me analyse myself and gave me an idea on where to focus upon. I realized that I have to express my idea in a concise manner and should arrange my essay in a proper structure.
1 – Effective and Exact expression – 5
2 – Concise writing – 4
3 – Arranging ideas in orderly fashion – 6
4 – Keeping closely to the topic – 6
During this test I felt that i’m strong on understanding the topic , and how to write them but i’m weak on using appropriate words , words repetition and also sometimes sentences repition are my biggest mistake .
Task 1
1. Effect and exact expression – 7
2. Concise writing – 5
3. Arrange ideas in orderly fashion – 3
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 4
Task 2
This lesson gave me an opportunity to evaluate my essay in a systematic manner and it has also exposed my weakness. Mostly I used simple language for writing but converting my thoughts into a paper was also always hard for me. And this lesson truly helped me to understand what I am really. So far, all your lessons were very beneficial and completely changed my perspective towards essay writing. Thank you very much Sir!
Effective and Exact expression:Score_ 6
Concise writing : Score__3
Arranging ideas in orderly fashion : Score__5
Keeping closely to the topic: Score__7
Self assessment was hard for me before.
But this dragon topic made it a bit easier to identify my strengths and re-readimg the essay I found though I am in touch with topic but not expressing it concisely. Sure I can think of these factors to be included on my paper
Thank you sir
1. 1, 2. 4 3. 0 4. 2
This article is really helpful in assessing my mistakes where i am lacking in respect of flow between the ideas, using fancy words which is not required at all and not too good introduction about the topic
Effective And Exact Expression – 6
Concise Writing – 4
Arranging ideas in an orderly fashion – 4
Keeping Closely To the Topic -5
This task helped me analyse myself and gave me an idea on where to focus upon. I realized that I have to express my idea in a concise manner and should arrange my essay in a proper structure. I will try to work on all these points and make my essays more crisp and comprehensive.
I have to work a lot to improve my skill and knowledge. This session really helped me to identify the weaker areas.
1. 7
2. 8
3. 6
4. 6
The Dragon Test drove me towards self-analysis and revealed that I lack in formulating an interconnectedly structured argument. Further, I should work regarding curbing digression as well.
Effective And Exact Expression – 6
Concise Writing- 6
Arranging ideas in an orderly fashion – 4
Keeping Closely To the Topic -5
This task has really helped me in understanding what the examiner wants in my essay and also helped me in knowing what i need to improve in my essay writing. A proper and organized structure of an essay is important to get marks and i got to understand the point that tricky and complex vocabulary won’t fetch me some extra marks if the structure of my essay is not right.
Task 1:
Task 2:
While undergoing the dragon test I have realized that my essays have nice structure but lacks a bit in flow of the essay. The ending of my essays seems to be abrupt which needs to be worked on. Moreover, I can avoid a little bit of repetition that exists in my essays while quoting examples.
Task 1
1. Effect and exact expression – score ( 5)
2.Concise writing-(7)
3.Arrange ideas in orderly fashion-(6 )
4.keeping closely to the topic -(5)
Task 2
This exercise helped me alot . I attend the master class about all the points discuss in.this show me where do I make a mistake . I give my score on the basis of points which i wrote in my essay in previous task .
So i learnt that always start with simple but effect start. With some quotes and poem etc.
The content of the essay should keep in mind that what is the topic or what we are trying to express about it. The language is simple but impactful. Never wander from the topic where we start. Never used irrelevant words . The information about the topic alwaz in systematic way no waste facts use in writing always take time to understand the topic . Create the flow about it what is our beginning ,or where we want to ending up the topic with social message or meaningful ending.
Task 1:
1. 6
2. 4
3. 5
4. 5
Task 2: This helped me in forming the essay in a much better manner, as it highlighted my mistakes and areas where I should focus more upon.
1) 5
2) 4
This article was an eye opening for me and it showed me where I’m wrong. The lack of flow and orderly fashion clearly shows my weakness. The dragon had also tested my honesty in evaluating my own Essay without biasness. Thanks a lot sir for inculcating content and enlightening us.
1.Effective and Exact expression=5
2.Concise writing=4
3.Arranging ideas in orderly fashion=3
4.Keeping closely to the topic=5
Thank you sir for this perfect self evaluation technique .It is very useful to me. I realized well about my communication skill through writing . and how to improve it Now i get an idea
I realized that many unnecessary words and sentence were added…and flow is not well maintained ….Structure are not well .. Grammar mistake should improved ect …..Now i get an idea how to improve it .Thank you sir
Task 1
Task 2
Dragon test helped me in knowing the exact demand of upsc and how to self evaluate the essay. It told me about the certain areas where i am lacking and need to work. My writing was lucid and easy to understand with a mixture of some good vocabulary and ideas were in orderly manner. Content was decent but should add some figures and indexes to substantiate my arguments. While writing, i was already keeping these four points in mind. So, hardly diverted from the topic but at some points i was unable to connect in a well versed way. And i could have embellished it much better.
Task 01:
Effective and exact expression:6
Concise writing :5
Arranging ideas in order :6
Keeping closely to the topic :5
Task 02:
Similar to the decision matrix, dragon test helps me to understand my weak points. I should understand the exact meaning of the topic and start writing on it.
1. Effective and Exact expression – 5
2. Concise writing – 5
3. Arranging ideas in an orderly fashion – 6
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 5
While going through the dragon test, i felt that i need to improve the content and flow of the essay in an orderly manner. There are some points which seems to be away from the topic and i need to be careful about this while writing the essay.
1. 7
2. 4
3. 7
4. 5
The Dragon test has revealed the mistakes I have been doing and also it indicated me where I have to focus for a better essay writing. I got to know that I have used unnecessary sentences and I have to focus much more on addressing the core of the issue in the Essay topic. I have to bring flow between paragraphs and also have maintain the structure more precisely.
This technique has highlighted the areas where I have to focused while writing an essay. Also, I got to know the strength which I have to maintain further. Being judgemental to myself has given a confidence through my weakness which I would have to convert it into my strength.
Task 1:
Task 2
When I re-read the essay I have written, I was somewhat surprised with the result. I won’t say It was great, but I liked my writing style.
However I wished I had more content , facts and figures with intelligent quotes to support the arguments. My conclusion was incomplete and had left few arguments hanging in between the essay. It took me 2 hours to complete my essay which included writing and re-writing. And at the end of the exercise I was quite exhausted and drained. I just want to not become exhausted and have the energy and active brain to complete all my essays on time on exam day.
1. Effective and Exact expression (How simple to understand and read is the Essay ?) : Score-_6
2. Concise writing (To what extent have unnecessary words or sentences been used in the writing?) : Score-. 4
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion (How well structured is your writing? Is there flow and structure between the sentences and paragraphs?) : Score_ 4
4. Keeping closely to the topic (To what extent does the Essay consistently address the core of the issue in the Essay topic?) : Score_ 4
This dragon test was really surprising and really more helpful to know about our own mistakes,and the way to improve ourselves.
This helps me to identify my weakness and the ways to strengthen my arguments in essays.
My Weakeness Is: My flow & structure and my content has not set perfectly about the topic related to, and I need to strengthen this flow & structure and my arguments addressing and unnecessary words and through this Dragon Test I have came to know about my weakness & my strengthening points.
Thank you a lot sir for guiding us throughout the path of success and lightning our way. Really Feeling Proud For Being Your Student Sir..✨
Dragon test has played a very crucial role in providing a well structured format to my essay. It helped me to identify my mistakes that i had committed in my essay regarding the structure and content. I shall surely correct my mistakes and improve my weak points with help of precious insights that you have provided us to reach the level of perfection.
Thank you sir??
Task 1
1. Effective and Exact expression – 6
2. Concise writing – 5
3. Arranging ideas in an orderly fashion – 4
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 5
Task 2
After going through the dragon test, I realized that there is a lot more effort needed in every aspect of my writing. The ideas in the mind and procuring them while writing should be balanced judiciously. There were also some errors in the flow and structure.
1 – 3
2 – 3
3 – 4
4 – 4
Thanks a lot sir for taking out ur precious time to help and guide us . These ways and tricks are boosting my confidence and eradicating the fear I have of writing essay. Really,thanks a lot sir ?.
1) 7
2) 3
3) 8
4) 7
Task 2:This help me to out from my weakness and knowing my strength I am writing exact points but the mistake is only I am not writing 1000 words from next time I will write it perfectly like which you said how to write thank you sir this is helpful to me.
Thank you sir
Respected Sir,
Enter the dragon have given me abundant information about how to write a perfect essay in order to attract the examiner. I think that I have got an skill in effectively expressing the topic NOT ALL THE TOPICS BUT YES SOME FOR SURE, but where I lack in arranging the essay keywords and summing it up too early and summing is a difficult thing for me.
Task 1-
Task 2-
The dragon test has helped me a lot in discovering the mistakes I perform while writing an essay paper. While evaluating the mistakes by myself, I could realise the need of practising essay writing in a regular basis. Moreover, I realised the need of writing the essays more concisely which not only would seem more appealing but also would be mark fetching. My essay was more like an abrupt one which needs proper finishing and presence of proper fact and data about the ancient history.
Task 1
1. Effective and Exact expression (How simple to understand and read is the Essay ?) : Score_____________________________6___
2. Concise writing (To what extent have unnecessary words or sentences been used in the writing?) : Score_______________________5
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion (How well structured is your writing? Is there flow and structure between the sentences and paragraphs?) : Score_______________________________4
4. Keeping closely to the topic (To what extent does the Essay consistently address the core of the issue in the Essay topic?) : Score_____________________5
Task 2:
Dragon Test: Gained insights into what exactly is expected when asked about writing the essay. A proper flow and structure is a necessity. One might have good ideas but putting them out or better saying serving them in a way that looks delicious to eat is an art.
Strength: have good ideas, can understand the topic well to its depth.
Weakness: not able to put things in a more fluid manner. I have not structured the essay well. Earlier I have not planned well before starting thee task how I am going to build the building, I just started that.
But, above all, I really need to work on flow of my essay.
task 1
1. 7
2. 6
3. 5
4. 6
task 2
this excersise helped me to find out my weakness as my previous assignment there is problem in flow of arguments as they were not interconnected nd i need to improve the flow and structure and there were some repititions.Thank you
Thank you sir this article was very helpful and encouraging in writing skills .?
Task 1
1. 5
2. 5
3. 4
4. 5
Tssk 2
Yes sir this dragon method helped me very much to indentify my mistakes
I get to know about my weakness
Thankyou sir for this article.
Not only it gave an idea how an essay should be but also an eye-opener about one’s preparation strategy. Working smart is also vital as working hard.
i read this but still not satisfied in my performance as I need tym to understand..but till now I am ok..i wll be able to mange..i have a confidence with me
Realizing about my strengths and weakness: I have almost learned how to identify the relationship of the essay topic but core issue sometimes I couldn’t identify because when it comes to core concept , my mind deals with alot of ideas incoming about the topic and those multiple ideas creates confusion to me for choosing the core among all those ideas .
Talking about the flow and structure : so, firstly I maintain a good balance with the flow but later on it slowly break down and that was the point where I feel shortage of point as my flow and structure disrupts .I don’t really know what to write next then.
My language and vocabulary is precise and subtle. The simple you write ,The more it understandable.
Task 1: 1) 8
2) 7
3) 6
4) 7
Task 2: While going through dragon tsst i felt surprising that how well we can analyse our own writings.
Strengths: Easy and readable language, close to topic.
Weaknesse: Flow is missing, sometimes long sentences.
Learned: I don’t know, how wrong or right i am, but i found a solution for weaknesses:
Use of Punctuations for exact impression, fir flow that idea of keeping 12 QC will help.
Please guide me where i am wrong, should it be followed or not.
Dear Sir, here’s my self evaluation:
Marks alloted are as under-
1) Effective and exact expression: 7
2)Concise Writing: 8
3)Flow and Structure: 6
4) Keeping closely to topic: 8
Task 2:
Its always insightful to have self-evaluation, so does this essay-evaluation process.
Here are some of my areas of improvement i have identified:
1) Bodily structure is fine, but there needs to improvement in building cohesiveness between each blocks(intro to body, within body(Bad things, Good things etc)… Conclusion was fine.
2) Indian things were very brief . I should have written more about it.
3) I need to improve on beauty part. Should use more evocative words and more metaphors.
4) Need to enlarge my essay by 1-2 pages . More Indian things and other additions will play a good role .
Thank you sir.
1. 7
2. 6
3. 5
It help me alot in improving my writing skills and about knowing my mistakes.
Its very very helpful for me.
This was an eye opener as walking in examiner’s shoes showed where i stand. It helped me recognise my mistakes and I’ll surely improve them. It feels great from deconstruction theory to this lesson this made me bit more conscious about my writing skills.
Thank you.
1. 4
2. 5
3. 4
4. 6
It is indeed a very effective way to self assess oneself because we ourselves are our best evaluators and we know where we can thrive and lack at the same time. By this self assessment technique we can assess our shortcomings and work on it to produce a more effective essay in the mains examination.
First of all thank you so much sir for giving such a clarity regarding the writing of a well long knowledgeable and good essay in exam.
This was my first essay. I tried writing it with limited facts i had i my mind.i can d better i need to learn more how connect the facts in better way there were alot disconnection between the paragraphs. I feel i need to bush up my facts and try to write more and more essays so that i can improve myself.
Task 1
Task 2
Flow nd order needs to improve
More better examples
Seems too simple, not able to pen down all my knowledge abt topic
Not reflect wisdom
Keeping close to topic
Language is simple to understand, no flowery language
Writing concisely , nothing irrelevant written
Task 1
1. 6
2. 4
3. 5
4. 5
Task 2
I felt it as an eye opener. I can see I’m not that good at giving relevant and best examples. I also felt that introduction and flow has to be improved.
Task 1
1. 5
2. 5
3. 7
4. 6
Task 2
Before this eye-opening lesson, I found essay writing a daunting task but with this clarity filled article I feel confident writing essay.
This was my first essay . I tried writing it with limited facts i had in my mind . I can do better i need to learn more how connect the facts in better way .there were alot disconnection between the paragraphs . I feel i need to bush up my facts and try to write more and more essays so that i can imporve myself .
1. 6/10
2. 5/10
3. 7/10
4. 6/10
Task 2: The Dragon Test helped me identify the faults in my way of essay writing. I also learnt that I should try to write the essay in a concise way, keeping very close to the topic at hand.
Task -1
1:- 5/10
2:- 5/10
3:- 4/10
4:- 3/10
Task -2
After taking this dragon test I revealed my own strength and weaknesses and I feel am distract from the topic so that it also effect other criteria…
First I should focus on topic so that I can write it an effective way and concisely too. Even I learnt from previous lessons how to choose the topic.
task 1:
1. 5
2. 4
3. 6
4. 5
Task 2:
This is my first essay, i tried to write good essay with whatever knowledge i have. This is the beginning stage. If i practice myself, i will write essay without mistakes.
Majorly i mistakenly in the area of repetition error and unnecessary words in the middle of the essay. I think my strength of the area is flow of structure. If i will focus on flow of structure, then i will score good marks.
This is my first essay, i tried to write good essay with whatever knowledge i have. This is the beginning stage. If i practice myself, i will write essay without mistakes.
Majorly i mistakenly in the area of repetition error and unnecessary words in the middle of the essay. I think my strength of the area is flow of structure. If i will focus on flow of structure, then i will score good marks.
1. 5.5/10
2. 4/10
3. 4/10
4. 5/10
After taking the test, I learned that despite having good points and examples, I messed in between and started jumbling the sentences. I should rather focus on a single topic and write it concisely.
1) 4
2) 3
3) 3
4) 4
There is lack of flow and content in my essay. Sometimes it feels its not from what question demands. Repeated words and summary is also there. Examples are not in an effective way.
Thank u sir.
By sanjeet
First of all thank you so much sir for sharing the article and the effort you take for us. Through this dragon test i could understand the weak point of mine and how to choose a topic while the exam. Besides it, we must write about the topic as simple way and don’t use repetition , then the reader will have the interest to read our essay. For that we must give a simple and effective introduction. I would like to say that If the beginning is good, then the ending will be good. Thank you once again Sir.
Task 1
1. Effective and Exact expression (How simple to understand and read is the Essay ?) : Score__5__
2. Concise writing (To what extent have unnecessary words or sentences been used in the writing?) : Score__6__
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion (How well structured is your writing? Is there flow and structure between the sentences and paragraphs?) : Score_5___
4. Keeping closely to the topic (To what extent does the Essay consistently address the core of the issue in the Essay topic?) : Score__5__
Task 2
When I checked my paper I clearly understood that my content needs to be polished and concise and my essay is not obvious while reading .This method helped me to analyse the areas I need to improve.
Task 1
1. 5
2. 7
3. 6
4. 6
Task 2
I came to know that, I need to focus on flow and structure, simultaneously on defining the expressions. This process helped me to analyze, observe and assess my strengths and areas for improvement.
1. 6
2. 6
3. 5
4. 6
As a beginner I tried to write the essay with whatever knowledge I have, but while doing the dragon test i realized that my ideas were not that much conveying to the examiner though I’m writing in a concise manner need to work more on exact expression as well as on clarity of thought
1. 5
2. 6
3. 8
4. 7
I came to realize that i was beating around the bush in order to present my ideas. I am writing in an orderly fashion and connecting paragraphs but need to be more use exact language and to use brief explanation to present arguments.
1. 5
2. 6
3. 8
4. 7
Through dragon technique, I came to realize that i was beating around the bush in order to present my ideas. I am writing in a orderly fashion and connecting paragraphs but need to be use more exact and brief explanation to present my ideas.
1. 5
2. 4
3. 5
4. 5
As I checked my essay I came across various mistakes like improper flow, grammatical mistakes, not able to present the argument in a well manner. Write sentences in a complicated manner. There are some extra lines which can be removed to reduce the length of essay.
1. 6
2. 6
3. 5
4. 6
I honestly review my essay and found that there is need to do lot of imrovement .And dragon technique reveals me my actual potential and mistakes that i had done.In my essay there is not a good flow and structure ,not exact expression.
1) 4
2) 7
3) 8
4) 8
When I checked my paper I realized that it is not effective for the examiners. My ideas were good but the absence of effected writing skill is not able to attract examiners. There is another weakness that I have to expand my thoughts so I meet the length of essay easily. There is an also a repetition of the words which irritate the reader. In spite some strength founded in me. First one is that I wasn’t used unnecessary words or sentences or stray from the point to meet required length. Secondly, Each and every sentence is interconnected so I was not found any sentence started abruptly.
1. A. 6
B. 5
C. 7
D. 8
2. The Dragon Test is an eye opener, also given me a birds eye view for essay writing.
It’s very much helpful in understanding my flow of thoughts, also understand the examiner’s point of view. My humble regards and wishes for taking the time and helpingus understand, I’m beginning to understand the techniques and at the same time apply the same to my essays .
Able to find the streamline difference between the positive and negative pointers, which inturn helps in putting forth a meaningful essay.
Task 1
1) 5
2) 5
3) 6
4) 6.5
Task 2
I felt very nice and had a boost of confidence after going through my own mistakes and my strengths I was afraid I was worried that how I will check my own essay all I want is someone to check it and tell me my strength and weakness in my essay. So while undergoing the Dragon test it forced me to check my essay on my own where I found that I have to work upon on many areas like grammatical mistakes, flow of writing, have to keep it simple and many other areas.
Thought of arranging all the ideas at once which lead to repetition, and loss of effectiveness. Immediately moving from one idea to another and explaining them later, lack of arrangement, and few points are not close to the topic. Thank you so much sir!!
My essay can be easily read but I lacked coherence .I did not address the issue in 360 degrees.I struggled in the body part while writing.I was not able to put 12 QC technique into writing. While I have implemented 4Q2 technique well. This essay revealed my weakness of dealing with body part and conclusion part. Another thing that I observed is I have crossed time limit. I have to work on above things to master essay writing.
Task 1:
1) 5
2) 4
3) 5
4) 4
Task 2:
The Dragon Test is very much helpful in understanding my flow of thoughts from examiner’s point of view. Thank you sir for making us do this exercise, I’m beginning to learn detachment to my own essays and I’m able to criticize my negative points which is further helping me to write better.
1. 1
2. 1
3. 0
4. 1
I felt very good when i go through this dragon test . Yes i understood my strengths and weaknesses , weakness was 1st i have language problem , 2nd i should learn about grammar , 3rd i didn’t have flow as well . Strength was i understood the topic and i want to improve my faults .
My understanding of the given topic is fairly decent but sometimes I tend to misinterpret the topic, my understanding is not always 100%right. I lack the flow in essay both overall and I am not able to connect from sentence to sentence while writting I feel that the connection is missing from scentence to scentence this often makes my essay a complicated to read to and understand all of these put together makes my essay messy and the ideas I have are all over the place and unstructured.
Task 1
1. 5
4 .5
Task 2
I use so much of extra sentences in my essay which make my essay meaningless but by using this dragon method I can overcome with my useless writing sentence.So it is very useful in essay writing as well as it help in writing essay in correct and limited amount of time.llike the use of dragon method as well as all the method teach by ravi sir.
1. Effective and Exact expression – 5
2. Concise writing – 5
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion – 4
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 6
Dragon test is very helpful. I observed that the flow in my essay is not perfect. I am weak in arranging ideas in orderly manner.
Yes the inner dragon technique revealed a lot about my strength and weakness. And also i identified that repetition of ideas was generally done in my essay. Also at some places the central idea of essay was diverting but i was back to it soon in other paragraphs. Thanks to sir for guiding us with such wonderful and useful technique.
Task – 1
1. 5
2. 6
3. 5
4. 6
Task -2
Thank you sir by sharing your experience.
Dragon method helped me alot in answer writing. As well as i gottcha knew my strength and weakness , I’m working on to overcome it .
Task 1
1. 5
2. 6
3. 5
4. 7
Task 2
While undergoing the dragon test i realised that though i was confident that i wrote a good essay, I was able to critically examine mt essay and analyse where was the scope of loosing marks and now , when i know it i won’t let that happen.
I need to work on the 3 above points and enhance my capabilities
Thankyou sir..
Through this enter the dragon way I have got to know my level in writing the essay. This way is very helpful for every beginner. This reminds us about what actually our essay should consist of.
Task 1 :-
Effective and exact expression-3.5
Concise writing-5
Arranging ideas in orderly fashion-4
Keeping closely to the topic-4
Task 2:-
1. Clearly showed that we don’t evaluate ourselves. And we are our best teacher. Only needed thing is a proper guidance.
2. I’m beating around the bush rather than coming to the core of the issue.
3. As a evaluator I felt that I have cooked the food but didn’t add salt to it. But I’m not able to find myself what is that salt for an essay.
4. Pros – good and clear writing, case study usage, little flow, not much vocabulary errors, few grammatical errors and decent intro and conclusion.
5. What to be improved ? – trimming of certain paragraphs, addition of quality content and addressing the core as soon as possible.
A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 6
I got to know about my mistakes I made during writing essay in previous assignment and how I can improve with my writing skill and flow of essay and stick to my content to give a good and simple writing essay.
Task 1 :-
Effective and exact expression-3
Concise writing-2
Arranging ideas in orderly fashion-1
Keeping closely to the topic-5
By using dragon test method,I got to know my strength and weakness for my essay writing.It helped me to understand that my flow and structure was not that good also I have used unnecessary words in my essay .So ,after knowing my mistakes I got to know that somewhere I lack in flow , structure and concise writing.This dragon test helps me a lot recognizing my faults so thanku so much sir for this amazing test method.
Task 1
1. Effective and Exact expression – 6
2. Concise writing – 5
3. Arranging ideas in an orderly fashion – 4
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 5
Task 2
After going through the dragon test, I realized that there is a lot more effort needed in every aspect of my writing. The ideas in the mind and procuring them while writing should be balanced judiciously. There were also some errors in the flow and structure.
T 1 :
T 2 :
Dragon test is one of the best helpful self evaluation procedures. I learnt that i should keep my essay to be simple that the examiner could understand it well. I should avoid use of unnecessary words and maintain a continuous precise flow and be close to the essay topic as well.
Effective and exact expression 7
Concise writing 6
Arranging ideas 5
Keeping closely to the topic 6
This dragon test made me know about my strengths and weaknesses and helped me in evaluating my essay
Weaknesses that I could counter are that :the flow of the essay needs improvement and also the conclusion part could have been much better. Also there is a need to develop some more insight regarding the topic.
The strong point are that I could understand the topic . It was written in simple and in a concise way. I used the LED technique in writing the essay .
Task 1:
Task 2:
It was a good method that helped me to understand my mistakes. When i completed my essay i understood that i did mistakes but i was not able to clearly understand what were they. After analyzing with this method I understood that I lack in the flow and concise writing, I will try my best to correct my mistakes by this method
Thank you sir.
Effective and exact expression – 6
Concise writing- 5
Arranging ideas – 5
Keep closely to the topic – 6
It’s was a very good exercise to evaluate myself and from my mistakes.
Strength- used a very good and precise information’s
Weakness- too much of information written at once can be written with some examples
Task 1
1. 5
2. 5
3. 4
4. 2
Task 2
I felt really good and learned very simple things which will make greater impact on my essay writing.
One of the best strength revealed is that I could write essay which the examiner looking for and my language of writing is much simpler and flow and structure is not that bad but could be improvised by practise.
Weaknesses were , not able to write Arguments and Counter Arguments with examples.
Specific area of weakness is unable to understand the topic well , reasons are , not much educated self and not much practiced self.
This exercise reveals what exactly upsc wants from us to write in a essay . Made me release my weak points which can effect my marks in exam . This exercise takes me to right strategy of writing essay
Strength- i used a lot of examples and arguments
Weakness – flow of structure not good and sometimes disconnects points .
Not as smooth as it should be
Effective and exact expression – 6
Concise writing- 5
Arranging ideas – 7
Keep closely to the topic – 6
It’s was a ver great excercise to evaluate yourself from examiner’s point of view.
Strength- I used lots of examples and revolved my essay around the topic in word limit.
Introduction was good
Weakness- conclusion was not smooth and ended suddenly. Flow of the sentance could have been even more smooth
Task 1:
1)3 2)4. 3)4. 4)5
Task 2 :
Thank you sir…
This test is good. It helps to find out what and where I made mistake and what I had strength in writing a best essay. I find strength in my essay is I have a good thinking capacity and give a best essay if I concentrate more on practice and correct my mistakes. My weakness are I didn’t use effective and exact expression. I made a lot of grammatical mistake. I put a controversial example. I give no clarity about topic or subject.
Task 1
a. Effective and exact expression: 5
b. Concise writing: 6
c. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion: 5
d. Keeping closely to the topic: 6
Task 2
The dragon test helped me realize the mistakes I have done while writing the essay and helped me in improving the essay. It made me think from the examiner’s perspective and evaluate myself honestly.
I remained close to the essay topic and maintained good structure and flow.
I can further improve in the area of writing concisely, Lack diverse ideas, and I wrote less than the word limit.
Task 1
1. Effective and Exact expression – 5
2. Concise writing – 7
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion – 4
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 6
Task 2
After few days again reading my own essay I’m surprised! applied dragon test. I’m weak in arranging ideas in a certain manner. Effective way i need to express the relation between two things.
Task 1.
1. 4
Task 2.
I am the beginner ,i am to weak in English language ,writing ..and I feel total puzzled when ever I started thing about some topic, i didn’t even realize from where I start or conclude ,but doing all the assignments,i fill confident to write or think about something.In this dragon test i realise that the examiners are not interested about difficult words in the easy writing ,they want to know the core of the easy in a simple manner ,and now I understand how to arrange the easy writing …
Task 1
1. effective and exact expression- 4
2.Concise writing -5
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion-4
4.keeping closely to the topic -5
kept essay close to the topic
weaknesses :
lacking of understanding the topic
repeatation of exapmles
time management
absence of good structure and flow
Task 1:
1. Effective and exact expression – 6
2. Concise writing – 4
3. Flow and order – 3
4. Keeping close to topic – 6
Task 2:
Doing the dragon test helped me realize my mistakes i have done while writing the essay which i havent observed earlier. Hence, pushing me to improve them. It made me thought like an examiner and i evaluated myself honestly.
Strength – I have used effective quotes and simple language which made my essay easy to understand for the examiner.
I have kept close to the topic and wrote precisely.
I have used good examples related to the topic which helped yp prove my facts.
Weakness – I noticed that the flow and order of my essay was not so good and the examiner may got puzzled while reading it.
I have use facts abruptly and not in a good manner which i will try not to repeat in my further assignments.
I found it a bit difficult to connect points in essay.
Task 1
a. Effective and exact expression: 5
b. Concise writing: 4
c. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion: 6
d. Keeping closely to the topic: 5
Task 2
In essay writing we have certain apprehensions regarding the structure and flow of the essay, and the method of argumentation to follow. In this article, we got to understand the mind of UPSC and ways of streamlining our preparation and writing as per the demand. This assignment was really helpful in self-assessment, which I’m sure will come in handy while practicing essays in the future.
Strengths: I remained close to the essay topic, and maintained good structure and flow .
Weaknesses: I can further improve in the area of writing concisely, giving stronger and valid arguments; and also improve upon the exactness of my expressions.
TASK 1 :
TASK 2 :
(1) 5
This will very helpful to me. It help me to identify our weak section not only in the essay but also help to identify the weak section in the answer paper .I found myself weak in the concisely writing and orderly fashion in the sentences of the paragraphes.
Task 1:
1: 6
2: 4
3: 5
4: 5
Task 2:
Dragon test is one of the most helpful self evaluation procedures for me. I learnt that l should keep my essay simple, concise and close to the topic while answering. I should also maintain the flow and structure. But l felt that my essay isn’t entirely obvious and l should avoid use of some unnecessary words and avoid repetition while undergoing the dragon test in this regard.
While i was reading the essay i felt the introduction and flow of the information throughout the essay was good.
The encouraging part of the above exercise was
1. I could arrange the ideas i had while writing the essay in orderly fashion.
2. I could express those ideas to a good degree of precision.
The learning part was
1. The ideas i had were at times digressed from the topic.
2. In order to get to the core of the topic again i had to mould my thoughts and in turn writing to gradually shift focus to the core, which took away the element of concise writing from my essay.
Strengths: ability to maintain orderly flow of information and ease of expression.
Weakness: lack of diverse ideas. Exact examples. Abrupt conclusion.
1. 6
2. 4
3. 5
4. 6
The things which I learnt from this article are as follows:
1. I need to keep my essay simple,no need to make it complicated by using metaphors.
2. I should choose my topic concisely.
3. I need to deconstruct my essay in thing 1 and thing 2 then I need to find relation between them.
4. Need to maintain my structure and flow by taking examples from past and the current situations.
5. Then I need to divide my essay in three parts and should elaborate both pros and cons of the essay.
6. And then finally I will give a conclusion.
1. 6
2 . 6
3 . 4
4. 3
I have to improve the writing of essays without repeating the sentences .I got to know that I have given a good example but limited in number and examples must be accurate to the situation or topic.
I need to improve ,main part of the essay It should be brief explanation and should cover from different topics or issues.
Task – 1
1. Effective and exact expression – 3
2. Concise writing – 3
3. Arranging ideas in orderly fashion – 3
4. Keeping closely to the topic – 4
Task – 2
I observed that the flow in my essay is not good, particularly while switching from introduction to body and even in the body there are few areas which I have to work on. I felt like I didn’t have proper exposure to the right content related to the topic, because of which I couldn’t give good examples and if I had enough examples or points in my mind then I could have written well. I should also improve on my usage of words and try to frame simple yet effective sentences.
Effective and Exact expression -5
Concise writing – 4
Arranging ideas -3
Close to topic -5
Dragon test is most help full for self evaluation . I observed that I am weak in arranging ideas in orderly manner . My essay is close to topic ,simple and concise . Dragon test is interesting and useful .
Task 1 :
Effective and Exact expression : 4
Concise writing : Score 5
Arranging ideas in orderly fashion : 3
Keeping closely to the topic : 6
Task 2 :
I realize that I have to use ESSELGO Technique efficiently while writing content in orderly fashion. avoid repetition of the sentences. use the content in intelligent way to make to to connect the points one after another. flow should be maintained in the essay to make examiner stick to it.
TASK 1 Answers:
(1)Effective and Exact Expression = 4
(2) Concise writing = 7
(3)Arrange ideas in orderly fasion = 3
(4) Keeping close to the topic = 4
Task 2 Answers:
I will pricisely define what I learn from this assignment and also being honest on self evaluation of my essay . The first evaluation “Effective and Exact Expression” I found my essay being unexpressive on the topic which defines my core weakness which needs to be improved. Secondly “Concise Writing” which gave me a clear understanding on how I wrote unnecessary and diverse paragraph which need to be eliminated, followed by “Arrange ideas in orderly fashion” I needs to write more strong and decisive points to keep a flow going. Lastly “Keep close to the topic” My Key points has should be fixed and well analysis for the topic which i lack behind.
Thank you Sir for this wonderful assignment content. It help me to well analysis my weakness , strength and a better scope for improvement.
Task 1:
1. 7
2. 5
3. 4
4. 8
Task 2:
The dragon test has reveled the importance of self evaluation and correction. It has given the key points to be kept in mind while writing the essay. Also gave an idea about how to evaluate my essay
My essay introduction was decent. The examples given were able to covey the point. I have included both sides of the argument and able to indicate the need for balance. There was lack of continuity form one paragraph to another. Writing could be more precise and effective. Conclusion could have been better.
1) 5
2) 7
3) 4
4) 7
After reading my essay I realized that there is a lot to do. Introduction was good but the relationship between the themes could be better explained.
I find I have not used unnecessary word or repeated the same idea again and again.
Regarding arrangement I realized essay should be easy going for the reader and it should be able to engage the reader through out with interest. I was unable to do this.
I think I kept the essay close to the topic.
Other areas-
word limit- i wrote less than the word limit.
The beauty element- I need to work on using some good words and quotation to add to the expression.
1) Effective and exact expression – 6/10
2) Concise writing – 6/10
3) Arranging ideas in an orderly fashion – 5/10
4) Keeping closely to the topic – 5/10
I often overlook the syllabus and the requirements of the exam while framing my answers. The dragon test has been timely in helping me identify it.
Thank you, Sir!
Task 1-
1. 6/10
2. 5/10
3. 6/10
4. 5/10
Task 2-Through the Dragon test I learned that I explored my intellectual ability while broadening the points and arguments and the order of paragraph is maintained.
Whereas I found out that I need to work on conciseness, somewhere between the paragraphs I am deviated from the topic, I need to express my thoughts in a clearer manner and few points are unnecessarily overstretched by me.
Thank you Sir
Effective and Exact expression (How simple to understand and read is the Essay ?) : Score__7__
Concise writing (To what extent have unnecessary words or sentences been used in the writing?) : Score_7___
Arranging ideas in orderly fashion (How well structured is your writing? Is there flow and structure between the sentences and paragraphs?) : Score_6___
Keeping closely to the topic (To what extent does the Essay consistently address the core of the issue in the Essay topic?) : Score__7__
What I learnt?
In effective and exact expression, I am in a dilemma. Do we want the Beauty and Beast to coexist together, or primarily the beast? As effective and exact expression’s best representative is the beast- which comes to my mind.
I tried to keep as much as order, but need more rough work and loads of practice. That is what is lacking. As I was browsing through the PYQs of the intensive course, I got a little intimated by the twisted philosophical questions in essay exam. I hope that I overcome the fear, try and face and think of different perspectives.
I also need to think of more examples from different fields. Such as behavioral economics, psychology, and what more? There has to be more. I should read more editorials in order to get expert perspectives, in order to understand how to relate real life examples to the for, against, Indian and CA arguments which will revolve around proving the thesis, antithesis and synthesize the essay.
Thank you for the guidance, sir.
There are certain areas were I lack proper information regarding the subject.I wasn’t able to sort down my points in a well designed fashion.I was able to Express my thoughts in a simple language and ideas kept fluctuating
Task -1
Effective and Exact expression – 6
Concise writing – 7
Arranging Ideas in an Orderly fashion – 7
Keeping closely to the Topic – 8
Task -2
The dragon test has shown me a few strengths and weaknesses
1. Good Command over language
2. Good Content
1. Unpredictable narrative- UPSC examiner won’t be able to intuitively understand the narrative as they read along
2. Need to work more on expressing my thoughts clearly as one reads
(1) 6 (2) 5 (3) 4 (4) 6
I had understand the topic but introduction can be better, then I have only shown one side of argument i.e. against I forget to show in ‘for’ of topic, then points are good but not arranged properly lack of flow can say, conclusion was good I was Satisfy with my conclusion and I have given example as well good or bad I can’t assess that..
Task -1
Effective and Exact expression – 5
Concise writing – 4
Arranging Ideas in an Orderly fashion – 6
Keeping closely to the Topic – 7
Task -2
The dragon test has showed me a few strengths and weaknesses
1. Decent Introduction
2. Good examples
3. Ability to connect examples to topic and keeping close to the topic
1. Break in flow when giving two examples on same topic.
2. Conclusion is too short. Could have expanded it.
3. Time management – I overshot the time limit by a few minutes.
4. Superfluous content at a few places.
5. Could have phrased a few sentences better in order to be effective and exact
Thank you sir, it will surely help through internalising practice for what upsc wants in exam. In a smooth simple and concise way of writing beyond fear of judgement because by this process you master the balance of judgement.
I think my essay didn’t had any rythem , conclusion was very small ,
the ideas were vaguely presented and I think I explained unnecessary topics more than the valid ones
1. 6
2 . 6
3 . 4
4. 3
I have to improve the writing of essays without repeating the sentences .I got to know that I have given a good example but limited in number and examples must be accurate to the situation or topic
Weakness : introduction writing is the 1st attempt to attract the reader.
So I have to improve ,main part of the essay should be brief explanation and should cover from different topics or issues.
Thanks alot sir….The dragon test shows the true result and it give me the most important lessons which I had never knew about…Thanks alot sir …I completely understood the mistakes I had done in the previous essays…
Thanks you sir for providing your excellent and precious methods and techniques to us and I’m confident that I can write essay without any problem
These points are going to be of much help for me, sir. Since I shall be giving the exam in ’23 so, learning about these will give a boost up to my preparation. Thank you sir.
Thank you sir.
I understood that we should write the essay in a crisp manner, sticking to the topic and not to use flowery language. Moreover the topic should be broken down into simpler elements and describe the relationship between them. We should give two sided arguments.
Noted down these point. thankyou for this sir.
1) Have to choose the topic with short span of time
2) after understanding the topic spilt it into deconstruct method and I have to think about the 12q which related to the topic
3) then I have to write the introduction in the simple manner
4) then I have write the body of the eassy without repetition & the suitable example and related sentence about 700 words
5) then I have to give the convulsions of the eassy in the easy manner
In order to beat the game, you must understand the mind of the game-maker.
1. Deconstruct the essay
2. Keep Close to the Topic
3. Pen down the Points on which to build up the essay
4. Arrange the points orderly manner
5.Maintain continuity between the points keeping the language simple
6. Be specific
7. Try to avoid repeated thoughts
In order to beat the game, you must understand the mind of the game-maker.
1. Deconstruct the essay
2. Keep Close to the Topic
3. Pen down the Points on which to build up the essay
4. Arrange the points orderly manner
5.Maintain continuity between the points keeping the language simple
6. Be specific
7. Avoid Repetition
In order to beat the game, you must understand the mind of the game-maker.
1. Deconstruct the essay
2. Keep Close to the Topic
3. Pen down the Points on which to build up the essay
4. Arrange the points orderly manner
5.Maintain continuity between the points keeping the language simple
6. Be specific
7. Avoid Repetition
thank you sir ..
Thanku so much sir for giving lessons on Deconstruction and 12 qcs . This give me firm belief that I will be able to write any essay without any difficulty .
After watching both the videos it is understood that below points will contribute towards good essay.
1. Clearly understand the requirement of the topic.
2. Use deconstruction technique effectively
3. Use Simple and crisp language
4. Proper division of essay into introduction & conclusion-300words, body-700words
1. Use of deconstruction and 12QC to identify the doable topics
2. Selection of the right topics, understanding the demand and expectations
3. Jotting down the relevant and right points
4. Using the 3 part structure of Introduction, Body, Conclusion
5. Grouping down the points under each heading
6. Forming an interconnected line of thought to give a lucid and flowing structure
7. Keeping concise and to the point arguments
8. Don’t jump off the track
9. Avoid too complicated setups and flowery language
10. Keep things simple and interesting
11. Use relevant examples
12. Keep a regular tab on the time, to avoid falling short
Write concisely point is very concisely and mathematically explained,
Thanks Sir.
Above lesson gives clarity about how the essay should be.
Deconstruction method & 12qcs gave content for any essay topic.
I gained confident to approach essay paper.Thank u so much sir for this initiative…????
1. To have information on hand-multiple topics and to think multiple aspects.
2. Stay yourself updated
3. Sticking to structure is basic and mandatory
4. Improve your argument but never repeat
5. Make it out straight.. instead of unnecessary words and unrequited aspects and irrelevant sentences
1)first I should all clear about the topic! and
2)make sure that I using relevant examples or not?
3) And I think what author expects from us
4)Don’t repeat the same topics and contents again and again
5)When I sure about the topic That word should be 1000 words
First thing first Choose opinion logically and quickly. Then try to figure out 14 and 15 points. After that start with a relevant thing. No flowery language and no unrelated information. Write to the point with Reasonable arguments. Then end with some related conclusion.
Thank you so much sir for everything.
Insights gathered by me are as follows
1. Select the topic wisely ( i.e. a topic on which we can write about 1000 words).
2. Do some rough work i.e (By separating Thing 1 and Thing 2).
3. Introduction and conclusion of essay should be upto 300 words or 30% of total essay.
4. Body is the main part where we should discuss both side of the topic (i.e Positives and Negatives).
5. To the point writing with simple explanation without repeating words.
6. providing examples to justify our statements.
7. Not to go beyond the topic while writing.
First we have to have good content before. Writing essay.
Second. We should see topic in all directions in concise manner
Small intro and conclusion. No repetion in body
This is what i learned from this sir thank you
1. Deconstruct the topic to identify keywords.
2.Brainstorming points about keywords.
3.Having a clear structure before we write to proceed.
4. logical flow and brevity is the key.
1. Deconstruct the topic to identify keywords.
2.Brainstorming points about keywords.
3.Having a clear structure before we write to proceed.
4. logical flow and brevity is the key.
1: create the ideas about the topic given.
2: make the introduction, body and conclusion part roughly.
3: write concisely and setup these ideas centered toward given topic.
4: use of simple language.
Things I Learned:
1)Keep Close to the Topic
2)Pen down the Points on which to build up the essay
3)Arrange the points orderly
4)Maintain continuity between the points keeping the vocabulary simple
5)Be concise
6)Avoid Repetition
Thankyou Sir for this Initiative
First of all Thank you so much sir for giving such a clarity regarding the writing of a well long knowledgeable and good essay in exam
Some great things i have learnt from this articles are mentioned below
1) kind of essay that upsc wants us to write is well mentioned in syllabus only
2) before choosing any essay to write in exam we must have some good logical, crisp and relevant point to write
3) next important thing is to put that points in well structured manner as mentioned in article intro body then conclusion
4) write concisely
5) nd Finally give a good conclusion
Overall we must focus on understanding the relationship asked in essay , we need to adress questions asked and having good points ready before writing
Hi sir ,
Fear in mind makes people looser. Earlier when I read eassy topics and get started writing my mind was full of confusion, didn’t get words and relation between two paragraphs were totally different . But you made it very easier for me and all of us which had joined you. I am very thankful and also I am grateful toward your efforts that you are giving to us.
Thank you very much Sir.
Thank you so much for this article.
Thank you sir ????
Judge wants a simple letter with strong arguments in a concise manner that can compel him to free us.
Thanku sir..things are getting clear.
Thankyou so much sir!! This article gave me a boost with confidence that i will be able to write essay of 1000-1200 words and that too in the manner prescribed. From deconstruction to the structured brainstorming techniques, all will be really very helpful!!! Thankyou for your efforts sir.????????
I learnt from this initiative
1) prepare in multiple dimensions for a topic
2) only one procedure to tackle all Gs mains papers
3) from confusion to clarity
4) hidden things in syllabus
Thank you sir
Thank you so much sir for this beautiful article…. lot’s of confusion is getting clear regarding essay easily… I’m getting confidence that I will be able to write a good essay at the end of this lesson
Great article about essay writing. very helpful. Thank you sir
Greetings to you, sir.
The past two lessons and latest videos-the methods have been very helpful in my preparation, sir. Thank you for your hard work, sir. As these methods take its form and help in the effective development of my sense in simple essay writing, it’s indeed a life saver, sir. I’m looking forward to learn more from you, sir.
Regards and many thanks..
Thank you so much for explaining things in such a great way. I am in eager to learn more and more as much as I can.Excited for the upcoming assignments.
I appreciate your work!!
This means a lot to us sir. Thank you for kindness.
Great lesson, hopefully I will be able to use the 12qcs and T1,T2 to get Great points on any topic, and with this lesson I could arrange the points into 7 paragraphs with concise writing and exact expression and good order and structure. Thank you.
Thankyou sir for this great lesson
I am excited to learn more things to do
Thank you sir for sharing your experience. You explained it in a very lucid manner.
Most Welcome, Aniket. Glad you found it helpful. Here’s another which might interest you–>
Hello sir,
Very helpful and very interesting,
Thank you so much for sharing a valuable experience with us and kind of contribution to develop good knowledge about UPSC.
Thank you very much sir, it is well simplified and also gives the courage to write better essays.
Looking forward for more insightful articles.
Thanks Avnesh!
More is coming soon.
Stay tuned!
Tc 🙂
Most comprehensive approach towards essay paper I have ever come across. Thank you so much Sir.
Above lesson gives clarity about how the essay should be.Deconstruction method & 12qcs gave content for any essay topic. I gained confident to approach essay paper.Thank u so much sir for this initiative…????
Thank you for this article. It was indeed helpful.
Task 1 :-
1. 6
2. 5
3. 4
4. 5
Task 2 :- This article was an eye – opener for me. I’ve recognised my weak points where I was lacking behind.