The Biggest blunder I ever committed during IAS exam was during the Essay paper in one of the attempts.
I wrote an essay on the topic- “Human Intelligence is more important than technological intelligence.”
Around this time, the 26/11 terrorist attack on Mumbai were somewhat recent. I harbored dreams of becoming an IPS officer and felt strongly about counter-terrorism.
So, I chose the one topic which struck me as most the emotionally attractive.
I thought I did a good job and was expecting to score very well in the Essay paper. But it was not to be.
Later that day, I researched the topic and realized that I had committed a huge blunder. I had assumed that ‘Human Intelligence‘ meant IQ and cognitive intelligence.
However, in the context of this essay topic, ‘Human Intelligence‘ meant the information and intelligence collected on the ground by Intelligence agencies via informants and spies.

I had written the whole essay on the wrong topic and knew that I would pay a heavy penalty for this mistake.
I ended up scoring 45% marks in the essay paper but managed to obtain an AIR that year. I did not score even lower only because my essay had good structure and flow.
But I learned the hard way that losing those marks was an avoidable mistake.
This cheat-sheet is dedicated to making sure that you don’t commit the same mistake.
You might think that this obviously won’t happen to you because you’ve been warned now. But be warned- it is much more likely to happen than you think.
Why you might make the same mistake anyway
It is because of the way your brain works while making decisions.
Researchers found that there are two types of decision-making systems in the brain- System 1 and System 2.
Trap 1 in the IAS exam
System 1 is unconscious fast and intuitive. It is used when you make snap decisions without much thought.

System 1 is in control when, for instance, you do impulsive shopping online for things you don’t really need.
While system 1 is faster and takes less effort, it is less accurate and can lead to errors and bad decisions.
System 2 is slow, deliberative and analytical. It is the kind of thinking you do when you solve the Math questions on CSAT. [1]
System 2 is slower and requires much more effort but is highly accurate and produces good outcomes.

During the examination, when time is constrained and the stress-levels are high, it is the ideal condition for system 1 to take over.
This is what usually happens in the Essay paper where you have to choose one topic from a set of options – You end up making a quick, but less than optimal decision.
Under a time constraint when quick thinking is required, all kinds of bad reasoning can take over your mind during the stress-full IAS exam.
Trap 2 in the IAS exam
It may not seem like it, but the UPSC has laid a trap for you by giving you a lot of options in the question paper. This is because of a psychological effect called the decision-paradox– another finding from research in the Cognitive Sciences.
The Decision paradox is the effect that more choices reduces performance. It is counter-intuitive but when people are given too many choices, they make worse decisions and are usually less happy. [2]

Too many options lead to cognitive dissonance and paralysis-by-analysis. Less is more.
You can experience the decision paradox yourself-when you try to choose the best topic from the questions below.
Below are two sections from the Essay paper of the IAS exam from which you must choose one topic each and write a 1000 word essay on each.

Should you choose the topic which helps you stand out, in that the one which is not likely to be chosen by other candidates?
Or should you stick to the topic you think you know the most about?
Or the topic which you feel most strongly about?
Choosing well is important in the IAS exam
- Your strengths and weaknesses are different from others and so the best choice for you is likely to be different from the best choices of others.
- Decision paradox can kill your time and cause confusion.
- Not choosing well may cause interference and distract you later during the IAS exam.
- A bad choice of topic is irreversible once you start writing on the answer sheet.
- A bad choice becomes obvious half-way through the exam when you run out of points and are forced to repeat the same arguments over and over again.
- The structure and flow of your answer or essay will suffer.
- This will be spotted by the examiner and you will loose marks.
- A good choice of essay topic can boost your score by up to 40%.

It is easy to say that you should choose wisely but HOW do you go about doing this?
What are the exact steps to follow to make the best possible choice?
Here is your video tutorial for this lesson.
The good news is that I designed exactly such a tool called the DECISION MATRIX.[3]

DECISION MATRIX is a series of weighted scores which reflect your proficiency level on a given topic.
For example, If the topic you are considering is- “Capitalism cannot lead to inclusive growth’.
In decision Criterion 1, If your option is Economics or Public Administration and you probably have more than enough knowledge about the topic, give it a high score of 8 or 9.

My optional was Public Administration and I had a good idea about Capitalism and growth so would score this is a 9.
If the topic under consideration was – “Tourism could be the next best thing for India”, I would give a score of 2 because I know very little about the tourism industry.
Score all the four topics in the section agaisnt all the decision criterion and add the final score for each.
The topic with the highest score is your best choice.
Super-important tip: Once the choice is made, do not look at the questions again or they will cause interference in your thought-process. Do not second-guess yourself and confidently start working on the chosen topic.
The UPSC Essay paper has been completely decoded and you can read about it here.
The topic I chose during my attempt was “Human Intelligence is more Important then technological intelligence for counter-terrorism”.
When years larer, I applied the Decision matrix to that topic, I obtained a score of 22.

The low score of 22 confirms that it was a bad decision to pick this topic.
The score of the Decision matrix corresponds to the low score I obtained in the IAS exam.
Even though I felt confident that I had picked the right essay topic, the score of the decision matrix is suggesting the opposite.
Snap-decision making can be dangerous and wrong but it can be sharpened by training the brain by using the Decision matrix.
Now that you have this tool, you should use it as much as possible. Most importantly, use it as a mirror to tell you the truth about your preparation and choices. More than anything, this is an exercise in introspection.

Think about the decision criterion to judge yourself when you study something or while picking an essay topic.
I tested the decision matrix extensively and it has consistently led to good feedback and better decisions.
For the first few times remember to take your time while answering the questions. Because after some practice, you will not need pen and paper and will be able to do the decision-analysis mentally. Which is exactly what we want during the exam.
Why is the decision-matrix useful?
- It will check impulsivity and lead to good decisions.
- It will force you to recruit System 2 in your brain.
- It will resolve the decision paradox.
- It will force you to think hard about what you think you know Versus what you actually know.
- It will give you feedback about your level of preparedness on any given topic.
- It can be used in all written papers in the IAS exam including General studies and Optional subject papers.

The decision matrix is your quality control device during the entire preparation journey leading up to the IAS exam.
It is the scientific way to make decisions and get a solid start.
You can choose to take a print-out of the decision-matrix or to recreate it on paper in order to practice.
But thankfully there is something more convenient available. Because of it’s utility, the decision-matrix has been converted into a clickable exercise.
This exercise is free. You can find it here.

Upon reaching the page of the exercise you can begin the by choosing one essay topic at a time.
You must rate your Reponses for the decision-criterion on the scales as depicted below-

Once you are done with all 4 topics, the software calculate your total for each topic and output a report which will look like this-

It is time to look into the mirror and and to be brutally honest with yourself.
Your assignment is to do the following-

- Use the Decision-Matrix for analyzing your own level of expertise for 4 topics mentioned above . You can use the online tool or do this manually but be brutally honest with yourself.
Also write in about 100 words what the decision-matrix has revealed to you which you did not already know about your own preparation. Consider the following questions while writing- Did some of the scores surprise you? Why? How did this exercise change the way you look at making decisions in the UPSC exam? How can you use this decision-matrix type-format to other areas of the exam? What other areas of applications in your life outside the exam can you think of for this decision-matrix type tool ?
Tc and all the best.
Ravi Kapoor,IRS
Author of the Ultimate Cheatbook of Essay & Answer-writing
[1] Thinking fast and Slow by Dr Daniel Kahneman is an amazing book which changed the way I think about decisions and thought. Dr Kahneman won the Nobel prize for his work on human judgement and decision-making in 2002.
[2] The Paradox of Choice – Why More Is Less is a 2004 book by American psychologist Barry Schwartz.
[3] Copy right protected content. Reproduce only with author’s permission.
Topic 1: 39
Topic 2: 34
Topic 3: 24
Topic 4: 39
Nice technique it is very useful
Thank you sir
T1:- 25
T2:- 25
T4 :- 26
This tool is really effective in making us realize our own potential on a topic , in letting us to think various dimensions, and eradicating our misconceptions without taking much time .
I think this tool can also help us in structuring our answers for other papers as well as it gives us idea about our strong and weak points regarding a topic .
Topic 1 : 5
Topic 2 : 18
Topic 3 : 8
Topic 4 : 28
Thank you sir for this exercise.
4 is the best to choose
TOPIC 1: 32
TOPIC 2:37
TOPIC 3: 45
TOPIC 4:43
T1: 22, T2: 14, T3: 32, T4: 29
Using decision matrix is like introspection to figure out if I know about a topic in real or I just think that I know. It’s like a direct face off with reality
While citing examples for and against, I realised I am lagging behind in application point of view and need to realign my preparation accordingly.
It is a more structured way of handling essay paper and approach a problem in its entirety which I have missed out in philosophical essays earlier. I feel it can be really helpful in Ethics in both sections and in GS primarily to look at policies and initiatives more holistically.
It changes fundamentally the way we perceive any debatable issue by breaking down into constituents before taking a final call.
T-9 T-13 T-11
It helped me to understand the connection between optional subject and realised I’m lagging in answer writing that I’m practiced any of these topics
topic 1 – 27
topic 2 – 49
topic 3 – 41
topic 4 – 41
clearly this exercise turned out to be an eye opener, it made me rethink the way i used to pick topics. this can also be used in the optional papers, where we get the opportunity to decide which questions to attempt, as that paper too is a game changer – this exercise gives insights into one’s own real strengths, apparent or hidden.
When I first saw the topics I was confused which one to choose. I was thinking of taking 3rd option but through decision matrix I came to know that option 4 is the best for me.
I never thought that such method even exist which we can use to bring out most of ourselves which will surely help in exam in increasing the content and diversity of the essay topic.
I watched many videos on essay writing but this assignment helped me the most.
Thank you so much sir for your efforts.
the revealed what I actually know rather than what i think i know . It is an opening explanation lesson regarding selection . The Chanakya quotation was extraordinary and inspiring me.
1- 30
2- 27
3- 26
4- 26
I think this best to know which topic is suitable to the right for us.
Topic 1 – 44
Topic 2 – 23
Topic 3 – 40
Topic 4-38
This Decision matrix reveals not only the marks but also taught the proper decision making technique required while choosing a topic during the exams, when time is constrained and the stress-levels are high, where system 1 can take over the control so with the help of this i learnt the selection techniques rather than choosing the topic at a glance . Now i can easily choose the best and appropriate topics according to my knowledge wisely rather than committing the blunder mistakes.
1. Wisdom finds truth : 29
2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be : 20
3. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society : 27
4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success :13
Topic 1 – 27
Topic 2 – 31
Topic 3 – 32
Topic 4 – 30
As a beginner this assignment is very helpful.
This is what I badly needed and helped me a lot as a beginner .
Before knowing this technique I don’t know which topic should I choose out of 4 option to write Essay . I used to feel that I know a little bit about all the topics.
Due to which I used to get caught in more dilemma and complexity . But maybe now I’m confident after knowing the decision matrix that I can do better in Essay as well as in GS .
Topic 1 – 19
Topic 2- 27
Topic 3- 28
Topic 4- 30
This test helped me to think more while choosing a topic and at a point I thought that I can write well on 2 topics and the scores were very close. So it was a good exercise which helped me to understand that I must write 3 concrete points for and against the argument which would be a balanced approach. I can also use this matrix in GS answer writing and be more creative in my content.
Topic 1 : 14
Topic 2 : 8
Topic 3 : 9
Topic 4 : 11
I know that I really scored low because of not covering all the subjects and syllabus yet.
But, as a beginner I came to know what are the scenarios that I might be going to face in the exam early and how to tackle the choosing of best questions not just by following my brain blindly.
Now I can use this decision matrix to avoid those two traps(system 1&2, decision-paradox). I’m thinking that this will not only help in choosing the questions but also helps covering the major areas in the essay or answer writing.
Topic 1-16
Topic 2-22
Topic 3-29
Topic 4-19
Decision matrix revealed that how should I actually make decision about which topic to be selected rather than what I think I know the most. In this method it indirectly routes me to the topic which I actually know the most which includes my optional background, INDIA specific, for,against and current events.
TOPIC 1: 21
TOPIC 2: 28
TOPIC 3: 16
TOPIC 4: 21
This test actually gave me a real insight on how to pick up a topic for essay which i did not possess before taking up this lesson. It has also helped me to take a overall picture of how an essay to be presented in the exam. Thanks a lot sir.
Topic 1- 43
Topic 2- 38
Topic 3- 32
Topic 4- 36
As per the optional subject I have, which is about science..i was willing to do on the first topic only. And with the decision matrix, I could be more sure that this topic would be the best choice of the four. Also, the decision matrix helped me analyse and judge all 4 of the topics uniformly instead of being baised about the topic i liked at a quick glance.
Topic1: 7
This assignment helped me to properly analyse the topics ,in a shorter time and choose the best option to write.While doing this assignment,some of my marks were too bad,which clarified me that , I really have very little knowledge about such topics.Also I am now able to read any topics by considering the decision matrix criteria,so that I end up reading the topic in a very wide and analytical manner.
1. 7
2. 13
3. 21
4. 33
1. I realised that most of the essay topics have ethical and philosophical questions and discourse attached to them.
2. Another thing was that I often think of stories and anecdotes for giving example which may or may not be factual and credible.
3. And I learnt that negative- positive, for – against all these aspects of a topic should be included in the essay.
1.= 4
2.= 37
3.= 29
4.= 30
Some scores really shocked me. Like in topic 1, I thought that I know this very well but after this technique I really got my eyes opened. Now, i can calmly make decisions without any hurry. I can use them in other GS and optional to recitfy which que i know very well and i have knowledge about. Whenver there would be options in any circumstances outside upsc i can easily opt for the best .
Topic 1 – 39
Topic 2 – 37
Topic 3 – 34
Topic 4 – 39
This Decision Matrix technique is really helpful because, at first sight, I was going to take up the 3rd topic as my essay topic, but after this analysis, I got to know that it could have been proved a big disaster for me. So, this technique is really a boon for candidates like me. Thanks a lot, Sir. It would be very handy at the time of the Essay paper in the main exam hall.
T1: 6 6 2 3 2 1 1 21
T2: 6 5 2 4 4 4 2 27
T3: 7 7 4 6 5 5 5 39
T4: 7 7 4 6 3 4 4 35
THIS DECISION MATRIX excercise made me choose the right topic as may I have selected the topic 4 but this assessment helps me too think thoroughly with examples and thus I have made a right choice .Thank you
i guess i need to tym to grasp everything as I am familiar with the words and meaning..not with the info,facts etc about it..slowly slowly I will try my level best nd do it
T1: 15
T2: 30
T3: 32
T4: 35
The decision-matrix has revealed that if I won’t be familier with this technique, i would be attracted towards the topic I recently encountered or which I would be thinking should be there and linked to the morals and values I follow. But using this technique I got to know that it is not necessary to go with the same. How quickly I can reason the things in for and against, how quickly i can think of good examples, link it to indian and current affairs context can definately fetch me better marks. Yes, my scores did surprised me a little because I thought I would be scoring maximum in ” Values are not humanity……” because we talked about this in previous assignments a lot but I have gained better marks in other topics. Maybe because those are linked to something more deeply culcated inside me. This technique can also help in choosing career and even people.
In other exams also we can relate the topic to pros and cons or for and against the topic, link to indian context and current affairs.
The decision matrix revealed which topic we have to opt in essay writing and making me aware of choosing the wrong topic. This helped in avoiding blunder mistakes it was great experience learning it..
1. 28
2. 32
3. 31
4. 33
The decision matrix has simplified the dilemma of choosing topic for our essay. The scores are of great help to finalise the topic for essay writing without consuming much time, given the time constraint. It helped me to always go for the topic of which I have utmost knowledge, including the positive and negative side. Apart from this exam, we can use or reframe certain questions for making decisions in daily life and for career such as completely understanding the options we have, looking at pros and cons with examples and matching them with our interests.
1.Topic 1: 28
2.Topic 2: 35
3.Topic 3: 38
4.Topic 4: 26
This method of decoding is very much comprehensible as well as useful to analyze our thoughts or what are the areas we are really fetched with and not. This helped me to enquire regarding these topics and could make out on which areas I will be emotionally stuck by answers. And this is not only useful in Essay writing rather in the process of thinking. Will be helpful in interviews,debates and also in daily write ups
This session was awesome and cleared all the thoughts which were running in my kind for evaluation of a perfect topic.
1) 20
2) 25
3) 25
4) 26
It was a learning experience. The method helped me to organise my approach to know which essay I am actually familiar with and which one I could write about something confidently..this method also shown me the way to make an approach step by step and in turn making it easy to resolve any dilemma..the blueprint of this method could be utilised in most of the decision makings that is writing down all the positives ,negatives,familiarity,likeliness to happen…everything related and could be related in an organised way and then taking a proper decision.
Answer 1 :
Criteria Score
1. Wisdom finds truth : 23
2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be : 23
3. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society : 19
4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success : 22
Answer 2 :
No, Scores didn’t Surprised me because i knew my lacking areas and less practice however this matrix tool as the name suggests plotting of data and representation of evaluated results gives the deep insight for decision making and way forward.
I haven’t started GS Paper Answer writing yet but surely i will be able to inculcate this tool and as earlier i said about matrix tool this will enable me to strategise before selection like upsc does in selection of Candidates.
Thanks for providing matrix tool and sharing insights with us.
Topic 1: 32
Topic 2: 24
Topic 3:19
Topic 4:17.
At first glance I was thinking that I can write topic 3 easily. But when I started to think deep about this. And by using this test I came to know that it would be a mistake. This test help me to understand how to choose effectively. Although it will take my 4-5 minutes or more may be. But it will save my enormous time and help me to choose what is actually good for me not what is looking good to me.
1. 18
2. 10
3. 34
4. 14
As I was looking forward to these kind of exercises since I started preparing for UPSC . I learned alot from these essay and Answer – writing lessons, especially the cleaves made essay writing facile.
I am really glad to see the results of decision matrix.With the help of the decision Matrix, I can choose the topic which I know. By pre-planning the topic, I will think about different points which will reveal my level of preparedness on the topic. The same can be very helpful in other papers too whenever the choice is given.
1. 29
2. 32 which I thought would be highest
3. 40
4. 35
Decision Matrix was really eye opener. I could have did things wrong if I hadn’t read this or know about this. I was definitely going for another topic without even judging all other topics. I was about commit blunder.
T1 : 12
T2 : 29
T3 : 23
T4 : 33
The decision matrix laid out some very important points to consider while deciding the essay to write. Also if followed it organizes the points to mention about the topic.
The most important thing it did is, it removed the state of confusion while choosing the topic.
Answer I
T1- 33
T2- 35
T3- 44
T4- 27
Answer 2
This decision matrix aka OUPFAIC technique, has revealed to me the unexpected realm of what aspects a topic consist to get a subtle idea of what we are going to write in it. Also, it saved me from the impulsive decision of choosing T2 in which I have scored not that good. Rather I got best scores in T3. It brings clarity in decision making with logical analysis of the given options in paper. And I’m sure with ample practice, the time to process options via decision matrix will shorten significantly and it would be great to use this to one’s advantage.
The decision matrix technique is really very effective to choose on difficult choices given before.I felt that my decision was done absolutely correct since i analysed each aspect in all the cases.This is in a way will help for constructive brainstorming also.The tool is so amazing to learn the trick.
1. 1+4+1+2+6+6=20
2. 0+4+1+1+1+3+3=13
4. 0+6+2+1+1+9+0=19
Isa great method and really helpful in decision.
Hii sir,
Best Session & Assignment I have never expected.
Topic 1 – 25
Topic 2 – 35
Topic 3 – 22
Topic 4 – 21
This decision matrix method has revealed many hidden Techniques and methods to self improve the choosing skills. It really worked a lot sir. Through this self test I have came to know about myself and my known qualities about the topics through this decision matrix techniques. Thank you sir for helping us to reach the success in an easy way.
This is very helpful. Thank you Sir!
This decision matrix is really an amazing thing which i didn’t knew about it before. This helped me where am I lacking and how to decide the topic not only in essay paper but also in the other mains paper as well. Beyond UPSC, this decision matrix will be very much helpful in making the important life’s decisions, I am glad that i have come to know now as i have not been good in making decisions before , but i am confident enough that i have got the solution to this!
Topics Criteria Score
1. 14
2. 19
3. 12
4. 10
The scores were quite surprising because I didn’t score the highest in the topic I thought I would do well. I realised that before this exercise my decisions tended to be superficial (system-1) and emotional, but now I had to think hard to answer the questions and the choice is rational. Through the decision matrix, I understood the role of the optional subject in the essay paper and how the GS papers are closely connected. Apart from the exam, decision matrix type tool ,with a set of pin pointed questions,would be very helpful in rational decision making in our lives.
(The most difficult question that I found was whether I understood the topic completely)
Topic 1: 16
Topic 2: 31
Topic 3: 40
Topic 4: 31
This exercise helped me look beyond the regular dimensions through which a topic is analysed. Earlier, I would base my decision on what appealed more in terms of it’s flowery language and what I was aware of in general. After using this method I discovered the potential in other topics which I would have otherwise brushed off as not my cup of tea.
T2. 21
I am really glad to see the results of decision matrix. Earlier after writing 100 to 200 words i felt like i was out of words and the selected topic seems to a wrong choice but correcting it ,was again a waste of time. But now it is really helpful in selecting the topic in which i will stay focus on not get deviated and out of track due to lack of words.
Topic 1: 37
Topic 2: 30
Topic: 51
Topic: 40
Before I knew about the decision matrix, I used to select topic based upon my emotions. I used to select the topic which used to appeal me more. The decision matrix has helped me to analyze the topic in a proper structured manner, so that while writing the essay, I would not face any difficulty. This process of selecting the essay topic does not only helps us in selecting the most ideal topic for us but also provides clarity of the subject matter.
1- 35
2- 38
3- 40
4- 39
Decision Matrix is very helpful, it forced me to think about different areas or questions which should be included while writing an essay or any question. Earlier while just looking at the topic a question, I don’t use to think so much about each choice, just used to go through every topic and think that on which topic I can write which sometimes was the right decision but most of the time after choosing the particular topic I couldn’t write and my flow gets disturbed but then also I have to write somehow, then use to end up writing unsatisfactory answers and ultimately getting a low score. With the help of the decision Matrix, I can choose the topic which I know. By pre-planning the topic, I will think about different points which will reveal my level of preparedness on the topic. The same can be very helpful in other papers too whenever the choice is given.
T1 41
T2 32
T3 31
T4 34
This revealed me not only how to choose topics but also to study any topic keeping these questions in my mind.Thought process would gradually change and can do better in exam and in life.
Topic 1 : 18
Topic 2: 17
Topic 3: 36
Topic 4: 39
Thank you so much sir for giving this useful tips. You have shown an good way to approach this paper. It is very very useful to me sir. Now half of the struggle has be over .Now i get an idea how to select the topic wisely .After doing this technique i got an overviews idea how to approach the question and it was easy way to attend it. Difficult question seems to be easy after doing this. Apart from this i got an decision making ideas from this like if an situation come i can correlate it with it and think in this way and make an good decision which have more priority..
T1 20
T2 26
T3 37
T4 33
The decision-matrix has revealed to me that whenever I use to see a topic, I sometimes got confused or sometimes way more confident about the topic which most of the times used to be a wrong decision but here I have learn to evaluate it which makes my confusion clear.
1. 14 , 2. 20 , 3. 19,4. 14
The decision matrix has made me to think on the wider perspective and need of the essay questions. This questions are quite wider that has made me to use my mind 2. My earlier perception was to select the topic instantly which now has changed.
T4 -34
This test revealed that earlier, i was unaware of the fact that i used this method into my graduation exams, unconsciously. But now I’ve got a structural process of choosing and comparing between what to choose and what not, I really loved how you get throght it step by step and understand about importance of choosing correct boption as per your capabilities and end up with the best choice .
Topic – 1 = 27
Topic – 2 = 32
Topic – 3 = 20
Topic – 4 = 34
When I started UPSC preparation every time one question is running in my mind. How to score good marks in the essay, senior aspirants used to say essay marks game changer getting a name in mains list. I think finally I know the secrete. I can slow down my thinking for a proper decision from logical thinking. Even this Decision Matrix help in proper solution for any situations with 100% clarity after clearing the exam as a civil servant.
T1 30
T2 38
T3 39
T4 29
This method is very helpful for upsc point of view as it help to choose the topic without any confusion. When we are sitting in the exam hall we face very much difficulty in choosing that in which topic we have to write the essay.But by using decision matrix method we can easily find our problem and by using decision criteria we can easily write about essay.
I had just begun for the upsc and let me say this is somewhat challenging. The decision making technique is not only something that is applicable for the essays but also the technique provides a wider aspect about a particular issue and helps to analyze it deeply. This shows me were I am right now and how much effort I should put into my preparation strategy to get the best out of me.
The result is quite surprising as it is giving me a report card of mine in which my performance in the awareness of essay topic is not upto the mark.This exercise really changed my vision of selection of topics of essays for UPSC.This guided me on a well estimated path in which i can yield the most.This method is very helpful in answer writings of gs and optional to choose the best question to answer. These decision matrix type tools help us to solve complex ethical dilemma puzzles in day to day life situations.
Topic 1 -29
Topic 2-28
Topic 3-39
Topic 4-26
This decission matr8x exercise is very helpful for me . earlier when i tried to write the essay so i know the content beginning, body of essay, but I don’t know how to start with one. I am not able to add example on what kind of it is .that is so i am now come to know how to start and how to end .help in my thought skills.
1. 22
2. 28
3. 24
4. 26
Since, I have started preparation, I heavily relied on the content or knowledge that I have about concerned question or topic, o didn’t think of clarity and I used to get stuck in between while solving. Now I’m understanding where the mistake I was doing , that I believed in content more that comprehension. Comprehension of the topic gives clarity and we know what is the demand of topic . Now it is clear to me which topic to choose based on my comprehension, identified using matrix method.
This test is a very useful test and it has actually helped to analyze the topic well and understand things in a more clearer way. using this method i can easily select the best topic for me and write down a more organized essay. It also made me realize that thinking and understanding topics carefully is very important for a good score in essay exam. Also the current affair examples are very important in an essay and linking the static and dynamic portion is equally important.
T1- 26
This technique helps me to introspect my knowledge , would save time in exam. i got to know i have very limited knowledge when it comes to examples. i have to work very hard.
T1- 10
This method of helping is very useful as it clears up mind about which topic i should choose. it would be very helpful in exam while choosing topic within a short span of time.
T2- 35
ts very good technique to know about the real ability to understand ground of preparation. I really like the idea of Fragmenting the essay topic and understanding the level of knowledge of each part of frame. I surprised by my score as i really don’t know about some of the concept and can not get blink about examples in essay at a time. I waste my time in thinking about 3 example for FOR and AGAINST. This exercise will be useful for saving time while writing and as well cover the holistic areas pf any given essay as it fragments have different views both positive and negative. It will be useful in all my mains exam paper as well as while you do preparation for an exam. You can make time table of different subject with this technique, so you will get idea about your level of preparation in different subjects and which subject required more efforts.
T1- 22
T2- 16
T3- 31
T4- 39
T1 : 18
T2 : 30
T3 : 31
T4 : 28
This decision matrix makes my work easy to analyze how much I know about the topic . And surprisingly I got a little lesser score in one of the topic which I thought I could write upon easily. This trick is the best to find the topic on which one should wrote.
32, 30, 45, 27
Though the exercise was not totally in contrast to my expectations, but it definitely helped me to critically assess and differentiate between my perceived and true ability to write about a given topic. The additional advantage i found was that while doing the exercise it also gave a brief idea about the subheads under which the given topic can be elaborated. Further, the exercise spontaneously triggered the brain to visualise the flow of the essay and whether I would be able to substantiate my writing with LED (logic, example and data).
I believe applying similar approach to write answers for other subjects in mains would definitely aid in maintaining accuracy, clarity and brevity.
This lessson give me insight into what i never thought on . I realised through this exervise i was missing an impt part of my preparation, we have to make a choice in examination hall and it too plays impt role as our knowledge. Thnku ravi kapoor sir for this lesson . I too realised somewhere i lack ability to put my knowledge as examples here . It gave me insight to read any topic with ques like this in my even newspaper. But yes more confident now as this ia good way to solve the delimma of choice .
Sir, last assignment I don’t so I didn’t write can I write it know
1) 22
2) 15
3) 32
4) 35
Decision matrix is help me to pick the correct topic which I have more knowledge on it , before while reading topic I select one of it but actually I don’t get good points not score good marks but now this help me to get out from that problem now I can use this trick to other competitive essay writing exam also which will get good score to me and it improve my thinking skills to obtain good and well known topic to me
1. 14
2. 21
3. 20
4. 19
This technique revealed to me that I do not have much of expertise in any one topic but I can still perform better in one than the others. The topic about which I had practiced before outstands others. Thus I need to focus on practicing on more topics and also try to improve the scope of my knowledge as I had felt that I could not gather very relevant examples for most of the topics. Also a topic which might not look easier at the first glace can prove to be a better choice when we analyze it through this technique.
1. 8
2. 12
3. 18
4. 15
First of all, as a beginner, I came to know about my knowledge. Have to work on that. More than that I understood how to find an easy which is more suitable for me in all aspects.
4321054 – T1
78434423 -T2
8857585 – T3
-643231 – T4
This is the effective way to approach essay paper. It’s a thought enhancing process. This method help to choose the essay topics wisely. After the strong level of preparation its highly possible that one knows or understands more than one topic. The imp. of this matrix is felt there.
By using the matrix, it helps to develop more ideas and thoughts about the topic and I find it so helpful.
This method really helps in decision making process. I found a great difference in the way of analysing these questions before and after using this method. And after applying decision matrix tool I understood how to approach an essay question in UPSC exam and to choose right one from difficult choices. I think we can use this method in our daily life also especially when we feel confused about choosing the best choice.
T1 – 31
T2 – 19
T3 – 28
T4 – 10
Decision-matrix is a wonderful technique to choose an essay topic and it helps in finding how much I know about that topic. It really surprised me when the topics which I easily understood has scored less. This decision-matrix can be used in life as well with proper decision criterions.
Yes the scores surprised this technique helped me to choose out
of many topics. I was sure that i have to choose some other topic but decision matrix completely changed my decision which would further help me in my examination to make perfect choice. I would use try to use this In various decision making process.
Task 1
First of all a big thanks sir for sharing such a great method
Yes sir this method help me in very productive way
I get clearity about the essay topic
Through this method, i able to know which topic will give me 20-30 extra marks without any extra effort
Yes sir we can use this method in other field outside the exam
While making a decision where we have much confusion
T1. 16
T2-. 27
T3. 40
T4. 28
1) 17
2) 23
3) 18
4) 15
This decision matrix method is very helpful . Through this we can know which topic we should select in very fine manner. Every beginner like me can also understand very easily about this method. Thank you sir for introducing us this method.
Task 1
Topic 1 – 20
2 – 16
3 – 20
4 – 18
Topic 2
Decision matrix technique is a much needed technique to show my uniqueness in essay questions.It helped me to select essay topic and frame points to complete the essay wisely.From this technique im able to know my advantages and disadvantages in the essay model questions.Thanks for enlighting my mind to have broad knowledge in essay type questions sir.
Decision Matrix technique is very helpful for me to decide and analyze. By using this technique it help me to think clearly about the topic and to choose the right topic.
Thank you so much Ravi sir for sharing such kind of wonderful techniques .
I really don’t know that I can think much wider regarding any topic. I found the best way to select the essay topic in an exam and it will be more helpful to increase marks. This is also helping me to think faster related to topic. Questions which are used in matrix is also helpful in writing an answer related to any paper.
1. 25
2. 40
3. 30
this would help me to take speedy yet correct selection of essays and will also increase my confidence in writing it. Decision matrix helps me to organise the points of arguments which i would be writing in the essay. this would in a way help me to structure the essays. Not only in essays but in GS also it would be of immense importance t us in structuring the answers.
This technique realise me that i had enough requrement in philosophical essay.This exercise eye opener for me because if i do not practice this otherwise i choose topic 2 which is devastating for me in actual exam.
My scores are as follows:
Topic 1 – 23
Topic 2 – 21
Topic 3 – 30
Topic 4 – 8
Learnings:- This is indeed an eye-opener for me as I had decided to go with 2 first, but the scores revealed that I was wrong. Though my selection of 3 one as my second topic was right.
This method gives in a proper structure and also prioritizes the points in our sleeve in a structured manner.
The same technique can be used for other GS papers, especially the selection of questions.
The same is also applicable in our day-to-day life as well especially when in a discussion with family or in a meeting with clients etc.
2) 23
3) 28
Decision matrix is ,that one technique which has helped me understand the importance of knowledge,which means merely knowing a bit about the topic is not enough,you need to have a base,wherein some facts,examples are utmost needed.
The scores did not surprise me,because even though I knew something or the other about all of them,I did not have enough examples, quotes,arguments to write in there,as the proper practice of answer writing is needed. In other areas,it will help me identify briefly of what the blueprint of my answer can be.
This decision matrix can be extensively used in debates ,MUNs.
Some simple examples like buying furniture, wherein we need to know the current trend,the colour of the piece,its size, whether it would be comfortable etc.
1. 24
2. 30
3. 37
4. 28
Decision-Matrix made me realize that UPSC preparation is more about cultivating ability to articulate thoughts/knowledge than merely knowing. And how well we would be able to express ourselves depends a lot upon how we determine the subject of expression. I was surprised to know that some of the topics that appeared quite familiar prima facie turned out to be extremely difficult to write about as I had general idea about them but no concrete understanding and insight. Decision-Matrix made me recognise that UPSC demands genuine and insightful decision making and not an impulsive one. The Decision Making matrix can be applied to optional papers and GS Papers as well so that we attempt those questions of which we have comprehensive understanding. Moreover, this decision-matrix has applications beyond UPSC exam, in the mundane life itself as we encounter difficult choices on a daily basis in personal and professional spheres of life. For instance- We can apply apply decision matrix to decide on which activity we shall spend time when we have plethora of options.
1 . 29
2 . 27
3. 31
4 . 20
26, 28, 35, 32
Did some of the scores surprise you? Why? How did this exercise change the way you look at making decisions in the UPSC exam?
Not really. Since I have not yet started practising writing essay on ethical dilemmas, I had expected low scores.
This allows the brain to exercise itself in making a choice. It is like having rubrics ready to decide.
How can you use this decision-matrix type-format to other areas of the exam?
Same purpose, it will help making a choice. However, the first question of optional will have to changed or omitted. I have not thought of what to do about it.
What other areas of applications in your life outside the exam can you think of for this decision-matrix type tool ?
It will help in developing a holistic approach of looking at things. Such as usually the question about examples on for or against, pushes the brain to think
of perspectives, it usually evades. It will help me in becoming an open minded perosn, hopefully.
This technique really helps a lot. By simply looking at the topic we might feel that we have understood the topic and start with it but going deep down we realize that if we had evaluated the other topics properly then we could have written better. Thus by the help of this technique we can analyse us on the topic whether attempting it would be the right decision or not.
Thank you sir for teaching us with this wonderful technique.
Topic 1- (1,2,0,5,5,2,1=16)
Topic 2-(1,1,0,1,1,0,0=4)
Topic 3-(4,6,3,5,6,5,6=35)
Topic 4-(0,5,2,5,5,1,1=19)
Task -2
Decision matrix technique is a very surprising and wonderful technique for me. This technique helped me in selecting the right,informative and fruitful topic among many. I was surprised by all the scores that I have.By using this technique it helped me to analyze my mistakes. I take it as a sign to improve my preparation of essays. When I used this technique I understand that how much it is important to select a right topic for essay and by using this method it is very easy to choose right topic and it helps us to score good marks. This technique is also helpful in other exams like optional or GS. I also use this technique in my preprations and problems that I face in my day to day life. This technique is really helped me.
Thankyou so much Sir for sharing this technique with us.
13 45 32 48
It allowed me to thing in brief time and choose the right topic rather than falling in the trap of the luring topic. Better content for the essay was thought of in this exercise which would ultimately save the time while writing the essay.
(1) 25, (2) 26, (3) 2, (4) 8
This technique helped in sorting out the tough job of selecting one among not only made me the selection easier but also helped choosing right topic without getting swayed by instincts. It made me to realise the pros and cons of any topic and make scientific decision rather than an emotional one.
May be adding of figures might seem tedious in the first go but once if we can practice it would be a cake walk . It does add a lot of emotional and intellectual satisfaction after finishing the writing.
1. 24
2. 30
3. 47
4. 41
Firstly, sir I could related so much with your mention about how much we think we know and how much do we really do. This is one major takeway from the technique. Most certainly, it has made me realise how impulsive I am about my choices in exam essays or life otherwise. What I think this matrix does for me is that it gives me more perspective while I choose an essay at that point in exam. This can be be used in answer writing without any doubts, like you mentioned with practice this will turn into out way of thinking. Apart from using this in exam, this is a matrix that will also help me form my opinions and put them across more clearly and in an organized fashion for even simple discussions at home, with friends and family or colleagues. Thank you for this Sir! Also, this is a genuine time saver.
Decision Matrix is a wonderful and surprising technique for me. By using this technique it helped me to analyze my flaws. When I used this technique I understood that answer writing is very much closely related and by using this method it helps us to score good marks. I could not only use this technique in my exams but also in my preparations, and the day to day problems that I face daily, which helps me to get a clear perspective on the problems and precise solutions for the problems.
TOPIC 1 : 10
TOPIC 2 : 7
TOPIC 3 : 16
TOPIC 4: 21
1) 2 5 1 6 3 2 2 = 21
2) 4 6 2 7 6 3 6 = 34
3) 6 6 1 7 5 6 7 = 38
4) 3 7 3 6 2 6 6 = 33
We often go with our gut instinct while deciding on the essay topic. But this matrix has helped me to realize why gut instinct can be shallow, at least here.
Thank you for your efforts, Sir. This would put our instincts on a leash, and persuade us to arrive at a more calculated decision.
T1 3 5 2 5 4 5 6 30
T2 3 3 4 5 6 5 5 31
T3 7 6 6 7 7 5 6 44
T4 6 5 4 6 6 5 6 38
Really useful technique, help to get to know other dimentions and our understanding about the topic
Can you please share the examples for the argument, against the argument, Indian examples, and current examples for topic 3 and 4
Topics O U P F A I C Total
Topic 1 1 2 0 1 1 4 6 15
Topic 2 1 6 2 3 2 3 3 20
Topic 3 1 7 3 4 2 5 4 26
Topic 4 0 4 1 1 1 3 1 11
I was surprised by how low all the scores for all the topics have. I take it as a sign to improve my preparation of philosophical essays. This exercise has certainly helped me. I asked a number of people on how to pick an essay topic. I did not get a suitable answer. Now I not only got a suitable answer but also a practical way which can decrease my anxiety.
Decision matrix can useful in preparation of Current Affairs. It can be used to know whether you have a comprehensive understanding of the topic and can help fill gaps. A modified form of this with a different set of attributes(Other than OUPFAIC) can not only help in putting brakes on hasty decision making but also helps to stop overthinking and second guessing our choices long after the decision has been made.
T1 – 15
T2 – 28
T3 – 18
T4 – 20
Topics O U P F A I C Total
Topic 1 1 2 0 3 1 4 6 17
Topic 2 1 6 2 5 4 3 3 24
Topic 3 1 7 3 6 4 5 4 30
Topic 4 0 4 1 3 1 3 1 13
I was surprised by how low all the scores for all the topics have. I take it as a sign to improve my preparation of philosophical essays. This exercise has certainly helped me. I asked a number of people on how to pick an essay topic. I did not get a suitable answer. Now I not only got a suitable answer but also a practical way which can decrease my anxiety.
Decision matrix can useful in preparation of Current Affairs. It can be used to know whether you have a comprehensive understanding of the topic and can help fill gaps. A modified form of this with a different set of attributes(Other than OUPFAIC) can not only help in putting brakes on hasty decision making but also helps to stop overthinking and second guessing our choices long after the decision has been made.
9 5 1 7 3 6 1 32 – Topic 1
7 2 1 1 1 1 1 14 – Topic 2
7 8 1 8 8 6 8 46 – Topic 3
7 8 1 8 8 7 4 43 – Topic 4
3. It shows the effective way to approach essay as well as GS answer writing. It is a thought enhancing process. This method wont be useful if one understands and knows only one topic in the 4 options given. After a medium to strong level of preparation its highly possible that one knows or understands more than one topic. The importance of this is felt here.
Ex. While use the matrix, it helps me to really generate more points and this will also help our CIMAKEPGAICO in the later stage. It helps to exactly choose in which u have a little edge over the other topic that is also seems be your strong hold. For me Topic 3 and 4 were closely related. Without this technique I could land up in a confusion of what topic is to be picked.
This technique will gets its strong hold once we cover up the portion.
One can make his/her own decision criterion matrix to make swift yet rational decision.
1. 24
2. 19
3. 33
4. 30
The decision-matrix is definitely useful for me in choosing the most appropriate essay topic in an insightful manner. It eliminates the confusion among the various topics and helps from choosing the wrong topic. Yes, some of the scores did surprise me as earlier I never used to think about various aspects. This helped me to get insight into the topic and analyze it in a very logical way.
1. 24
2. 19
3. 33
4. 30
The decision-matrix is definitely useful for me in choosing the most appropriate essay topic in an insightful manner. It eliminates the confusion among the various topics and prevents from choosing the wrong topic. Yes, some of the scores did surprise me as earlier I never used to think about various aspects. This helped me to get insight into the topic and analyze it in a very logical way.
1) 20
2) 21
3) 25
4) 27
I did not even know, that System 2 exists within me. Always used System 1 only.
Never thought that choosing the essay topic is such an elaborate process
Out of many choices selecting one within time limit is a difficult task.By decision matrix method I am capable of selecting an option that suits me well,in a easy and logical manner by following the steps given.
Including the areas to be focused on.
Topic 1: 21
Topic 2: 32
Topic 3: 37
Topic 4: 27
The scores did not surprise me as I am a beginner and haven’t started preparing in a proper structure. The decision matrix indeed made me realize to think deeply about any topic before attempting it. The decision matrix will indeed help in my selection of topics, collection of details, and producing them in the essay. I can use a decision matrix in many situations in life to make major decisions.
1) 11
2) 15
3) 25
4) 21
Decision matrix has helped me a lot to easily deal with this essay paper. This cheat code is essential as it reduces time for one to choose topic rather than deep thinking about single topic.
This decision matrix method also helps me to select questions to write in my optional subject also.
If it comes to life it helps one to deal with difficult situations or confused mindset where we have to choose between 2-3 it may be carraer options … even In UPSC while choosing resources , news paper and many
I am the beginner. I am little bit scared to because I am to weak in these topic and choose the proper qus ..But in this method i feel little confident .
Topic 1 – 9
Topic 2 – 8
Topic 3 – 27
Topic 4 – 25
I am the beginner. At first I was confused what to choose but this method showed me the correct path to the essay topic. I found it very easy to choose the topic. Its very beneficial to select questions and definitely it will help a lot in the competitions. Not only the essay topic but it will help a lot in solving other questions too.
Topic1 17
Topic2 22
Topic3 35
Topic4 26
This decision matrix is indeed very helpful when choosing the topic of essay. While choosing the topic i felt confused between two topics (i.e. with topic 3/4) but using the matrix I found out that topic 3 would be more relevant to me and to which I could give relevant example and argue both for and against the topic. This technique is also very helpful in answer writing as well as in ethics paper. Moreover apart from the exam scenario this technique would be helpful in being thoughtful and thinking from different angles while taking decisions in real life.
2) The decision matrix has channelised my process of deciding accurately and rationally in a short span of time.
Did some of the scores surprise you? Why?
yes, if not for decision matrix i would have choosen a different topic which i could not think of examples.
How did this exercise change the way you look at making decisions in the UPSC exam?
It is really helped me choose wisely in an limited time and stressful situation in exam
How can you use this decision-matrix type format in other areas of the exam?
i can very well use it in all the factors of the exam. from selecting the resources to be read to the preparation of daf i can very well use decision matrix where i had to decide between options.
What other areas of applications in your life outside the exam can you think of for this decision-matrix type tool ?
Indeed i can use in many situations in life to make major decisions .
This technique of decision matrix is very helpful in choosing essay topic . Before that I was choose essay topic based on information and practice . Now I feel decision matrix is best way to take decision and think slow and rational during exam .
Topic 1 = 23
Topic 2 = 25
Topic 3 = 24
Topic 4 = 24
As I was not well aware about this specific advance technique that can be actually applicable in our essay paper. After learning this technique it gave me a scope of upgradation in my thinking abilities in far way better. Now I can easily use this technique in my brain before writing essay paper . This matrix techniques will make my hard decision interesting choosing the best essay topic for my exam. The relationship of these matrix questions gave me a bigger picture of the whole essay structure based on my knowledge and not forgetting an approach towards improvement.
T1. 31
T2. 32
T3. 38
T4. 35
Decision paradox have always been a difficult situation for me when to choose between topics sincd my childhood. I have even lost many writing competitions choosing wrong topics with just a click in my mind. But this matrix technique have really pushed Part 2 of my brain to think and analyze all the given topics deeply and hence you can choose the most appropriate topic about which you can write with excellence . It builds a rough estimate of your whole essay in your mind. With just seeing the topic you we just assume that we know this topic more or that less but by matrix technique we got to know about which topic we really know the most and can score good. This idea lets you choose the topic with most understanding and not by mere intuition
T1= 18
Yes of course the decision matrix really surprised me. Because when i read the topics i thought i can answer my first option. And i didn’t think that i can score the third option. Through this decision matrix i could understand that never jump to a topic without a deep analysis. We must cross check the topic twice by this method. And this method is very useful to everyone. And of course it will help me and other candidates for the upsc exams.
Topic 1 – 20
Topic 2 – 48
Topic 3 – 56
Topic 4 – 27
The scores of the matrix did surprise me because I thought that I’ll be able to the 4th Topic well, but after analysis I’ve found out that Topic 3 is my strong point. So I have understood the importance of careful analysis before choosing the essay topic. And I think I could use this method to take even a lot of trivial everyday decisions. So the decision matrix is a really indispensable part of decision making be it in the exam hall or in life.
13 29 34 25
This is a very helpful and effective technique to find out about our plus points as well negative points and will surely had a great impact on thinking process for choosing a right topic that suits as the most and will make us stand out in the exam .
The matrix stops us from the confusion and wrong decision of choosing a topic which many candidates do . This matrix made me step forward for great topic for writing a good essay
12, 25, 10, 27
Usually, while selecting an essay for my exams, I look at whether I have enough information about it and whether I have practised it before. The Matrix has given my thinking a direction it did not have before.
I believe in other areas of life as well such as making decisions, even career choices, it is better not to take a decision instinctively or be more by choices.
T1- 26
T2- 10
T3- 24
T4- 29
Decision matrix revealed to me how to scrutinize the Essay topic and it’s real meaning by using system 2 of our mind and I can realte the topic according to my preparation or I practice the topic during my preparation or not it teels me . One thing I learn from it is I have to focus more on ethical and society issue more.
No doubt this will help a lot. I also was driven to choose a wrong question to attempt which I realized after this matrix.
Thank you Sir
1. 20
2. 26
3. 22
4. 19
The technique is completely alien to me and I have not think of this approach before. Instead of writing answer in haphazard manner, now I can structure it meaningfully. It also helps to understand my mistakes, which i was making earlier.
Apart from exams, I will try to implement this system 2 approach in my other day to day decisions as well.
I realized that I need to expand my overall knowledge on various things as I was not able to give examples for arguments for and against the given topic, I am able to think of only three or four examples and they just repeat for different questions and I was not able to give a current example to the topic, obviously these are areas where I should improve. In far sight this method can be used almost at any times or at times when there is a need for a situational analysis and decision making as it involves quantifying various elements of the problem.
The scores did not surprise me as I am a beginner and haven’t started preparing in a proper structure .This decision matrix indeed made me realize to think deeply into any topic before attempting into it.The various questions I asked myself performing the activity went into all dimensions of satisfying a good essay.This will indeed help in my selection of topic , collection of details and producing them in the essay .The decision matrix also invisibly plays a very important role in any decision you take in life .By decision I mean a good one. While you ask yourself all these questions you are plundering into the core of the choices or dilemmas infront of you and deconstructing them would be an easy process.
Topic 1:25
Topic 2:23
Topic 3:19
Topic 4:15
This method is really helpful to me .Firstly I thought l could write an essay on question no 4 easily but the score surprised me a lot.This technique helps me to understand the topic deeply and help me in making a good choice. I will surely implement this technique in writing my answers in the examination.
This is very useful for me as a beginner.this types of methods is very helpful to everyone.using this types of method everyone will be equipped to answer essays and question more easily.we should be aware of how to write and what to write in the answer according to the question. We
This is very useful for me as a beginner.this types of methods is very helpful to everyone.using this types of method everyone will be equipped to answer essays and question more easily.we should be aware of how to write and what to write in the answer according to the question.
1. 8 +3+5+3+2+3=29
It is the most effective way to decide which essay we should opt during the examination, as it involves in imagining the entire flow and what to put into an essay rather than wasting a lot of time in the hall in a productive way.It gives a picture of what all things we already knew and just put all our efforts rather than regretting the points which we could have put that later.
1- 46
2- 32
3- 45
4- 49
This Matrix is designed in an effective manner to score optimal credits on the exam day, it reveals about how can we genuinely understand the topic and made us to ‘choose the topic which helps us to choose wisely and with concession’, whereas for 1st time – incredibly astonishing scores and depth of exercising in introspection because less is more…
Just to train the brain to go slow and steady and finish the game. Mostly as said, in a constructive structured flow to the point by simply putting through the excerpt for the union instant gratification, applications in day-to-day life gathering insights about the said behaviour and human intelligence.
yes, some scores surprises me. Firstly at looking these questions I felt that I am more comfortable with the 3rd question, but scores surprises me .
This exercise helps me to deeply understand the topic and to pick the right one.
Decision Matrix Assignment
1. Wisdom finds Truth – 21
2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be – 24
3. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society – 23
4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success – 28
By using decision matrix method I realized that if I choose randomly by fancy or knowing some fact about that topic. I will be in trouble in future so, before choose any topic try to relate with all aspect so that can write properly!
T1 -17
This method is really helpful. This exercise will definitely help everyone in making a good choice. However it is time consuming but yes with practice we will become habitual and also efficient. This is really valuable.
Topic 1: 20
Topic 2: 36
Topic 3: 29
Topic 4: 41
Yes, I am surprised to see the score because without this analysis I would have chosen different topics. Earlier I used to take the the analyzing much. Trying to see how closely the topic relates to my optional subject has given my a new view to think about the topic and understand it in a much better way. I can use the similar matrix to analyse the situations where I have choices and select the one that is best suited for me.
1. 24, 2. 20, 3. 39, 4. 36
Revelations about preparation:
1. The scores did surprise: Scored highest for topic which didn’t appeal much earlier.
2. It enables a systematic attempt at making rational and not emotional choices
3. It can be used in taking multi dimensional view in other papers, esp. ethics case studies, and structure for answer writing.
4. It can enable thinking holistically about real life decisions: For example, schools can use this matrix to devise questions to ask their students about their subject interests. Mediators can use these tools to find areas of differences and areas of common ground between parties at conflict.
The scores are -32,35,39,38
I will go with third topic.
This tricks has indeed helped me to choose a topic with which I can proceed to write in exam with having more value points which can be applied in gs papers also.We can follow the matix in real life also when face dilemmas with framing questions on that and came at right decision in lesser time and more effective way.
Thank you
1. T1 – 6
T2 – 16
T3 – 33
T4 – 31
2. I was aware of the point that choosing a topic in the essay exam plays a vital role, as one cannot do anything once he/she begins writing about that chosen topic. But this matrix has helped me clarify a few things to myself and has also made it crystal clear that not only the understanding about the topic is important but so does the arguments for and against it. This clarity at the beginning itself while choosing the topic can avoid a lot of confusion during the writing as there is a time constraint in this exam.
values are nit what humanity is , but what humanity ought to be – 35
courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success – 30
Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society – 40
wisdom finds truth – 20
Descision matrix helps me to self realization of my revision practice , by giving marks to the topic i have realize that what i know about the topic and what is miss about the topic , mostly the problem i faced to giving score me on the examples related to the topic bcoz suddenly my mind was not recognused the examples. Thank you sir for this assignment, this helps me to get awareness on the current events.
Decision Matrix Assignment
1. Wisdom finds Truth – 8
2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be – 28
3. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society – 19
4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success – 29
Decision matrix helped me in realizing that for writing Essays a good content can be generated if we have at least 3 examples for different perspectives related to the Essay topic. I have to concentrate on classifying Essays and collecting examples for each type of Essay. Then in the examination hall I can really use this tool effectively and confidently come to a conclusion on what topic to be chosen.
My optional is Maths and in each paper of Maths there would be 8 questions and we have to attend 5 questions (2 compulsory and 3 can be chosen at our wish). I can use this matrix there with the questions like “Am I completely aware of the theorems?”, “Did I practice such type of questions before?”. Outside the exam, I can use this tool may be while buying a phone or bike as there are lot of options available there outside.
1.wisdom finds truth – 30
2. Value are not what humanity is , but humanity ought to be – 38
3. Best for the individual is not necessarily best for the society – 32
4. courage to accept and dedication are two keys to success – 34
Thank you sir for providing important and valuable information to us
This technique would surely help me while selecting an essay topic. However,this technique is looking so time consuming but I think by practising it,it will become part of our minds.
Thank you sir!!
T1- 17
T2- 29
T3- 30
T4- 29
Topic 1 – 57
Topic 2 – 41
Topic 3 – 57
Topic 4 – 46
It’s bit time consuming, but effective as well. It hardly possible to exercise this method in exam hall, to think, too much about the topic, as solving this takes some time but make understood and digged out the knowledge I ever having before reaching to these topics, which we can use in that respective topics.
No marks or score surprise me as it directly outcome the results with clean and clear fact.
In others exam of life regarding it’s just system 2 task taking as I thought because exams related to life (excluding physical and paper exam) is much time consuming and the basis used in this matrix, hardly used in such type of exams.
TOPIC 1 – 5
TOPIC 2 – 23
TOPIC 3 – 37
TOPIC 4 – 27
Before this , i thought Essay writing is just about filling some pages about topics. As related with field of engineering..i had lost connection with essay writing. i came to know that essay writing is much more than that i thought. choosing from given options is the most important factor. Thank u so much for this guidance.
Topic -1:22
It will help us choose a correct essay topic and also help to analyse the topic. It help to gather the content for the essay .After analysing the topic we can easily write the essay .
Task 1:-
Decision matrix guided me in a correct way about essay writings . Earlier,the topic which I was sure to write now it has completely changed my thoughts after using decision matrix tool.Sometimes we know about essay topics but not in a appropriate way , there’s a lack of knowledge lagging behind it .But now ,I understood how to choose topic wisely as earlier one of the essay also state ” wisdom finds truth” and truth always wins.
We can use this tool in our daily life to solve the problems . Wherever the word option comes or you have to choose between two things or more than that ,then we can calmly use this decision matrix tool to solve the problems or to choose the correct option.
1) Wisdom finds truth – 12
2) Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be – 9
3) best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society – 7
4) Courage to accept and dedication to improve are the two keys to success – 15
This decision making model simplified the method of choosing the right topic through analytical method which is more accurate. Through this model i could control my system 1 of the brain and focused on system 2.
This decision making model would help me in taking various decisions at some point of my life where i am confused and don’t know whether it would be a right thing to do, also in problem solving wisely.
1) Topic 1= 3+5+0+4+2+5+4= 23
Topic 2= 6+7+0+4+5+5+3=30
Topic 3= 7+8+0+3+3+4+3=28
Topic 4= 4+7+0+5+3+6+5= 30
2) This decision-making matrix had laid down a format regarding how to choose from options. Here is an answer to the questions:
Did some of the scores surprise you? Why?
= Yes, the score does surprise me. The topic I found easiest was the difficult according to scores.
How did this exercise change the way you look at making decisions in the UPSC exam?
= It helped me to think more analytically hence rationalizing the context. Most important awarded me with not to be mistaken.
How can you use this decision-matrix type format in other areas of the exam?
= Completely relevant in the optional paper as some points help to choose the question from both sections. To coordinate all points.
What other areas of applications in your life outside the exam can you think of for this decision-matrix type tool ?
= There are many including an enlightening vision for problem-solving, in taking important decisions.
I have a doubt : How to choose in case the score is equal in two or more topics?
T1- 19
T2- 40
T3- 32
T4- 47
This decision matrix way has compelled me to rethink how I read, write as well as structure my answers in a definite manner/direction. Since, I am a beginner, I have got better insights and understandings of essay writings. I found this method to be much helpful as it have made things simplified for me.
Topic 1- 21
Topic 2- 21
Topic 3- 43
Topic 4- 34
Thanks alot sir, it is very helpful for me and the score surprised me as I thought I knew much about another topic but it’s not true.. It is very important to chose the right topic. I will surely implement this.
1. 17
2. 32
3. 30
4. 25
1. 7
2. 15
3. 14
4. 19
Very useful method, sir. It peeked into my introspection really deep. It tells me that I have A LOT to work on current affairs related to ethics. As most of these topics are not remotely related to my optional, which is zoology.
T3: 21
Thanks a lot sir for your guidance….it helps a lot for beginners.
This method is a very efficient and quick way that can help me to choose the right topic in which i can score the best amount of marks possible.
It helps us to avoid the common mistake of immediately choosing a topic which we are not well- informed of, just because it seems easy.
A new way of observing the the things and judging the topic based upon the knowledge and the idea we have.. Decision matrix really helping to change the way of taking the success much faster and accurate
1) Wisdom finds truth – 25
2) Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be – 25
3) Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society – 45
4) Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success – 31
1. 17
2. 32
3. 30
4. 38
These scores have helped me find out my topic more easily. Since I’m a beginner, I have got better insights and understanding of essay writing. I have found all your techniques to be very useful as they have made things simplified for me. I hope for same in upcoming lessons.
Topic 1: 32
Topic 2:24
Topic 3:29
Topic 4:35
This exercise has compelled me to rethink how I read and absorb as well as structuring my answers with a definite direction. The points in mind need to follow a path which seems logical, thus to choose a more structured and well formed essay, writing answers with these directions may really help in understanding better and clearer expression. Thanks for sharing this.
T1 – 32
T2 – 23
T3 -19
T4 – 20
This decision matrix is very useful.
The decision matrix revealed a lot about my preparation of these topic that I need to prepare more. The score are quite surprising because the topic which I thought is the most easy one their I scored the lowest. This exercise helped me to think more wisely using my logical brain. I love to anchoring and speech delivery so, I can use this technique their.
T1 :20
T2 :25
T3 :27
T4 :13
This method helped me to systematically analyse each topic and to choose the right topic in which I have in-depth knowledge in minimum time.
1.Wisdom finds the truth 3+4+1+0+1+8+8=25.
2. Values are not humanity is but what humanity ought to be 8+9+8+5+5+8+9=52
3. Best for an Individual is not necessarily best for the society 6+8+8+6+5+7+7=47
4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two key’s to success 5+8+8+8+8+8+6=51
Thank you sir for providing decision matrix it is really helpful to select the topic more systematically rather than just selecting any topic and writing unnecessary things.
Topic 1. Wisdom finds truth: 17
Topic 2.Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be: 21
Topic 3.Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society: 23.5
Topic 4.Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success: 22.5
Does the score surprise me ? Yes. Albeit It will surely help as most often we are faced with the dilemma of choosing the topic even though the picture is quite hazy in the beginning . However with the decision matrix , I can quickly grasp my strength and weakness when it comes to a topic and that will give quite a boost in developing the rest of the essay. Thanks a lot sir.
T1 38
T2 50
T3 19
T4 38
This method makes us understand how to interrelate all the topics which we’ve studied for upsc, be it optional, G.S. or current affairs. It provides a pragmatic mechanism to break down a topic and understand the crux of the issues at hand.
Topic 1-24
Topic 2-32
Topic 3-17
Topic 4-15
This matrix pointed out on which topic I have a stronghold that would be very much useful in exam hall under pressurized condition.
Topic 1: 32
Topic 2:43
Topic 3:36
Topic 4:50
Topic 1: 34
Topic 2:28
Topic 3: 50
Topic 4: 17
It is easy to pick up a topic rather than being in a dilema of how to choose topics, even when we think we know the topic, we get to know only few points and waste a lot of time and energy. This method is straight forward method to avoid all this mess. Thanks a lot sir!!
T1 16
T2 18
T3 22
T4 26
T1 20
T2 15
T3 17
T4 15
This matrix method show me the need of practical thinking about any word/idea which is very imp for the essay. Also awareness about the current events, pros and cons of the situation or case are too much imp for this. This method is helpful in choosing the topic based upon current knowledge and current awareness.
1. 18
2. 27
Topic 1 – 17
Topic 2 – 33
Topic 3 – 34
Topic 4 – 25
Yes, it helped me. At first glance I was sure about my weak points, but with strong/good point this assignment helped me. In how much depth I know about all topics at once, is the point where this helped me. To jot down the points and example in first instance rather than believing my instincts. It will definitely help me in my journey to make wise decisions it could be anything as before making decision I will be thinking and calculating the pros and cons.
7+5+3+7+7+8+6 = 43
8+5+2+7+6+4+4 = 36
8+4+3+6+5+6+8 = 37
7+5+3+7+7+8+6 = 43
T1 – 5
T2 – 11
T3 – 22
T4- 31
Amazing, this is really a very important parameter to get idea about how much I really know about any given topic .
This is like a mirror which shows ..What the reality is in actual .
After applying this I come to know how is going my preparation is and at what extent I have to go through with hardwork .
Thanks for this wonderful technique .
t1 – 12
t2 – 9
t3 – 18
t4 – 20
Topic 1= 38
Topic 2 = 18
Topic 3 = 25
Topic 4 = 29
Sir, Unless I had gone through this method I’m really frightened of essays right from Thing 1 & Thing 2, how to write introduction & this decision matrix are very very helpful for me . Thanq so so much for your valuable insights sir.
Topic 1 – 27
Topic 2 – 31
Topic 3 – 33
Topic 4 – 28
To put the ideas on the paper in the proper way and I realised I had improved a way better than before.
Yeah, the scores surprised me. I thought I don’t know any essay by seeing it and after dividing and by elaborating it I managed to get scores.
By observing ,putting the senses on it and acting on it.
By decision matrix- I led to know the scores
– by elaborated thinking
– I let to know what I actually know and I got to know how to improve
Getting clarity before making any decisions by putting it on paper.
topic 1 – 12
topic 2 – 17
topic 3 – 13
topic 4 – 15
Topic :1- 37
Topic:3- 34
Topic:4- 37
Words will be short if I will be thanking you for this…. though I’m a beginner I get the core of information that you want to give us through this…it changed the way i look into essay topic and was really helpful
We can apply this in other Gs topics while answering in the same way by thinking analytically… Thanks a lot Sir
Topic-1: 12
Topic-2: 32
Topic-3: 24
Topic-4: 16
T4-63(as there was no question, I assume that do we understand statement well or not)
t1 :33
t2: 15
t3: 33
t4: 15
Topic :1- 16
Topic:3- 19
Topic:4- 12
Topic 1= 38
Topic 2 = 20
Topic 3 = 25
Topic 4 = 31
Sir, Unless I had gone through this method I was in a stage of day dreaming that I can fetch a lot of marks but when I started to jot down in the matrix form I realised where I’m lagging and sir this really helped me to know what are the criterias required before to start an Essay. Thanks a lot sir ????
Topic1- 30
I have been attending this, I thought that I need work so much. This helps to judge my capacity and Language. This matrix method is very useful and most informative method to learn and analyse the contents in essay.
Since all the topics I have took and apply the matrix method then I got these above result.
But as I am fresher to it I have not able to get lot information about the topic
Selecting the essay topic from the given options is one of the trickiest parts of an essay paper. The decision paradox lesson definitely helped me get clarity and revealed the shortcomings of some of my preconceived notions about selecting a topic. I found that some topics, at the outset, may look simple, close to your optionals, and can instantly attract you but at the same time can get you stuck once you reach a certain point, and then there’s no coming back. The most difficult part for me was trying to think about examples. I realized I don’t have enough of them. Overall it was a great learning curve and I am looking forward to more such lessons from you. Thank you, sir.
T -I 42
T-II 42
T-III 42
T-IV 52
This is simply superb and effective tool for spot analyzing and its help me , what we have to give for easy
At first I look at first and last two topics I thought yup I can do . my optional background and last two three years effort can workout here and also realize that I need to learn more for another one . after applying decision metrix its boost my confidence. I hope its works on real battle. Thank you sir.
ಹೃದಯ ಪೂರ್ವಕ ಆಬಾರಿ ಮತ್ತು ಆಯುರ್ ಆಶಿರ್ವಾದ ಸದಾ ನಿಮಗಿರಲಿ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು …!!
Topic I 42
Topic II 42
Topic III 42
This is simply superb and effective tool for spot analyzing and its help me , what we have to give for easy
At first I look at first and last two topics I thought yup I can do . my optional background and last two three years effort can workout here and also realize that I need to learn more for another one . after applying decision metrix its boost my confidence. I hope its works on real battle. Thank you sir.
ಹೃದಯ ಪೂರ್ವಕ ಆಬಾರಿ ಮತ್ತು ಆಯುರ್ ಆಶಿರ್ವಾದ ಸದಾ ನಿಮಗಿರಲಿ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು …!!
Decision matrix helped me to systematically evaluate all topics using objective criteria. yes, few score surprised me. It helped me to think clearly about all aspects of an essay before committing to write. It will help me in other GS papers especially optional & ethics.
TOPIC I – 15
1) 2+3+3+6+4+6+4=28
2) 2+5+2+6+4+7+5=31
3) 3+7+3+7+5+6+6=27
4) 3+6+3+7+6+5+7=37
1. 26
2. 24
3. 26
4. 21
1. 33
2. 31
3. 32
4. 24
Helps in selecting the topic, without the stress that if I am choosing the right one. Also improves confidence that I have some technique to use, that I practised, instead of going about randomly or intuitively.
1) 4+6+0+2+3+8+1=24
2) 0+7+0+3+0+5+3=18
3) 0+7+0+4+3+5+4= 23
4) 0+8+0+5+0+5+4= 22
As a beginner, whenever I start to write ideas and thoughts don’t come in mind , but due to this decision making technique, and previously as you guided us that how we should start to write i.e. firstly, we have to recognize thing 1 , thing 2 and next step describe thing 1 and thing 2 then write realtionship between both of them and closing with why is the realtionship is important,is the guiding path help me to write .
Thank you sir for providing us this amazing codes.
1 topic 1 – 26
2 topic 2 – 27
3 topic 3 – 36
4 topic 4 – 32
When i just look at the topics , i find topic 1 easy as it’s a common saying and we do often use it but when i applied matrix technique, i come to conclusion that it’s hard for me to write on that as comparison to other. I might have done the same mistake as you did if i had attempted that exam.
Topic 1 – 29
Topic 2 – 33
Topic 3 – 20
Topic 4 – 32
Sir, As my optional is English literature it’s little bit hard for me to relate this topics to that … But the other thing is you have opened my eyes and show the way to approach the essay in correct manner????
Topic 1 : 16
Topic 2 : 24
Topic 3 : 23
Topic 4 : 32
As a beginner, I got the directions to read in the important aspects. As the syllabus is too vast sometimes, I just start read it like a story I mean, without concluding anything any essential fact but now I have got many key term and in the end I’ll surely think about them and try to analyse them and obvious will get a more efficient outcome of my understandings and improve my learning and writing skills .
Thanks a lot sir for providing us such a great learning codes. These are proving very beneficial to me.
Topic-1: 26
Topic-2: 22
Topic -3: 30
Topic-4: 33
It’s useful for take decision and analyse the topic which is suitable for us.
Thank you sir.
1) Wisdom finds truth – 41
2) Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be – 49
3) Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society – 45
4) Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success – 37
This is quite an effective tool for quickly analyzing your strengths and weaknesses in individual essays, and could be used as a comparative scale. At first glance, I thought that Option 3 would be the most easiest for me personally, as I could list out individualist, libertarian, collectivist and authoritarian viewpoints of life, and how it played a role in developing both Ancient and Modern India, yet it seems I am better at Option 2, which I knew quite a well about, as it plays a huge role in philosophy and social life. I am grateful to have discovered such a easy scale which I can use at my disposal in any of my exams (current and future), and for that reason, I thank you, Ravi Sir.
1. 22
Yes, decision matrix Analysis is a useful technique to me to making decisions . It is very useful to choose a topic . It is a great technique to use in almost any important decision where there isn’t a clear and obvious option . Decision Matrix analysis help to take decisions confidently.
Thank u sir.
1. Wisdom finds truth – 32
2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be – 30
3. Best for an individual is not necessary best for the society – 33
4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success – 36
It’s very useful. Because it’s evaluate myself what actually i know.
I was very feared about how to write this type of big essays in before days. But, now i am confident about myself to write essays.
This methodology is useful to choose the good way.
This scores surprise me. Because i earn the above average score.
This type of decision matrix is saving our time at the exam hall.
In my life, this score type is used in business for customers reviews
T1:- Wisdom finds truth (23)
T2:- Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be (26)
T3:- Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society (16)
T4:- Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success (28)
Dear Sir,
Scores are as under:
Topic 1: 23
Topic 2: 30
Topic 3: 34
Topic 4: 32
Yes, some of the scores did surprise me . The reason being : it transformed the hitherto “subjective-reliance” to “objective-decision-making”(Eg: thinking against the topic of “courage and dedication for success” was indeed not actuated which i earlier thought would have been easy).
As far as essay is concerned: it was helpful in choosing one specific topic in which i will have maximum probability of scoring maximum. It also assured me at end of exercise to be confident of my topic selection .
The decision-mattrix can be used in choosing topics in OPTIONAL PAPER where we have choice & also it could be for some-part utilized in answering questions at interview (if we dont have examples to substantiate the answer- we can simply say “no” to answering the question).
Outside the exam: i will be using the decision matrix to have “optimal choices” whenever there’s a situation of “paradox of options” (eg: balancing family and study, improving productivity in gym by changing the exercises which also balances with study , after-selection: as an administrator to choose best possible Development-Plan for my district and much more).
Thank You Sir
Good Afternoon Sir,
marks scored are:
topic1 :33
topic2: 15
topic3: 33
topic4: 15
Yes, at very outset the topics that appeared to be known manifested in the form of hiccups in the structure and flow of content when I contemplated on the basis of OUPFAIC matrix and I could feel some sense of pain after allocating marks. This exercise has deconstructed both why I submitted wrong answers in paper 1 prelims based on instincts and how I can avoid them. I can use this method for connecting the various topics and forming the structures for other mains papers with crisp content avoiding beating around the bush. This mind exercise could also help in better presentation of thoughts in interview too. In day to day activities , I can utilize this OUPFAIC matrix in understanding the news papers and utilize its content in the appropriate context . With this matrix news papers are appearing very interesting too 🙂 Of course , these deconstruction methods are modifying my behavior as well, unknowing my brain is thinking and avoiding impulsive response which was costing myself.
Thank you very much Sir.
**Doubt Sir,
how to select topic when found with same marks?
Topics score
At first instance after reading the topics, I thought I could write topics 1&2 easily. But, after using the decision matrix I was really
suprised to find that I could work on topics 3&4 easily comparing 1&2. I found out that finding a topic which suits you is not effective
at one glance instead a matrix of this type is much more helpful. I can use this decision matrix to write the optional exam also other than UPSC, this type of matrices used in any exam, situations of ambiguity and used to taken decisions on issues involving multiple ways of resolving or multiple choices of selection.
1. Wisdom finds truth – 30
2. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society – 28
3. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success – 25
4. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be – 34
I choose favoured topics cause I knew is gonna work.
Thank you sir for helping me becoming stronger in writing ♥
1) 31
2) 7
3) 15
4) 25
The exercise surprisingly illuminated that I know less about certain ethical topics for which I was most confident – Values-Humanity, Personal v/s Social Interest, Dedication.
In terms of deciding in the exam, exercise clears and organizes required thinking through a scientific formula against previous less organized thinking. Also, it forces to think more (usually missed) in stressful limited time, thus adding more to content.
Decision-matrix type-format can be used to add dimensions to any topic of Syllabus, mainly through O F A I C and judge level of preparation through U P
Outside exam in life, the exercise motivates to think more before finalizing decisions, though the questions will be entirely different
Doubts –
1) Can the answers be same for questions – F/ A/ I or C?
2) Please clarify the meanings of terms – Analytical & Argumentative – for the exam?
Topic 1 55
Topic 2. 56
Topic 3. 34
Topic 4. 42
I feel this is very scientific approach to break the anxiety of essay writing infect all of your technique help me alot in my day to day approach also and best thing is it help me to understood things and topics better.
I am surprise to know my writing ability is drastically upgrade after I follow your Barnstorming and Deconstruction techniques it help me also to selection of topic and about this current technique you shared with us is like a magic for me.
Today I learn about how we manage our selection when we are in dilemma what select and what best for us and also improve understanding things in better way.
Thank you so much for your Precious Guidance
Criteria Score
1. Wisdom finds truth 15
2. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society 24
3. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be 25
4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success 21
I am attending all your sessions, each and every tutorial is very helpful from thing 1& thing 2 to decision matrix. I believe decision matrix is the first thing we should do in essay paper. it will not only help us saving time while choosing topic but also will give insight what should be the content of essay.
Thanks for the wonderful techniques.
1. Wisdom finds truth – 22
2. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society – 28
3. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success – 15
4. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be – 15
The decision matrix seems like a game changer as it can clearly bail me out from the paralysis due to analysis as one can’t quantify decisions on such short notice where time is of utter importance along with making a right choice.
I am positive that i will be using it while practicing and avoid avoidable mistake(s).
Topic 1. Wisdom finds truth Score: 30
Topic 2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be Score: 24
Topic 3. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society Score: 32
Topic 4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success Score: 39
Hello Sir, thanks for this amazing method. The Decision Matrix method using the OUPFAIC tool has tremendously helped me understand the process of making a decision during essay writing, and for answer writing in general. Before this, it was just an instinctive understanding that guided me to select a topic for writing. However, this method has quantified the selection process and given a properly weighted understanding of the different topics across decision parameters, thus helping to make an effective and accurate decision in the least possible time. Thanks again.
Topic 1. Wisdom finds truth Score: 30
Topic 2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be Score: 24
Topic 3. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society Score: 32
Topic 4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success Score: 39
Topic 1. Wisdom finds truth Score: 30
Topic 2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be Score: 24
Topic 3. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society Score: 32
Topic 4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success Score: 39
Topic 1— 11
Topic 2— 7
Topic 3— 23
Topic 4— 10
The decision matrix helped me choosing the correct essay topic. From the above score I will definitely choose TOPIC-3 for my essay writing.
Yes, scores surprised me because earlier I want to choose topic 1 but after analysing my score it completely changed my mind .
Well, UPSC exam is all about your knowledge with presence of mind in the examination hall. Ideas must clicked at the right time otherwise it become useless. Decision matrix thought process will definitely going to be a game changer.
As a student we face many problems in this journey of UPSC exam but by deconstructing the problem and analysing it with cool and logical way will definitely overcome our problems.
Vikash Kumar
1. 19
2. 25
3. 52
4. 34
Earlier I used to be really puzzled among different essay topics, thinking what to choose and why,
This OUPFAIC, method has really changed my perspective and way I can choose the best possible essay topic for me.
Quantitative approach towards a qualitative topic like choosing an essay topic, is really a great idea, as numbers give clear cut idea of what to choose and what not.
It also helped me gain an insight on what topics I would likely to choose in an exam, so now I’ll focus more on those category of topics.
And also that important tip, about not second guessing yourself, is of great help in uprooting the ambiguity, in choosen essay topic.
Thanks Sir
Topic 1 – 28
Topic 2 – 18
Topic 3 – 38
Topic 4 – 42
As a beginner i have to work hardly but not smartly to think deeply .but after learning ur all lessons, I’m able to write something a little bit more effectively and being able to write much effectively after learning all things from u.. Thnxs a alot sir fotr this.
1. 13
2. 22
3. 31
4. 26
By this,I was able to link the information with general studies and optional.
I got to know that the information I had is still very less,but still getting better in connecting them to current events.
Decision matrix was really a super simplified tecnique.
Topic 1-14
Topic 2- 25
Topic 3- 27
Topic 4- 16
I always used to get confused about the choice of essay topic in my exams and a lot of times I had written half of the essay and then realised that this one is not my forte and went back to start with scratch on some other topic.
With this tool it became so easy I learnt a method to Quantify and score what I know better.
For me it will not only help me in choosing the right topic
But it will save a lot of time too
Topic 1- 25
Topic 2-34
Topic 3-21
Topic 4-38
As a beginner in UPSC preparation this method help me to analyse the questions well and choosing the best one. I am sure this will help me in all essay papers in the UPSC exam. Really simple and effective method to analyse our depth of knowledge about a topic. Thank you sir for sharing this method.
1. 21
2. 26
3. 27
4. 22
This method helps me a lot to choose a right question. It will help me not only in my Eassay but also in my GS as well as in my optional paper. Before this i don’t have any method to choose. Thank you so much sir for your help. Now i will able to choose the right one.
Topic 1. Wisdom finds truth Score: 31
Topic 2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be Score: 09
Topic 3. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society Score: 34
Topic 4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success Score: 42
That was really amazing , I never known before it, enthusiastic. The decision matrix help me out the ideas , knowledge which memorized again with new fresh brewed content. Talking about the scores , it’s not surprised me too because I knew it very well that it reveals my shortcomings which is better for me only. It gives me one more idea , suggestions regarding essay writing and answers writing too, as it is might some time taking if apply in examination because as in assignment it discussed about system 1 and system 2 , in which we generally use system 1 for fast decision making due to lack of time (as we thought). Decision matrix formula OUPFAIC which is helpful if remember during in examination hall.
Topic No. Score
1. 13
2. 31
3. 39
4. 32
Decisively it has helped me know the level of my preparedness and on these 4 topics listed .Additionally the results are amazing in the context of letting me understand my impulsive actions and to think steadily and that too in a organized manner .I gained thr clarity too on the points which I had to work more like the examples in favour against the topic. This technique with the help of brainstorming technique
Topic No. Score
1. 13
2. 31
3. 39
4. 32
Decisively it has helped me know the level of my preparedness and on these 4 topics listed .Additionally the results are amazing in the context of letting me understand my impulsive actions and to think steadily and that too in a organized manner .I gained thr clarity too on the points which I had to work more like the examples in favour against the topic. It will be quite helpful in choosing the right optionals to and too decide in between the subject i m interested in and the subject I know better .
1. Wisdom finds truth – 14
2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be – 32
3. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society – 30
4. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success – 26
As you mentioned Sir, logical thinking is must even though we are stressed in the exam hall, it is must because what topic you choose can seal your fate. So its better to be cautious than sorry. Thank you for the explanation Sir. We are Grateful.
Topic 1: 24
Topic 2: 39
Topic 3: 38
Topic 4: 21
I have just begun my prep and I was very confused about a lot of things in this process. But this programme has really helped me to clear my mind! Sir’s techniques are useful for making an informed choice to boost your performance and not succumb to the pressure of time and the examination.
Topic 1-29
Topic 2-37
Topic 3-39
Topic 4-32
Decision matrix is something which brings out clearly what is hidden beneath our preferences. While using it, many scores surprised me like Topic 1 above which in normal circumstances will be my favorite topic to write and I’m scoring the least in that. On practicing this exercise, I tend to take more balanced and calculated decisions in my preparations(although lot needs to be learned). I intend to use this technique to almost all spheres right from making timetables to selecting particular subject to study on particular day and time. I also extensively use this exercise while selecting a project (or taking corrective steps) in my professional career. Recently, I applied this technique on whether or not I should attend a Medical yoga course which is costing Rs. 6000. So, extremely useful technique.
Topic 1-18
Topic 2-26
Topic 3-24
Topic 4-20
This is really helped me to look in my level of preparation.It changed my thinking process tranfering everything to structure from and also knew how I overconfidence about topic befor.
Topic1: 19
Topic2: 22
Topic3: 26
Topic 1 -21
Topic 2- 21
Topic 3 -29
Topic 4 -19
I am new to upsc exam. So I am totally blank with the syllabus of upsc exam . The methods that you are teaching is really helpful. This decision matrix method help me to understand myself. It help me to understand how much I know about the topic. Thanks for sharing such methods.
Topic 1 0 6 0 7 2 9 2 = 26
Topic 2 0 3 0 1 1 9 8 = 22
Topic 3 0 6 0 7 2 9 5 = 29
Topic 4 0 3 0 1 1 9 6 = 20
It is helping more and good for exercise practice. Due to this exercise i can understand my mistakes
I have learnt a lot from this decision matrix technique. Now I am more confident about choosing an essay topic.
Topic 1:7+5+4+3+5+6+5=35
Topic 2: 7+6+2+5+5+2+2=29
Topic 3:6+4+6+5+6+5+5=39
Topic 4:6+1+2+6+2+3+5=24
These helped me understand where I am standing and what topic have to choose
Topic 1 =45
Topic 2=18
Topic 3=48
Topic 4=13
Thnku sir without this I would hv chosen topic 1 but now I can choose topic 3
Topic1- 21
I have been attending this, I thought that I need work so much. This helps to judge my capacity and Language. This matrix method is very useful and most informative method to learn and analyse the contents in essay.
Since all the topics I have took and apply the matrix method then I got these above result.
But as I am fresher to it I have not able to get lot information about the topic.
Topic1- 21
I have been attending this, I thought that I need work so much. This helps to judge my capacity and Language. This matrix method is very useful and most informative method to learn and analyse the contents in essay.
Since all the topics I have took and apply the matrix method then I got these above result.
But as I am fresher to it I have not able to get lot information about the topic
Topic1:- 22
Topic2:- 22
Topic3:- 33
Topic4:- 36
Topic5:- 14
Topic6:- 11
Topic7:- 21
Topic8:- 6
TOPIC 1 – 20
TOPIC 2 – 18
TOPIC 3 – 26
TOPIC 4 – 37
My scores are as follows:
Topic 1 – 23
Topic 2 – 21
Topic 3 – 30
Topic 4 – 8
Learnings:- This is indeed an eye-opener for me as I had decided to go with 2 first, but the scores revealed that I was wrong. Though my selection of 3 one as my second topic was right.
This method gives in a proper structure and also prioritizes the points in our sleeve in a structured manner.
The same technique can be used for other GS papers, especially the selection of questions.
The same is also applicable in our day-to-day life as well especially when in a discussion with family or in a meeting with clients etc.
1. 4+5+0+2+0+2+0=13
2. 0+5+0+2+0+3+2=12
3. 5+5+0+2+2+5+1=20
4. 5+5+0+1+1+4+1=17
it opened my eyes to show me how much i am lagging , yes!! surprised me. because till then i am in dilemma thinking i know everything related to the topic but this decision matrix changed my perception. i am sure it will help in general studied too, in real life before starting anything we must question ourselves how much are we aware about it. it will help in state PSCS as my knowledge.
Topic 1-32
Topic 2-37
Topic 3-36
Topic 4-34
On seeing questions for the first time my instinct was to attempt topic 4.But after this exercise I came to know that I was better at topic 2.I cannot find convincing arguments in my mind against the topic 4.This is where it lost out to topic 2.
Topic 1- 50
Topic 2- 58
Topic 3- 55
Topic 4- 46
Had I not taken this exercise I would have gone with Topic 1 due to its proximity with my optional philosophy. However as the exercise revealed I should go with topics 2 or 3 to fetch more marks. Something like this exercise can definitely be used in ethics gs4 specifically with case studies. I will definitely try to implement the 5 percent more often in my decision making in personal life.
1. Wisdom finds truth: 15
2.Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be: 28
3.Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society: 27
4.Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success: 24
Result is surprising. Without the matrix exercise I would have definitely gone for Topic 3 or 4. Just because we superficially think about a point or two on reading the topic does not mean we know sufficient about it. A planned approach with a systematic evaluation of the topic can only help us attain the final scores. And surely like sir pointed out, at the end of the exercise, I thought to myself that I might have wrongly evaluated a parameter, that is why I scored less on Topic 3 and 4. But I need to accept the result and go with the evaluation of the exercise.
1. Wisdom finds truth: 7
2.Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be: 34
3.Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society: 21
4.Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success: 31
1. In the exam (Mains 2019), I thought I was equally good at all the topics and it is actually very surprising to see how Topic 1 fares poorly here. It was my 5th attempt and I eventually chose Topic 2 after a lot of deliberation and still too many doubts in my mind.
2.This exercise actually gave structure and organisation to the thought process we go through- especially when choice is provided.If I knew this before, I would have attempted Topic 2 confidently without any doubts.
3. This can be used in the optional paper where again choice is provided and it is tricky at times especially in my optional-Public Administration.
4.Other areas:
a) In planning day to day tasks and prioritise the important ones.
b) While investing in stock market
c) While buying a car/ flat to decide between various options.
Can anyone please say me about this portal and how to use it?? Kindly help me out and please say me about the book
Hi Rebecca,
welcome to becomingias. To read and article on this blog, just sign up and gain access. Choose the articles which are useful for your level of preparation.
if you’re new to the upsc preparation journey, I suggest starting with the upsc syllabus challenge.
if you want to improve answer and essay writing for mains exam, the book is something you should check out at
Make the most of the information provided here and learn all you can.
all the best!
For specific queries you can email me at
I hope this was helpful.
Ravi kapoor,IRS
I always spent my half an hour to read this web site’s articles or reviews daily along with a mug of coffee.
I learn something new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon everyday.
I like the valuable information you provide in your articles.
Like!! Great article post.Really thank you! Really Cool.
Topic :1- 37
Topic:3- 51
Topic:4- 54
Words will be short if I will be thanking you for this…. though I’m a beginner I get the core of information that you want to give us through this…it changed the way i look into essay topic and was really helpful
We can apply this in other Gs topics while answering in the same way by thinking analytically… Thanks a lot Sir
I am a beginner so the scores did not surprise me.This decision matrix indeed made me realize to think deeply into any topic before attempting into it.
This will help me decide and analyse. And I will definitely use it during exam.The various questions I asked myself performing the activity went into all dimensions of satisfying a good essay.This will indeed help in my selection of topic , collection of details and producing them in the essay .The decision matrix also invisibly plays a very important role in any decision you take in life .
Topic 1: 31
Topic 2: 34
Topic 3: 47
Topic 4: 42
This test revealed me about the proper decision making sense required while choosing a topic. Earlier, while choosing a topic, I felt like choosing any random topic and end up mixing my thoughts which resulted in a huge blunder. The scores I got from the 4 topics, I was surprised to see my potential of choosing a good topic which earlier I didn’t have. This not only helped me to boost up my ideas but also gave me an overall info about choosing the right one and how to plan up sentences according to it.