There a typical but pernicious misconceptions about writing an essay in the upsc exam- that there is no right or wrong. People mistakenly believe that anything goes and all opinions are equally valid as long you write well about them.
This is because practicing logic pushes us outside the comfort zones of our cherished opinions and we do not like the feeling of cognitive dissonance which ensues.
One of the most iconic portrayals of this constant battle of emotion versus logic appeared in the 1957 classic movie 12 Angry men. Wherein a jury of 12 people discuss the culpability of a murder suspect. The irrationality and blind emotion disguised as logic is represented by the 11 men who consider it to be a open and shut case. Only one skeptic stands in the way of consensus who invariably breaks all the 11 men down by his relentless and calm reasoning exposing their biases, blind spots and prejudgments during the course of the movie.
Here is the iconic last scene where the final member of the jury breaks down under logical rigor leading the decision of the jury to reach a highly unexpected consensus.
Most of the essays which aspirants write sound like the man in the video- devoid of solid reason, full of emotional pleas, personal opinions and heresy. The objective of this lesson is to never make the same mistakes he did- for in UPSC essays and in life.

Believe it or not, there is often a particularly right away or a wrong way to structure an argument. And a particularly well-defined way to counter-argument and even to anticipate them.
To be rational is to use system 1 and think slow rather than intuitively and fast. ( See this amazing talk by psychologist Daniel Kahneman about these concepts elaborated in his seminal book- Thinking Fast and Slow)
In the famous action-horror movie World War Z, when entire world is plagued by zombies, only Israel remains safe. They survived because of the principal of the 10th man. Here’s that conversation:
The essay in UPSC Exam is much like that where 9 out of 10 people make the same mistake while writing and get filtered out. The purpose of this lesson is make you good at being the 10th man and in effect the last one standing.
How not to be wrong while writing your Essay in the USPC exam

1. Anticipate counter-arguments and get better at the art of argumentation: Every story has two sides esp. in the Essay topics of the UPSC exam. Failing to consider the other perspective, no matter how difficult, is a mistake. You should be able to argue for and against the motion on every Essay topic. But this easier said than done because it is hard to accept this. It starts from realizing that you are wrong in some fundamental way and that your opinion is restricted and limited. Your opinion is not the entire truth.
Warning: Watching the video below can seriously damage your ignorance.
2. Use LED and know that arguments are different from opinions or conflicts. Arguments in Essay for the UPSC exam are not conflicts. Instead they are pictures of reality which you paint with your words for your reader. They serve to impress, compel, reason, convince and illuminate your reader to see your point of view. Arguments are not about winning or losing. They are about learning something you didn’t know but probably should have known.

To do this well, you must given them reasons to believe you. Do that by substantiating every assertion or opinion in your Essay of the UPSC exam with an L.E.D ( Logic, Examples, Data). Leave no statement unaccompanied by support from one or more of these. A statement without LED is nothing but empty opinion. A statement with LED is a compelling argument.
3. Create a narrative filled with compelling arguments. Know that Essays in the UPSC exam or otherwise, constitute fundamentally of a structure and arguments. Much like a building has an underlying structure of steel beams which are overlaid and bolstered by layers of bricks. For Essays in the UPSC exam, the structure of steal beams is the narrative of your Essay and the bricks are the individual arguments. The resulting building is a mix of both ingredients.

For Essays in the UPSC exam, the structure of steal beams is the narrative of your Essay and the bricks are the individual arguments.

How to demolish counter-arguments while writing your Essay in the UPSC exam
- Identify and Attack the premise or the assumptions in the arguments of your opposition. Every statement has some implicit assumptions. If, for instance, someone argues that humans are the ultimate creation of god because of xyz reasons, then they have assumed the following:
1. That god exists.
2. God is engaged in the business of creation of creatures such as human beings.
But premise no. 1, God’s existence is highly debatable. The best way to destroy this argument would be to retort that gods’ existence is a questionable premise and a matter of opinion instead of being a matter of fact. If you attack the foundation or the Premise of your opposition effectively, you will destroy credibility in almost EVRYTHING they might have claimed in their argument.
Notice how the speaker in the video establishes the premises of her arguments and anticipates the opposition:
- Point out logical fallacies like spurious correlations. It is a common mistake to correlation with causation. Just because two things are related does not mean one causes the other. Just because my dog can every time sense if rain is coming does not mean that he is the cause of the rainfall or vica versa. The two events are correlated but not causally inter-connected.
Below is a curious case of spurious correlation where Nicolas Cage films are closely correlated with people drowning in swimming pools. Is it correct to say that one causes the other?

- Use counter-LED to counter-weigh the arguments of your opposition. For every substantiation your opposition offers, try to find cases which negate their assertion. For instance, if someone argues that being a billionaire is NOT immoral because there are people like Bill Gates who donate most of their wealth to charity, you can retort by saying that for Bill gates type-billionaire, there are dozens who do NOT donate their wealth or prioritize charitable work. Most billionaires keep the wealth within their families and seek to prevent it’s redistribution.
- Use the reductio spell: Reductio ad absurdum is a method of argumentation where you take someone’s argument and extend it to ridiculous proportions. For instance, if it is not immoral to be a billionaire because people like Bill Gates exist, then the world would already have been rid of all it’s problems since the billionaires of the world would have solved them. This is clearly not the case, therefore the argument for the motion is frivolous.

There are many other ways of demolishing counter-arguments which you can use for Essays in the UPSC exam.
But the test is in the taste of pudding. You must practice these principles in order to internalize them.

The Essay topic “ social media is inherently a selfish medium ” was recently asked in the UPSC Exam. The ensuing debate corresponds deeply with this important and contentious issue.
Below are two sides of a debate about social media.
Arguing first is Jack Symonds-
In opposition is Laalithya Vadlamani:
- List out all arguments for the motion and how they were countered by the opposition in 250 words or less.
2. Write in 100 words or less about which side would you vote for and why?
Post your answers in the comments below.
Get to work!
Ravi Kapoor, IRS
For the motion:-
1.Social media causes mental illness like depression, anxiety.
2.Social media causes eating disorders among people.
3.Social media impact on relationship and interactions as it is an virtual mode. It limits our face to face interactions.
4.Social media has self-harming and suicidal contents. It can harms the human mind badly.
5.Sometimes social media promotes body-shaming, which demotivates people.
6.It limiting our interactions and effecting our relationship with our family and friends.
7.Personal data of people are not secured here. Cyber crimes are increasing through social media.
8.Anti-national many contents are uploaded through social media.
Against the motion:-
1.Social media has brought people from all over the world under one roof.
2.Social media keeps us aware of various news of the country and abroad.
3.Social media is playing an important role in eradicating the loneliness of old people.
4.Worried parents can easily stay in touch with their children living abroad through social media.
5.It is not possible to meet all those friends offline due to distance, social media is the only way to communicate with them.
6.There is no alternative to social media for gaining knowledge on various topics in less time.
8.Social media also helps women and minorities to define by their identity and their interest.
It’s really hard to say which side I agree with. If we judge well, we will realize that social media has its bad side as well as its good side. While social media can make some people emotionally lonely, for others it is a tool to reduce loneliness.Through social media, we get to know many talented people from our country and abroad and we also gradually enrich ourselves. Actually we should understand that it is not the fault of social media but the fault of the user. It all depends on his/her mindset and intentions.
Jack Symond
● Social media causes mental illness
like depression.
● Social media is not evil but dishonest.
● Social media like facebook , instagram
have simple method of reporting fake
news scandal.
● It causes eating disorder among
Task 2
Laalithya Vadlamani
● Online communication help in building
relationship stronger among family
and friend. Parent stay connected with
their children studying abroad.
● People stay more update.
● Social media help women
entrepreneur to increase their
● It also help those people who are in bad situation.
Both Jack Syrmond and Laalithya Vadlamani have their own strong point on their argument. But I agree with Laalithya Vadlamani since Social media has played an important role in our day today requirements. It has more of advantages than disadvantages.
Jack Symond
● Social media causes mental illness
like depression.
● Social media is not evil but dishonest.
● Social media like facebook , instagram
have simple method of reporting fake
news scandal.
● It causes eating disorder among
Task 2
Laalithya Vadlamani
● Online communication help in building
relationship stronger among family
and friend. Parent stay connected with
their children studying abroad.
● People stay update.
● Social media help women
entrepreneur to increase their
● It also help those people who are in bad situation.
Both Jack Syrmond and Laalithya Vadlamani have their own strong point on their argument. But I agree with Laalithya Vadlamani since Social media has played an important role in our day today requirements. It has more of advantages than disadvantages.
Task 1
Jack Symonds
1. Cause depression.
2.Eating disorder
3. Leak users personal details
4. Real relationship replace by the virtual relationship
5. Addiction create mental disorder
Laalithya Vaaldamani-
1. Help to women to increase their business
2. Web app used for the against crime
3. People stay updated
4. Parents connected to their children who are in abroad
5. Help those people who are in bad
Task 2
I agreed with both because both are correct in their own place because high usage of social media get many cause and without social we are go back day . So, we’ve to be in the middle path use only when need and never get addicted to any social media and never attached emotion to any social media.
Task 1
• Jack Symonds
1. Social media cause depression
2. Eating disorders
3. Real relationship replace by virtual relationship
4. Social media is not evil but dishonest
5. Leading to corruption by leak users personal details
6. Truth is being replaced with the speed and access to false rumours
7. We’ve shifted from tool based technology to addiction and manipulation technology
• Laalithya Vaaldamani-
1. Help to women to increase their business
2. We stay informed
3. Created integrated world
4. Help those people who are in bad situation
5. Web app used to save the crime
6. Parents are in contact with their children who are in abroad
Task 2
I agreed with both because both are correct in their own place
So we’ve to be in middle path to use social media when we need and don’t get addicted and don’t attach emotions to any social media
“social media corrupts human interaction”
for the motion
1. Social media affects the way people behave which corrupts human interaction.
2. Depression can be developed through using social media
3. Eating disorders are seen in people of every age, race and communities where social media has part in it
4. Mental illness can be developed through social media contents.
5.Social media makes people believe in unrealistic things which were posted in the social media.
against the motion
1. Social media helps to find people with the same interest or to join an organization.
2. Social media helps to meet people who cannot be met offline.
3. Online meeting through social media helps in face to face interactions.
4. Social media helps in inner connectivity and connective consciousness.
5. Social media helps people from isolation by connecting with family and relatives across the globe.
I would vote for social media does not corrupts human interaction because after the arrival of social media into our lives there is change in human behavior but it does not means it will corrupt human interactions. social medias can only corrupt human interactions if social medias are overused. So controlled use of social medias will not corrupt human interaction.
For the motion:-
1.Social media causes mental illness like depression, anxiety.
2.Social media causes eating disorders among people.
3.Social media impact on relationship and interactions as it is an virtual mode. It limits our face to face interactions.
4.Social media has self-harming and suicidal contents. It can harms the human mind badly.
5.Sometimes social media promotes body-shaming, which demotivates people.
6.It limiting our interactions and effecting our relationship with our family and friends.
7.Personal data of people are not secured here. Cyber crimes are increasing through social media.
8.Anti-national many contents are uploaded through social media.
Against the motion:-
1.Social media has brought people from all over the world under one roof.
2.Social media keeps us aware of various news of the country and abroad.
3.Social media is playing an important role in eradicating the loneliness of old people.
4.Worried parents can easily stay in touch with their children living abroad through social media.
5.It is not possible to meet all those friends offline due to distance, social media is the only way to communicate with them.
6.There is no alternative to social media for gaining knowledge on various topics in less time.
8.Social media also helps women and minorities to define by their identity and their interest.
It’s really hard to say which side I agree with. If we judge well, we will realize that social media has its bad side as well as its good side. While social media can make some people emotionally lonely, for others it is a tool to reduce loneliness.Through social media, we get to know many talented people from our country and abroad and we also gradually enrich ourselves. Actually we should understand that it is not the fault of social media but the fault of the user. It all depends on his/her mindset and intentions.
“ social media is inherently a selfish medium.”
1. Communication from any part of the world.
2. It helps us get in touch with the person with whom we might not be able to be in touch in real life.
3. Empowers social change with peaceful protests.
4. Empowers women to get their voices heard.
5. Social media should be used in a smart way.
Social media has both pros and cons; we should use it accordingly.
Task-1 Essay topic “Social media inherently a selfish medium For the motin 1.Social media impact on relationship and interaction as it is on virtual mode. 2.Social media is causing people eating disorder 3. social media associated increased carbon footprint 4.The society has been influenced a lot from social media it has imbibed a show off cultures. 5.Social media are travelling , cybercrimes , especially crimes against women promotion of pornography , false beauty standards leading to insecurities promoting tendencies . 6.Social media sites used for radiacatization of innocent youth , spred if terror and its associated ideology. 7.Social media is a tool of sharing the ideas of thoughts , informationand opinions with the masses on a virtual network like , Facebook , instagram, twitters . Against the motion—- 1.Social media helped us in connecting with people who are working in different places of planet .2.Socual media helps elderly people to connect eith their Family abroad and fight them loneliness 3.Social media helps feel interconnected and empower ,collection,consciousness.4.Social media acts us counter weigh to ongoing devolution of human lives .5.Sicial media is the best way to sray infirmed about where abouts of the worlds .6.Social media helps us in shattering conventional socio economics barrier by empowering business women. Task-: 2-: I,am undecided on the matter as I somewhat agree with both Sides Everything has some pro and all arguments are very interesting but as matter of fact I strongly believe that .It depends on person intention on how is he using it the excess of anything in bad could be used her .If we intend to use it short period of time and for betterment of ourselves it is good else it can cause damage both physically and mentally.
Social media motion:
Social media platforms provide opportunities to socialise, play, and learn, and can positively impact mental health by helping young people:
Maintain social bonds and stay up to date with family and friends across the globe
Connect with new friends and groups of people who share similar interests or experiences
Access constant support and advice anonymously, providing a lifeline to young people who may struggle in silence
Develop communication skills while encouraging more open and honest discussion of thoughts and feelings
Express themselves and develop their personality.
Against of motion:
Interactive technologies are relatively new, and research into short- and long-term consequences is limited. However, multiple studies have linked high usage to increased risk of anxiety, depression, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts.
Potential risks of social media include:
Social comparison. Fear of missing out is not a new term, but social media sites can exacerbate these feelings. Virtual profiles allow people to share highlights of their lives, setting unrealistic expectations that leave young people feeling insecure and dissatisfied.
Young people may compare themselves to celebrities, influencers, or people they admire, developing unhealthy obsessions with appearance that can significantly impact self-esteem.
Greater social media usage has been linked to poorer sleep quality, which is in turn linked to low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.
Self-harm and suicidal ideation. Although social media can be great for support-seeking, certain content can have a negative influence, normalising self-harm and exposing young people to explicit images/videos. With access to online forums discussing self-harm and suicide, young people may be encouraged to engage in such behaviours with devastating consequences.
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TASK 1 –
1. Social media limits our physical/ face to face interaction.
2. Person using social media is at risk of depression 2.7 times more than who doesn’t.
3. Social media is causing people eating disorder.
4. It gives distorted image of how one should look causing mental illness in younger generation.
5. Social Media evoke feeling of envy and inadequacy by the views of our peer groups.
6. It is becoming harder and harder to find journalistic integrity.
7. Its limiting our organic interaction with our family, friends and elders.
1. It helps us in connecting with people who are working in different places of planet.
2. It helps elderly people to connect with their family living abroad and fight their loneliness.
3. It helps us feel interconnected and empowers collective consciousness.
4. It acts as a counter weight to ongoing devaluation of human lives.
5. It helps in shattering conventional socio economic barrier by empowering business women.
6. It is the best way to stay informed about whereabouts of the world.
TASK 2 –
I am undecided on the matter as I somewhat agree with both sides. Everything has some pro and cones and all arguments are very interesting but as a matter of fact I strongly believe that it depends on person intention on how is he using it. The adage ” Excess of anything is bad ” could be used here. If we intend to use it for short period of time and for betterment of ourselves it is good else it can cause damage both physically and mentally.
Essay topic: Social media is inherently a selfish medium.
Task 1
Motion: Social media corrupt Human interaction. (Jack Symonds)
1. Social media impact on relationship and interaction as it is on virtual mode.
2. According to a study; individual having spend 61 minutes per day affected by it, which causing the development of depression and leads to loss of interaction in the physical world.
3. Eating disorder in all gender, all races, all socioeconomic backgrounds and in some cases affect the overages also.
4. Causing serious mental illness when social media gives distorted images of “How the body should look ?”
5. Social media has also self-harming and suicidal content
6. Not only impact on individual also change in a act as a society and affect our political interaction.
7. Gives massive following to people who are popular rather who are professional.
8. Journalistic integrity is quickly becoming harder and harder to find due the impact of social media.
9. Loss of organic interaction
Motion: Social media doesn’t corrupt Human interaction. (Laalithya Vadlamani)
1. Social media helps us to meet our friends, we have not had the opportunity to meet offline.
2. It helps in making offline relationship stronger.
3. Parents are able to keep in close contact with their children who are traveling abroad or going away to university.
4. Global friendship are still able to flourish.
5. Helps in interconnection and collective consciousness.
6. Instigate social change by good and empower individuals and communities.
7. Can help us arm social stigma.
8. Helps women and minorities to define by their identity and their interest.
9. Play a great role in faster movement of information.
Task 2
Both Jack Symonds and Laalithya Vadlamani are rightly pointed out cons and pros of the motion respectively. I’m not in the for or against the motion, as their are certain dilemma along with some positive impact of social media.
All depends upon us how we use it.
I am on the cons side of the essay topic—-
Social media corrupts human interactions…..
As development in the field of technology happens day by day, human interaction becomes lesser. Social media and OTT platforms played the role of poison catalyst here. Childrens are very much addictive towards indoor games than outdoor ones. It not only bring negative impact to their psychological health but also bring negative impact on their physical health. Sudden changes in their behaviour is observable. Just if we look 30-40 years back then comparable to present scenario a drastic change is observable. What changes are that? Nothing much just interaction with every aged people’s are happening by cell phones and social media platforms.
So, offline interaction is very much necessary now in today’s time. As, it’s a healthy interaction where all forms of communication like verbal and non-verbal are observable.
I am on the cons side of the essay topic ——-
It is immoral to be a billionaire……….
There is no connection between immorality and a billionaire. Being a billionaire is not an evil choice but to showcase your potential of earning money. According to the above title , those who became a billionaire they all are immoral; it’s not true. Mindset of a person never change , though their state of living or lifestyle may change. We can observe the life style of Bill Gates who is a billionaire but when it comes to raise the front step towards social work he always stand forward or we can also observe the life style of Sir Ratan Tata. He also engaged in numerous Social activity type works. So, if helping other comes in the immoral activities then the title is justified but it not. So, we cannot claim that It is immoral to be a billionaire.
Debate session of both side speakers are very lucrative for audience. As various datas are mentioned and also many informations are discussed in open way.
I really like the debate session on “Social media corrupts human interactions “. As, here both speakers not only countered Welly but also provide strong argument against their opinions.
1) Social media affects people at the individual level.
2) It has raised the likelihood of people going into depression by 2.7 times than usual as revealed through a research conducted in 2014.
3) It has led to rise in eating disorders in people regardless of their socio-economic background, race or age (in certain cases).
4) Social media platforms are giving young people distorted images of how their bodies should look which results a in a serious mental illness that has far reaching implications on loving families.
5) Social media elicit feeling of envy and feeling of inadequacy by instilling us with often false belief that other people are living a successful and worthy life.
6) Thus, social media is dishonest as it presents a standard that is unrealistic and a reality that is unreliable.
1) Social media is a counterweight to ongoing devaluation of human lives rather than aiding it.
2) It serves to enhance human interactions and improve it’s functionality.
3) 1 billion Facebook users, 500 million tweets and 80 million Instagram stories in a day indicate users enjoy digital interactions.
4) It empowers business women and provides impetus to their efforts.
5) Social media isn’t a substitute to real human communication but enables us to keep in touch with people we’ve known in the past or those we’ve no scope of meeting in person.
6) Social media is essentially helpful to people who are physically isolated by families by providing digital interaction at the least.
I wouldn’t cast a vote as I’m of the opinion as social media if and when used judiciously can weigh out the cons cited by the proposition and can serve as an invaluable tool not just for distant – communication, but also distance – education, business, etc.
On the other hand, if not used judiciously or driven by a moral purpose, it can lead to disastrous impacts as witnessed in communal clashes triggered by social media posts in Maharashtra, Bihar, etc.
Nikita upadhyay
Assignment 9
Topic -“social media is inherently a selfish medium. “
STEP 1] List out all arguments for the TOPIC and how they were countered by the opposition in 250 words or less.
For the topic –
1) Social media is cause of eating disorders in teenagers.
2) Social media is affecting us at personal level which indirectly affects the way we interact with society. It is affecting our social health.
3) Social media like instagram, facebook create wrong perspective about body shape and size which is hurting self image of young people.
4) Personal data of people is shared by these sites hence social media is a corruption.
5) Depression is increasing in people of all age group and socioeconomic communities.
6) Cyber bullying and crimes are increasing.
7) Live streaming of anti national content (terror activities) is increasing and poor and uneducated youth are recruited in terror groups from underdeveloped and developing nations
Counter arguments by opposition-
1) Social media connects people living or working in different places of planet.
2) Its helps elderly people to fight lonliness when all their family members stay away or are at work.
3) People can connect or find their old school and college friends.
4) People can find like minded people which share same mental nodes and hobbies.
5) People can raise their voice for a right cause and thousands and lakh of people can connect with the cause.
6) Students are benefitted from various other apps in their daily life.
7) Startups can advertise and people can also earn from social media.
Which side I would vote for and why-
In my opinion we should strike for balance. Believe it or not we must celebrate the contribution of social media in our day to day life. It has become a part of our life. But at the same time overuse of it is harmful to us. It was made for our benefit so we should use it in the way such that it does not harm various aspects of our health.
Jack Simond’s side:
May be it is a fact that social media made people gather in peaceful protest as mentioned by Laalithya Vadlamani but it is true that many of the people would have sat in their home simple by putting likes, posting comments and tweeting without participating in the real protest going out there.
It make some people lose self confident when it comes about money and physical appearance which makes them to be afraid to face real human interaction. They are afraid to come out of the virtual world.
Social media is good but for sure it is affecting the way of human interaction in real world.
Task 1
#Social media corrupt human interaction
Our human connections are being replaced by virtual relationships we are living in the digital universe and it is corrupting the way that we act with each other. Social media is affecting us individually and changing the way we behave.
Research School from the University of Pittsburgh Medicine studied 1,700 people between the ages of 19 and 32 was found that participants 61 mins per day on social media visiting social retail sites over it spending and 30 times per week this search was conducted in 2014 and the numbers are growing steadily since that time.
#Social media doesn’t corrupt human interactions
But social media also allows people to effortlessly stay in connection with their friends and family Social media is one of the best ways to form, social networking sites spread information faster than any other form of media. Using social media people allows people to follow organizations and causes that they believe in and make them feel they are part of something even if they’re not fully integrated into society. The 74+ age group people are the fastest growing demographic on social media sites. Seniors reported feeling happier due to online contact with family and friends. So we can say social media isn’t perfect but it’s clear that it has the potential to be an incredibly pivotal vehicle for social change.
Task 2:
I would not take any side but prefer to be neutral as social media has both negative and positive sides. It depends on us how we use or misuse it. Social media can be so helpful in many ways if we focus on +ve but still, it’s also true that it’s addictive and destroys the mental peace of an individual.
The debate presented facts pertaining to psychological, physiological, social, and economic dimensions and their effects in pre-teen, teenage and adulthood. The points that were for the arguments are as follows:
1. Increased the need for instant gratification to constantly supplement our dopaminergic levels.
2. The constant need to be seen by more and more people has increased manifold.
3. Real human connections have been replaced by virtual connection
4. With constant exposure to the so called “ideal- self”, the problems of depression, anxiety, eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia have increased.
5. The unrealistic standards of the “filtered and altered” world often send people down the spiral of inferiority complex.
6. On a collective level, it has made us ideologically fixed, specially politically by suggesting articles/ posts that supplement our own line of thought without bringing in counter-arguments.
However, like all the coins, it has a flip side too which was presented in the form of the following arguments:
1. It acts as a counter-weight to the ongoing devaluation of the human life which measures it in the form of money, status in society and such clichéd socio-economic standards.
2. It enhances human connections by aiding interactions with family, friends, loved ones halfway across the world.
3. Can help us group with people of similar interests, hobbies thus enhancing scope of success.
4. Promotes businesses to an extent impossible for real life interaction.
5. Can act as a tool for social change against the potential tyranny of the governments thereby enhancing our collective consciousness.
In this complex debate, I would like to opt for a 3rd front. The benefits of social media in bringing us together socially, economically, and psychologically cannot be ignored. At the same time, people falling prey to the “ideal”, “cool” and “dream-life” would have deleterious effects if left unchecked. The golden mean would be to use S.M. to the fullest constructive potential while simultaneously taming its antagonistic side. Connecting with people would be good for our mental health especially in isolated times such as COVID, but comparing ourselves to others and consequently travelling down the spiral of inferiority complex would bring us nothing but misery.
1) Social media can impact on our interactions, on our relationships and on each and every one of our lives on a very deeply personal level. As a society we are constantly feeling to be seen by massive amount of people, we are growing more and more dependent on instant gratification and in order to feel included we are forced to post, tweet, message, check, swipe, upload, share, react and ping.
2) Our real human connection are being replaced by virtual relationship and for the most part we are spending huge proportions of our lives living in the digital universe, corrupting the way that we act with each other.
3)A research done by Pittsburgh school of medicine in 2014 found that participants who are spending more number of hours in the social media are tend to display indicators of high level of depression. Other correlations researched elsewhere showed the development of eating disorders of people from all socioeconomic backgrounds.
4) Social media gives distorted and filtered images of our bodies and often times the result is quite serious that has far reaching implications on our relationships. It presents the standards that are unrealistic and unreliable. The very essence of corruption of social media.
5)FB’s fake news scandal where FB employee accused of choosing the articles and trending it as a news feed based on personal political beliefs. the alteration of information and filtering the reality is the very essence of the corruption in social media.
6) social media gives massive fan following of people who are popular rather than professional and hence replacing journalistic integrity with speed and access.
1) It provides platform to share hobbies, life experiences of the people with whom offline meeting wasn’t possible.
2)Develops Stronger relationship between parents and children, global friendships.
3) Active lifestyle changes has increased popularity presenting the world.
4)It empower us to feel equip with the knowledge needed to become global citizen and communicator and helps us to stay informed all the time. The potential apps developed help in creating sensations and the concerns relating to the safety of women at distant places. Movements to remove the ideas of biasing one group of people, voicing for the justice for a oppressed group. and reaching help to the needy ones at times when it is impossible to communicate offline.
Task 2: I am in favor of the views that SOCIAL MEDIA DOESN’T CORRUPT HUMAN INTERACTIONS .
Social media platforms helps in getting the varied views, ideas, and information. It is up to us how we can process that information for making it a wisdom or a knowledge of people’s benefits. Through social media we are able to connect with friends and people of same agenda at the same time to to disburse the important knowledge required for the time. We feel part of the organizations or any social causes that are meant for spiritual upliftment, awareness of environmental health, creating sensations for justice etc.We feel integrated globally through these social media platforms. The more we remain aware, the more we tend to become transparent .
Assignment –
1. Arguments against – Constant feeling – need to be seen by people
– More dependent on instant gratification.
– Real relationships replaced by virtual one.
– Spending huge time of our life in digital universe.
– People who most frequently check social media – 2.7 times more likely to develop depression.
– Eating disorders, body shaming – mental illness.
– Reason – constantly presented with highly idealized views of our peers social; feeling of envy & inadequacy; instilling false belief that other people are living more fulfilling lives.
– Standard that is unrealistic, a reality that is unreliable
– Facebook analytica example – corruption & threat to democratic rights.
– Massive followings for people who are popular rather than professional.
– Journalistic integrity.
Arguments for – Offline & online lives – integrated
– Tweeter imp tool to reach govt.
– Maintain connect with distant people
– Share cherished moments
– Social change
– Its not a substitute for physical interaction
2. Social media is a tool and should be used as one. It assist us in easy & swift interaction with people. Even during covid times, it was the only medium which kept us interconnected & relaxed that our near & dear ones are safe. But it cannot be denied that it has an impact on our mental well being and it is a well researched fact now. People use it to make themselves feel good and scroll long enough to find such content. But in the middle, some disturbing videos post jumps & negatively affect our mood and emotions. Fake news & harmful home remedies were shared all around during pandemic without giving a single thought about its usefulness & impact, though it was unintended. This confirms the need for digital literacy & awareness about fact check so that people use it more responsibly.
Task 1- JACK SYMONDS- Social media is not straight away evil and indeed it reaps many benefits BUT, 1. Social media promotes the constant trying for self validation among people. 2. Physical communication has lost its touch and virtual communication has taken over. 3. Pittsburg university research says social media users have high level of depression and that is affecting the capability to communicate. 4. Social media causing exaggerated goals regarding physique resulting in eating disorders. 5. Social media promotes unrealistic scenarios regarding success and growth. 6. Talking s more effective than stalking.
LAALITHYA VADLAMANI- 1- Social media helps in connecting friends and families round the world who cannot meet in person. 2. Social media helps people with different interests and choices to be with online communities supporting them. 3. Social media helps in movements to come forward regarding women rights et cetera that can cause positive social change foe example black lives matter movement in US. 4. Social media helps to empower women entrepreneurs for example one org provides African women to connect others and grow. 5. Social media helps to spread awareness at first reaction. 6. Social media helps in emotional satisfaction by knowing and expressing concerns for our loved ones.
Task 2- Social media is a very essential part of our life and with time new habits and priorities emerge in society, even Krishna says new generation has its own way of seeing things so it will be injustice to declare social media as soul reason for problems in modern life, there are many benefits of social media, like connecting with people round the globe, membership of online communities with people having similar interests, emotional satisfaction and sense of security by knowing whereabouts of of loved ones. List is not exhaustive regarding benefits. Amidst the benefits there should be regulation of social media in order to keep these benefits alive with time, laws like IT ACT 2000 regulates social media, responsibility should be assured for content on social media in order to never dying benefits of it.
The motion proposed the significance yet the downside of social media in our everyday lives in terms of our interactions with others. A study by Pittsburgh school of medicine conducted on 1,700 people stated that an average person spends 61 minutes per day on social media sites. These numbers have steadily grown over time. Another study stated that people who spend more time on such platforms are 2.5 times more likely to develop depression than others. Social media users commonly experience symptoms of depression, anxiety and restlessness now more than ever before. Digital connectivity through social media also gives users little control over what they encounter on their feed. Feeling of envy and inadequacy in personal life are experienced commonly as we see other people sharing moments of their best lives. These feelings in the long term, impair the sense of satisfaction and joy people feel in their physical lives and instead makes users heavily dependent on instant gratification. Social media presents a reality which is unreliable and corrupts social interaction by forming selfish perspectives on falsified/ wrongly promoted content.
But the billions of users on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram factually prove that the benefits of social media outdo the limitations. People we couldn’t stay in touch with earlier such as our past peers, family members living away, Politicians and idols can be connected with through social media in a productive way easily and efficiently. Social media also empowers us to form groups online to bring focus on issues that matters most to us and bring a positive change in the world.
Social media has given immense power to the hands of all people. It is our ethical obligation to use it morally. Social media is undoubtedly essential to connect with the world efficiently, create joy and learn things easily. In an ideal world, social media would be a utopia where people share positive remarks, and always fairly promote social issues but the real world is not ideal yet. I agree with the proposition that social media hinders our ability to communicate better in the physical world. Mental health problems, mistrust of others because of online fraud and severe bullying and harassment, privacy breach, and the inability to make simple human mistakes and grow as human beings are only a few of the reasons that show how much social media impacts us on an individual level.
1. Social media corrupts human interactions(Jack Symonds)
According to him, Social media affecting us individually. It changes our behaviour. Our real human connections are being replaced by virtual relationships. As an example, In 2014 research, Between ages of 19 and 32 participants were spending 61min/day on social media and over 30 times/week visiting social media and number is growing. Also causes Depression. This depression affect our interaction with each other in this world. Social media distorted images of how their bodies should look and often times the result is a serious mental illness that has far reaching implications on loving relationships. Some social media apps have Self harming and suicidal content, chilling indictment of the extent of this problem. Causes eating disorder. It cause feeling of envy and inadequacy by instilling us with false belief. It is dishonest Because it presents us unrealistic a reality i.e. unreliable and shows the filtered, altered world which is somehow responsible for corruption, so freedom of thought is in danger. Loses of journalists integrity. Not organic interaction with each other.
2. Social media does not corrupt Human Interactions(Laalithya Vadlamani)
According to her, anyone not highly integrated into global supply chain rather than a corruption social media is if anything a counterweight to the ongoing devaluation of Human lives rather than being separate virtual and real worlds the fact that online and offline fears are highly integrated is exactly why people can attempt to break away from the constraints on their offline lives by hacking their connectivity through their online interactions. With few clicks photos are shared with all sections of people. Connect face to face offline relationships stronger. Integral of our daily. Social media feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness. Social media can be used as a force for good and empower individuals and communities to instigate social change. It can help us arm social stigmas. Social media also to dilla Tate’s the breaking of glass ceilings and shattering of conventional socio economic barriers in a world. It also a powerful tool in helping to empower businesswomen and particularly for minority groups. Social media equips with the knowledge to become global citizens and communicators no one can argue with the fact that social media is one of the best ways to stay informed social networking sites spread information faster than any other form of media. Social media allows people to follow organizations and causes that they believe in and makes them feel that they are part of something even if they are not fully integrated into society. Helps us to keep up to date with the things that are happening in everyday. Powerful and Strong interaction that you get on line. social media makes it easier for us to love and be loved. Social media is the only reason through which connection is increasing in a world. Social media does not in fact just place one type of conversation with another it is instead allowed translation of interaction and social networks through a more effective form. It change our interaction style making human interaction valuable. Not totally right but it has the potential to be an incredibly pivotal vehicle for social change and that it has the power to enhance existing interactions and relationships.
Though she is not totally right in argument but still i vote for Laalithya Vadlamani because she relate the benefits of social media with minorities. It is not always harmful in all aspects. It Sometimes works as a companion specially in the case of mental health in some extent as we already seen two years ago when lockdown was imposed, people were not be able to go out suicide was increasing due to mental disorder that time only through social media people were able to connected. It also help us to find different types of job and helps to earn money e.g in todays virtual world YouTube is the biggest earning source. On-line teaching is also possible through social media which has very high demand in today’s virtual world which we already seen in lockdown period.
#Social media corrupt human interaction
Our Heal human connections are being replace by virtual relationship the simple truth is that for the most part we are huge proportions of lives living in the digital universe and it is corrupting the way that we act with each other.Social media is affecting us as individuals and changing the way that we behave it follows that social media is is affecting the way we interact with each other .
Research School from the Univerity of Pittsburgh Medicine studied 1,700 people between the ages of 19 and 32 was found that participants 61 mins per day on social media visiting social recaia sites over it spensing and 30 times per week this search was conducted in 2014 and the numbers are growing steadily since that time.
#Social media doesn’t corrupt human interactions
But social media also allows people to effortlessly stay in connect with their friends and family .Social media is one of the best ways stay informed,social networking sites spread information faster than any other form of media. Using social media people allows people to follow organizations and causes that they believe in believe in and makes them feel them that they are part of something even if they’re not fully integrated into society.Infact 74+ age group people are the fastest growing demographic on social media sites.Seniors reporting feeling happier due to online contact to family and friends.So we can say social media isnt perfect but its clear that it has the potential to be an incredibly pivotal vehicle for social change.
Task 2:
I would not take any side but prefer to be neutral as social media has both negative and positive sides.It depends on humans how they use or misuse it.Social media can be so helpful in many ways if we focus on +ve but still its also true that its addictive and destroying mental peace of an individual but Atlast we have to choose how we,ll use social media because everything has both sides.
Arguments by Jack Symonds:
Social media is not bad but does portray unrealistic image of the real life.
It has created a digital universe and real life relationships are being affected.
Social media users have developed eating disorders and depression over the time and in some way affecting the way of interaction.
Perfect body shape, life style are being promoted which can cause serious mental health issues for many.
Fake news spread very fast and have changed the way we interact with our political leaders.
Opposition by Laalithya Valdamani:
Social media have integrated the virtual and the real world for good.
It is a great way of keeping in touch with people who are at various corners of the world and know about their well being and health.
People having same hobby and interest can be found online if not offline.
It helped to raise voice against the wrong.
It has helped in overcoming socio-economic barriers upto some extent.
It had also empowered many business women and helped them in upgrading it.
Information can be spread faster at times of need.
It has helped older citizens who live alone to be busy and connected with their families and rest of the world..
Social media has just changed the way of interaction or rather can say strengthen it. Because 20 years ago staying in touch with loved ones was difficult if they stay at far away places.
My views.
I believe social media DO NOT CORRUPT human interaction.
Social media has helped people remain in touch with each other. Taking the situation of 2020 COVID lockdown face to face interaction was not possible only way of knowing about the well being of others way social media posts by them or a voice/ video call to them.
Therefore I believe physical interaction does not matter as long as you are connected by hearts.
Social Media Corrupts Human Interactions :
Real human connections are replaced by virtual relationships
and affect the way interact with each other. not an organic relationship.
It gives depression and eating disorders to all genders of all races and from all socioeconomic backgrounds.
social media does have a part to play platforms like Facebook Instagram and Tumblr are giving young People distorted images of how their bodies should look oftentimes the result is a serious mental illness and far-reaching implications on families and friendships
Social media is not evil but it can very well be dishonest it presents us with a standard that is unrealistic a reality that is unreliable and a world that has been filtered and altered for the benefit of another person or group.
Fake news spread based on their own beliefs and the issue goes deeper than any one scandal social media is giving massive followings to people who are popular rather than who are professional truth is quickly being replaced with speed and access.
journalistic integrity is becoming harder.
Counter Argument :
Social Media Does NOT Corrupt Human Interactions:
Empowered us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness
social media can be used as a force for good and empower individuals and communities to instigate social change. vehicle for social change.
It helps us arm social stigma – Racism, unsafe locations
Empowering business women by being able to connect through social networking sites gives businesses woman an opportunity not readily found offline. sites are dominated by women entrepreneurs.
It equips us with the knowledge needed to become global citizens. stay informed and spread information faster.
2. I will vote for Laalithya Vadlamani. Her argument countered that whatever is mentioned as negative in the first, she gives a positive aspect of that point with relevant and real-time examples.
In a globalized world social media is a key to interaction. From Instagram to Twitter it is impossible to imagine life without these services. Whereas interaction plays a massive role in day to day life but human interaction is gradually replaced with social media. People feel more comfortable with likes, dislikes,posts, status, comments, etc.
Nevertheless the role of social media cannot be ignored but it has played a negative role in society. In a study conducted by University of Pittsburgh School of medicine, 1700 people between the ages of 19 to 32 were found to spend 61 minutes per day on social media websites 30 times per week in 2014. This has only worsened with time. With the increase in screen time social media is slowly involved in fake news scandals. Facebook fake news scandals are the talk of town. Social media is manipulating human behaviour and trying to make people hooked on the content. This has reduced the attention span of children to 30 seconds.
social media is inherently a selfish medium
arguments in favour of this
social media is harming our real relationships. Virtual relations are overtaking our actual relationships. We spend more time chatting or texting over phones than talking to the real person sitting next to us.
Social media is to some extend responsible for the increase in depression. It is not being said that it is the cause of depression but it do tends to accentuate the effects. Seeing others happy enjoying their lives while we are sulking at home makes us feel disheartened and ashamed of our lives. we isolate ourselves from real people and seek comfort from the virtual friends as we feel less judged by them. But those virtual companions do not know the entire story thus rendering any consolation they offer as mere words, giving just momentary solace and not real solutions.
Incidences of eating disorders and body image issues are on rise. Diseases like anorexia and bulimia are quite common not only among girls but among all genders and age groups. The seemingly perfect flawless bodies that are being idealised on these media platforms aspire us to get them. The vulnerable one who are already facing some issues fall victims more easily as these medias feed on our insecurities.
They adversely affect our freedom of speech and these platforms have served as mediums to polarise political opinions and influence voting as in the US elections.
The journalistic integrity is at risk.
The social media also supports popularity over professionalism.
Arguments in its opposition
Social media must be given its credit of bringing people together. It develops a sense of connectivity and consciousness. The pandemic serves an excellent example of how social media enabled us to stay connected in those rough times.
We can share our life experiences with dear ones, bond over hobbies, join and support causes and organisations we believe in. We can stand together in solidarity with one another.
It is an excellent platform for the minorities. They can voice their concern, stand up for their cause and get support of those who believe in justice and equality.
The social media has served as a great platform for the businesswomen. The market as well as the marketing both are provided here. Also many movements related to women have been raised here. The #MeToo movement for instance gained much popularity about harassment of women at workplaces.
It has also fought to some extend social stigmas like talking about mental health and well being. One can join some community of like minded people and talk about the problems one is facing without feeling of being judged.
Thus social media is both a blessing and a bane.
This is the paradox of social media.
It is a double-edged sword. If one uses it in moderation one can enjoy its innumerable benefits of entertainment, information and connectivity. While on the other hand if overindulged one can fall victim to degraded self esteem and mental health issues.
In my opinion its benefits out way its cost. And on practical end too can we imagine our lives without social media? How are we supposed to know what is happening in the lives of not only our loved ones but in the world at large? Now that we know social media and have tasted its flavours we simply cannot unknow it. We accept it or not it has become an important part of our lives and thus the only option available with us is to tame this wild animal and use it to our advantage.
Social media replace real human connects by virtual connection, takes lots of times from short life, corrupts interaction at individual’s level, causing depression, rising of pro-anorexia and pro-bulimia communities, presents unrealistic, filtered and altered information, affecting our freedom of thought, truth is quickly replaced with speed and access, journalistic integrity is losing, highly idealized views of our peers, it elicits feelings of envy and inadequacy by instilling us with often false belief that other people are living more successful / fulfilling lives, corrupting human interactions.
Counter- arguments
Social media increase the connection in a world which is divided by the vagaries of capitalism, the disengagement of television and the isolation of suburban sprawl, empowered us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness, arms against social stigma and add to powerful change, equips with the knowledge needed to become global citizens and communicators, is one of the best way to stay informed, facilitates the breaking of glass and ceilings and shattering of conventional socio-economic barriers by giving opportunity not readily found offline, helps us know how our loved ones are by seeing at their status, safety check-ins and your ability to express your appreciation and respect for someone you would never talk to in real life, solidarity that one foster through the fluid complex yet powerful interactions, enhance existing relationships, allowed translation of interaction and social networks through a more effective form, and this is not a corruption.
I vote for the Counter arguments because Social Media acts as a positive implication to marginalize communities around the globe, from the elderly to the structurally oppressed group in world. Over billions of people having access to internet are getting merits of it as it keeps them connected, gives voice, allow to take stand for what they believe in, creates Movements, opens up new dimension of life, getting online education for World’s best universities, learning new skills, better job opportunity and lastly this mentorship is too facilitated by social media. It has potential to be an incredibly pivotal vehicle for social change and that is has power to enhance existing interactions and relationships.
# After the introduction of respective members, Jack Symonds has tried to highlight the ill effects of social media on our lives and how things are getting difficult to manage, especially for youngsters. Though it allows you to have a common voice to speak and fight for your belief system, it is affected by the group you belong to. To be in the sink with people around us, we are forced to post or give a response to their words, whether we like it or not. It creates an identity crisis among youngsters based on caste, class, race, geographical location or ethnicity. It replaces the effect of human touch which was possible when we meet people formally. In a study, it was found that people who are most sceptical to check their posts or phone about likes, shares, and comments are more prone to depression and it also affects how we deal with people around us. It may be compared with eating habits disorders in young people of all strata. Applications like Snapchat gave us a tumbler image of how our body should look and it may impact the mental health of the person. Things are presented as highly idealistic showing how our friends and relatives are happier and more satisfied than us. In the US presidential elections, the Facebook pole affects the people’s opinion on the election and selection of the President. In the end, we can conclude Jack’s words with a view that yes, social media is not evil but it acts as a dishonest player in your life. It affects your inner peace and makes you anxious about the people around you. It not only affects you but the people around you and now at the political level too. So, we need to STOP STALKING AND START TALKING & INTERACTING PEOPLE.
# Laalithya vadlamani begins her argument against the motion by highlighting how social networking has brought people from all over the world on a single platform and hence unite them. People with the same hobbies, voices, and concerns share their words and make a strong relationship. People who are living far from their families are connected through social media, Example – in the covid-19 pandemic we have seen how social media have created a platform where everyone with the same feeling is trying to express their words and concern. We came to know about new trends, and fashion through social media. It empowers us to feel interconnected and have a collective consciousness. It helps in having a huge bunch of supporting systems when it comes to launching of new application, game, company or product. It helps people to hire people for their company recent example is the Hirect application. It’s a powerful tool for the minority community to feel safe and sound and know someone is there if they are in danger. It’s one of the easiest, fastest and cheap ways to spread awareness and information. It became a medium of expression for senior citizens or young children who are living in asylums or orphanages. We can conclude Laalithya’s arguments with a simple argument that yes, it affects us adversely but it depends on us how we deal with it. It works like double edge swords – depends on us how we are dealing with and using it . Yes, it has the potential to bring a revolution of interaction and relationships and bring the world together on a common platform.
2) I would vote for Jack Symonds because social media is trying to effects our lives and things are getting difficult to manage for all, especially for youngsters. It creates an identity crisis among youngsters. Cases of cyberbullying and cyber attacks are mostly among youngsters which are affecting their psychological upbringing and mental health and they are facing difficulty dealing with failure and rejection. It also leads to cases of depression and ultimately fatal suicide due to feelings of out-group. It affects the human touch, now mothers are trying to soothe their children with their phones instead of having a word and trying to peep into their life’s problems.
Applications like Snapchat gave us a false image of how our bodies should look like. Things are presented in a highly idealistic and false way which is a matter of huge concern. And now to its worse, it is affecting the election of the president of a country which is a matter of worry.
In the end, I would like to conclude by supporting Jack’s words that yes, social media is not evil but it acts as a dishonest player in our lives. It affects our inner peace and makes us anxious about the people around us. It not only affects us but now at the political level too. So, we need to STOP STALKING AND START INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE.
Social media is inherently a selfish medium
1.List all arguments for motion & how they were countered by opposition in 250 or less?
Social media is a selfish medium for all the social media influencers. It was made with a specific intent to use as an instrument of pursuing personal agendas, be it political, economic, social, etc. Social media creates eating disorders and depression by not living up to highly idealized views by influencers. It is corrupting the way we think and behave. For example, Instagram and YouTube reels gives us instant gratification which indirectly has reduced patience, loss of concentration and sleep including the old population above 70 or 80 years of age. Limitations on social media platforms of any kind is likely to decrease profits of internet platforms which makes us aware of dark truth of social media hidden under the carpet in disguise of creating effective social networks and communication.
However, social media is very casually being used to connote negativity which is very crude way of looking at something. Social media is one of the greatest inventions of technology and science. Social media empower people to fell our interconnectivity and collective consciousness. For example, Mr Modi addressed the whole country and help build collective consciousness to fight covid pandemic. It is used as a force for good and empower people to instigate social change. Social media helps people arm the social stigma. For example, the social media has helped armed the acceptance of LGBTQA community and striking down of section 377 by the highest court of justice of India. It is a powerful toll to empower businesswomen. Social media has increased the connection of the world divided by unpredictability in capitalism. More effective form of interaction and social network is now possible through social media. It has power to enhance existing interactions and relationships. Here let’s take the example of my parents, who stay 500 km away from me, but still my parents can talk to me through video calls, Instagram posts with my friends make my parents feel safe and secure. Its like a sign to tell everyone that I’m doing good. At last I want to conclude the argument by saying that social media constitutes change but opposite of corruption.
2.Write in 100 words or less which side would you vote for and why?
I would not like to necessarily vote either of the side for the reason being that both the sides tend to incline towards bit of extremism. I would like to take the middle path suggested by buddha and golden mean technique suggested by Aristotle and instead of taking either of sides I would want to synthesize thesis and antithesis of the motion. Social media can help ease feelings of isolation, link people together based on shared interests, and fight societal stigmas. If social media is producing more negative feelings than positive feelings, users should limit their use and consider deactivating their accounts. This can be handled by deactivating app notifications, moving most-used apps from home page, put mobile phones in harder to reach places, daily time limits to control phone usage, & changing colour settings. Mental and emotional wellbeing should be taken into account while using social media. This will help each individual developed a more vivid sense of self.
Jack Symonds
Social Media Corrupts Human Interactions
Arguments : against
1. Effortless contact with family and friends
2. Positive implication in developing countries – facebook – internet access to the world
3. Voice to people (right one)
4. Keeps people safe
1. Constant need to be seen
2. Instant gratification
3. Real connections are substituted to virtual ones/ Corrupts relations
4. Time consuming
Impact :
1. Minimum 60 min /day usage
2. ¼ youth – depression
3. Eating disorders – anorexia and bulimia
4. Body shaming – serious mental illness
5. Unrealistic ideals -dishonest– false beliefs – fear of missing out
6. Designed to please target group – corrupt
7. Fake news scandal – fb – filtering realities
8. Massive followings to popular than professional
9. Lessening journalistic integrity
10. Corruptions interactions
Laalithya Vadlamani
Social Media does NOT Corrupts Human Interactions
1. Wider community exposure
2. Enhances connectivity (+alternative ways)
3. Ease of access
4. Cherish moments
5. Collective consciousness + Interconnectivity
6. New apps – productivity
7. Gives people voice
8. Breaks social- economic barriers
9. Women empowerment
10. Minority protection + development
11. Global information + community
12. Sense of belonging
13. Respect / appreciation/ solidarity / love
14. Transition of communications to more effective form
15. Path to social change
2) I agree with Laalithya Vadlamani. She explained the pros of social media as a necessity to ever-changing society. Though social media is not perfect for now, it can be updated and regulated with suitable measures to be an effective tool for connectivity.
Thank You
1. After introducing a couple of pros of social media in the beginning, Jack Symonds, who spoke in favor of the motion, highlighted how disastrous the effects of social media are, especially on youngsters. Youth belonging to every gender, caste, race, and geographical location are at high risk of body-image-related issues that include Bulimia and Anorexia. A study has also proved that people who check their social media constantly are more susceptible to depression. An argument of social media being unrealistic and unreliable was also put forth. An influence on the political freedom of a citizen is also noticed on social media platforms like Facebook where polls are often used to derive and define the popularity of political leaders. Social media has also inclined itself towards glorifying popularity, no matter how lame it is, over professionalism as journalist integrity has begun to carry more weight than the truth. He also mentioned how physical interactions have been affected due to the presence of social media.
Laalithya Vadlamani began her arguments against the notion by highlighting how social media has brought along people from all races, genders, and nations on a single platform, and hence, has united the world. She argued that a massive chunk of our lives is based on digital operations that make it almost impossible for anybody to shut himself/herself off from it completely. Not only this, but social media has also introduced socio-economic equality to a large extent by providing equal opportunities to everyone across the globe to improve their economic conditions, for eg: virtual fundraising for businesses, and a growing number of women entrepreneurs as a result of female domination over social media. She argued that politically, social media has enhanced people’s decision-making capacity and gifted them a voice that they lacked before to speak against injustice and inequality (for eg. protests, petitions, women’s rights etc.). In the era of Liberalisation and Globalisation, Social media has also facilitated international communication and in fact highlighted the need of loving and be loved even more.
2. I would vote for Laalithya Vadlamani because social media is a result of technical enhancement. Growth is the way of life. And every advancement has come with pros and cons. In the case of social media, a large chunk of responsibility falls to the side of the users as well. Indeed, too much of anything is harmful and the same can be said for social media, but at the same time, it was social media that offered the platform the world needed to operate during the pandemic. It has therefore been recognized as a crucial part of any person’s life. It isn’t limited to a personal account on a social media app anymore. Social media has grown to become a political and educational apparatus as well. If used correctly, the medium is a definitely a boon and not a bane.
1.a)for social media create more freedom of speech in many parts of the world. It actually show the nations is different from each other nation. It is different from political aspects from all sides. It raises voice against war. We express our thoughts boldly in social media. It create more job opportunities. Due to social media common know everything.. During lockdown social media helps more for educational purpose. It give good results in professional wise
b) against social media, it is also helpful for negative people. Content overloaded. There is no privacy protection. Knife is 1000 times better than social media. Sometimes sexual harassment video is also promote for their own business. It give only fake friend not a real friend. It separate people from everyone. Too much of time waste in social media. It is away threaten data and money. Purpose of social media is money online not on a good service.It creates diversity in religion and castewise.
2. I vote for positive side because social media Or whatever it’s own choice. If we use social media for good thing it create good thing. Suppose we use for bad thing it create bad thing. Discipline, obedience, education makes a good way for us. Use social media for learning, job search, research purpose, medicines, business and so on. Ramya
1.a)for social media create more freedom of speech in many parts of the world. It actually show the nations is different from each other nation. It is different from political aspects from all sides. It raises voice against war. We express our thoughts boldly in social media. It create more job opportunities. Due to social media common know everything.. During lockdown social media helps more for educational purpose. It give good results in professional wise
b) against social media, it is also helpful for negative people. Content overloaded. There is no privacy protection. Knife is 1000 times better than social media. Sometimes sexual harassment video is also promote for their own business. It give only fake friend not a real friend. It separate people from everyone. Too much of time waste in social media. It is away threaten data and money. Purpose of social media is money online not on a good service.It creates diversity in religion and castewise.
2. I vote for positive side because social media Or whatever it’s own choice. If we use social media for good thing it create good thing. Suppose we use for bad thing it create bad thing. Discipline, obedience, education makes a good way for us. Use social media for learning, job search, research purpose, medicines, business and so on.
1.a)for social media create more freedom of speech in many parts of the world. It actually show the nations is different from each other nation. It is different from political aspects from all sides. It raises voice against war. We express our thoughts boldly in social media. It create more job opportunities. Due to social media common know everything.. During lockdown social media helps more for educational purpose. It give good results in professional wise
b) against social media, it is also helpful for negative people. Content overloaded. There is no privacy protection. Knife is 1000 times better than social media. Sometimes sexual harassment video is also promote for their own business. It give only fake friend not a real friend. It separate people from everyone. Too much of time waste in social media. It is away threaten data and money. Purpose of social media is money online not on a good service.It creates diversity in religion and castewise.
2. I vote for positive side because social media Or whatever it’s own choice. If we use social media for good thing it create good thing. Suppose we use for bad thing it create bad thing. Discipline, obedience, education makes a good way for us. Use social media for learning, job search, research purpose, medicines, business and so on.
1. Social media is a double edged sword. If it helps in bringing people together, gathering information and is considered to be a huge platform for self expression, then with that it also brings fear of reassurance, jealousy towards other people and most importantly self doubt. Coming up with new trends, people tend to fall in to the trap of bandwagon effect. An almost instant dopamine rush with recurrent checking behaviour of social media leads to an addiction just like alcohol and drugs which in turn can result in depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses.
Social media is a great source for news or any other kind of information. People find it enjoyable to share some of their most cherished moments with their families and friends. On the contrary, it is a matter of fact that such alteration of information or filtering of realities elicits feeling of inadequacy and to an often false belief that people are living more successful or fulfilling lives.
It is no lie that social media has become an integral part of our life. Certainly it is not perfect, but in what way and how much someone uses, is what makes it helpful or selfish medium.
2. In my opinion, social media is a very selfish medium. Though it has many positive side, but the negative side weighs more. Firstly, it causes huge amount of distraction affecting our dopaminergic pathways. Secondly, according to Child Rights and You (CRY), a non governmental organisation, 1 out of 10 adolescent in India faces cyberbullying resulting in anxiety or depression and in the worst case scenario it might lead to suicide as well. As Theodore Roosevelt once said “comparison is the thief of joy”, social media constantly pushes oneself to compare themselves with the unrealistic standard that is humanly not possible.
Arguments by Jack Symonds…
1. Social media is affecting the way we interact with each other.
2. More digital life system but less natural life system.
3. Social media platforms are disorting images of how their bodies should look.
4. Social media is causing depressions. Social media were found to be 2.7 times more likely to develop depression . media represents us with a standard that is unrealistic.
6. Relationship between social media and depression is like a relationship between social media and eating disorder in young people.
7. It affecting all genders of all races from socioeconomic backgrounds.
8. Social media is giving massive following for people who are popular rather than who are professional.
9. social media is not evil but it can very well be dishonest.
Arguments by Laalithya vadlamani…
1. it make us feel our inter connectivity and collective consciousness.
2. powerful tool in helping to empower business women.
3. Social media helps elder people to interact with their children,Grand children , so it keeps them happy after talking to their children living miles away from them.
4. People share their soorrows and happiness openly .
5. social media makes it easier for us to love and be loved.
I agree with Jack Symonds points… what he said was clearly understood…..but opposing party argents were difficult and a bit confusingto understand… what jack saymonds said was everything with main points of argument…He says about today’s reality… Now a days teenagers are more addicted to social media….Higher social media results in loneliness , depression .It affects the way we interact physically with each other.
Social Media Corrupts Human Interaction”
Arguments by Jack Symonds…
1. He says,Our human connection is replaced by virtual relationship.
2. We spend huge proportions of our lives living in the digital universe.
3. It affects us like an individuals
4. Social media is causing depressions. Social media were found to be 2.7 times more likely to develop depression .
5.People whose social media are more likely to have depression rather than average one.
6. Relationship between social media and depression is like a relationship between social media and eating disorder in young people.
7. It affecting all genders of all races from socioeconomic backgrounds.
8. It affects implication on loving families and loving friends.
9. Finally ends with, social media can’t be evil but it can very well be dishonest.
Arguments by Laalithya vadlamani…
1. She says, it empowers us and make us feel our inter connectivity and collective consciousness.
2. It is also a powerful tool in helping to empower business women.
3. Social media helps elder people to interact with their children,Grand children , so it keeps them happy after talking to their children living miles away from them.
4. She then says, people are happier due to online contact to family and friends.
5. Finally she ends with, social media makes it easier for us to love and be loved.
I agree with Jack Symonds points… what he said was clearly understood…..he said everything with main points of argument…He says about today’s reality… Now a days teenagers are more addicted to social media….Higher social media results in loneliness , depression .It affects the way we interact physically with each other.
For the motion:
1) Social media effects human connections that are replaced by virtual relationships.
2) Most of the time spending of age between 13 to 30 with digital universe.
3) It effect individual and family level,it most impacts on young people only.
4)It affects depression may lead to disturbances in organ interactions.
5)It affects EATING Disorders in all ages.
6) Serious mental illness like elicit feeling of envy and inadequacy.
7) It insisting us with the often false beliefs that other people are living more. Successful life.
8) It implications on our freedom of thoughts.
8) It spreads fake news instantly than in physical interaction.
Against the motion:
1) virtual meetings are platforms for those whom they cannot meet physically upon various reasons.
2) It helps conversation more stronger in physical interaction.
3)It gives a voice to those who are voiceless in physical world
4)It overcomes limitations of physical world like distant places, interconnectedness.
5) It as a tool to instigate to social change and against the social stigma.
6) It breaks the glass ceiling over the women’s and empowering businesswomen across the globe
7)It update the information faster than any other medium and stay us upto date.
8)It has made the world smaller,compact and closer.
My support to against the motion:
As a matter of fact not condemn the social media, but to aware of the social media affecting our interactions in our daily course of life.both the speakers were conveyed their stand but motion arguments are mostly health centred like depression and mental illness.
Against motion speaker sync in her argument that social media has not necessarily corrupts human interactions with her well defined premise of corruption with examples.
For every scientific inventions had postive as well as negative sides as we are being human to aware the impacts of self and social life, and maintain balance between them.
Points By Jack Symonds-
Impact of social med on on human relations, interactions
Our real human relations are being displaced by virtual relationships. (like swipe, check in share, reations etc.)
We are spending a huge amount of time of our on digital world rather than real world.
The person who spends more time on social media is 2.7 times more prone to depression
Social media is causing depression to more & more people.
Pro anorexia & pro bulimia is being developed by social media.
Social media creates inequality between people.
Points by Laalithya Vadlamani-
Long distance connection with family
Can tweet or share what. Is there on mind
Can find people who share same hobbies and activity interests.
Life experiences can be shared through one single click.
Parents can contact their child. who is studying abroad.
If I am asked to vote than I will say that every coin has two faces which side will make us win is our thing to choose .
I will consider some point of Jack symonds were right about social media and its affects and, The arguments made by Laalithya Vadlamani were logically right to an extent.
1. It has replaced real human connection/relation with virtual relations.
2. Huge time spent on social media
3. Changing human behavior and the way we interact among ourselves. Organic interactions are being hampered.
4. Causing Ailments such as depression, eating disorders and other mental illness.
5. Creating feelings of envy and inadequacy.
6. Promoting artificial lifestyle, especially among the young generation.
7. Creating political bias and corruption from feeds/trending topics.
1. Digital interactions don’t prevent real-world interactions they instead compliment them.
2. It drives Interconnectivity and collective consciousness. One can voice his/her opinion even if it is against big/prosperous people.
3. Empowers individuals and communities to instigate social change. Social media can power pro-change movements. For example. Black lives matter, me too movement.
4. It is an instrument for women’s empowerment. For example, women can run their businesses and promote them on social media.
5. Social media creates “Global Citizens” who are good communicators. It also makes you well-informed as there is an infinite pool of knowledge on social media.
6. It can spread information very fast, especially when compared to conventional/traditional media. For example, if there is a probability of a disaster. It can also help family members by knowing if their dear ones are safe from a recent bomb blast that occurred in their vicinity.
7. Social media in fact helps people fight depression and loneliness by connecting them to their dear ones who are probably sitting at the other end of the planet.
Ans2. Social media has its bane and boon both. It indeed has some problems which any latest technology brings with it but it also has created a revolution by driving the common man’s/woman’s voice and still has the potential to achieve even more. One needs to understand that it should be carefully used otherwise it can wreak havoc. We cannot shun social media for its bad impacts without acknowledging the good impacts of the same. For example, Nuclear energy if used wisely can bring about a great change in the history of humankind but if misused we would have another Hiroshima and Nagasaki at our sight. Yes, there are a lot of challenges, but we cannot reverse a great development like social media.
Step 1.
Argument – It is affecting relationships. People are becoming depressed.
Counterargument- it is a counterweight to the ongoing devaluation of human lives. we share life experiences of ours, global friendships are able to flourish. It empowers us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness.
Argument – truth is quickly being replaced with speed and access
Counterargument – it can increase the connection in a world which is divided by the vagaries of capitalism did this engagement of TV and isolation of Suburban sprawl.
Step 2- your opinion
I would favour the topic because of the following reasons
1. By being constantly presented with highly idealised views of our peers, social media elicits feelings of envy and feelings of inadequacy by instilling us with the often false belief that other people are living most successful or more full filling lives.
2. it presents us with the standard that is unrealistic, reality that is undeliable ,the world which has been filtered and altered of the benefits of another person or group.
Step 1
Social media is changing the way humans interact with each other. Human relations are becoming more and more corrupted. A lack of trust is occurring. Research conducted by the University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine has found a correlation between depression, eating disorders and social media usage and it was regardless of gender and age group of the users. There is an invasion of one’s private life also. These huge tech giants like Facebook and other social media platforms are hugely profit-oriented. Fake news spreads like wildfire. Children are also falling into many traps. Users’ mental health is also affected due to distorted images of reality. There’s a Lack of organic interaction and it is destroying and ruining personal relations.
Social media is being the Game Changer. It has wide-reaching effects on many matters. in the ethical acceptance of transgender, A cultural amalgamation is occurring. It’s providing a platform for the unheard, unseen people to share their struggles. Ton empathize with others, to easily raise funds for a social cause. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, it enabled many people who have been physically isolated to be connected emotionally with their loved ones. It also gives people an opportunity to openly express their concerns regarding government policies and gain support from like-minded people and can make positive changes in society. It also helps to break many social stigmas like acceptance of transgenders, same-sex marriages etc. In the breaking of glass ceilings and the empowerment of the weaker sections also it has done its part.
Step 2
I vote against the statement that social media isn’t an inherently selfish medium. It’s providing a platform for the unheard, unseen people to share their struggles. To empathize with others, to easily raise funds for a social cause. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, it enabled many people who have been physically isolated to be connected emotionally with their loved ones. It also gives people an opportunity to openly express their concerns regarding government policies and gain support from like-minded people and can make positive changes in society. It also helps to break many social stigmas like acceptance of transgenders, same-sex marriages etc. In the breaking of glass ceilings and the empowerment of the weaker sections also it has done its part. It’s also increasing social mobility. It can also be used to initiate social changes. It is also providing a platform to earn by being in one’s comfort zone also. By being able to see others’ opinions also in a matter it broadens one’s mental structures making one see the other side also. Global citizenship is emerging through sharing of knowledge, ideas, beliefs etc. Platforms like Youtube are providing a lot of rich informative content and in turn, help in the education process and in some way pave a path to lessen the gap between the rich and poor by empowering them with education. All these together make social media ground to grow
A] Arguments and Counter-arguments on the essay topic
The house argues that social media inherently corrupts human interactions. It points out at the onset how virtual interactions are replacing face-to-face interactions. The opposition points out that social media complements real-world interactions by letting people learn about each other’s hobbies and interests. The house points out that social media usage has been proven to have a positive co-incidence with the onset of depression. However, the opposition argues that by enabling people to stay connected with their near and dear ones, social media does just the opposite. The house also points out how social media presents a false reality and pressurises people across age, gender and socioeconomic background to conform to false body standards, giving rise to increased instances of body dysmorphia. The opposition argues that social media allows such people suffering from society-imposed false body images to raise their voices and band together when no one would hear their voices. The house argues that by constantly forcing an individual to contrast and compare him/herself with their peers, social media fosters envy and inadequacy. In turn, the opposition argues that social media permits an individual to live and relive their finest memories with their near and dear ones. The house also points out how those running social media outlets can often dictate our thoughts and emotions by presenting us with information more aligned with their interests. The opposition argues that such instances are few and far in between and that social media allows us to access news and information much quicker than standard information outlets.
B] Individual opinion
As an individual and after having witnessed both sides of the argument, I side with the statement that social media corrupts human interactions. Constant updates about friends and family have effectively killed any attempts at lively offline communications. Not to mention, it has polarised individuals by making it easy for agenda-oriented agents to peddle false narratives. While Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest promote false body and living standards; Twitter and Facebook are the quintessential haunts and jaunts of trolls looking to hijack relevant conversations and spam comments with vitriol. The fallout is a lower level of satisfaction in inter-personal relationships and increasing instances of mental health issues. The narrative that social media is a boon for human interactions is perhaps now agreeable only to the investors of social media companies.
Question 1.Ans : Arguments against .
1.Connects physical world with online world.
2.Social media remind us for our collective conscience.
Arguments favour :
1.Social media corrupts individual and societal relationship
2.Social media replace physically relationship to virtual relationship.
Q2 ans: I will go with arguments favour because as negative impacts can become mild when we avoid unwanted things or matters.
I think social media is good for us but also we have to control it uses.For social media we can connect with those people who have no contact with us. Or if we want to make friends we can. Anybody can beat boredom by spending some time in social media. Now we can gather a lot of knowledge from google or any internet network. Also before one faced problems to do new things. But now we have a chance to know the process. But also we have to control it uses. Because when we use it limitlessly we spend a lot of time. That’s my opinion regarding this topic.
Social media corrupts individual and societal relationships. It replaces family relationships being physically together with virtual relationships. It invokes feelings of envy and feelings of inadequacy by instilling a false belief that others are living more successful life . It also obstructs the freedom of thought- electoral fraud during the US presidential elections.
it connects the physical world with the online world. Social media promotes global friendship , connect long distance families.Provide comfort to know that their loved ones are safe when news of the disaster breaks. It empowers individuals and instigates social change,
for example, the Black life matter campaign and helps business women for upgrading their business.
I would vote for against because even though I agree than social media has its evils it still helps us connect with our loved one’s who live far away and know about their safety and well being. Social media also gives people chance to voice their opinion without fear. But many people use this opportunity to use it for hate speech and even at times to spread rumours and fake news. No doubt social media has given rise to many issues like depression, anxiety and hate but also has connected people regardless of race, caste, religion. During the covid-19 pandemic it social media helped people to continue life’s and be connected to the loved one’s who were in quarantine and unwell. Social media does not only cause anxiety but has also helped in overcoming those anxiety for many people through facebook, twitter, Instagram. Finally, would like to say social media corrupts human interactions but also helps in interactions with people which are beyond our physical reach.
1. For the topic
Real human connections are replaced by virtual connections.people spent most of their time in life in digital universe.By the over use of social media depression and mental illness are getting more for people than others.It affecting all genders of all races from socioeconomic backgrounds.It affects implications on loving families and friends.Social media is dishonest and unrealistic.False information is easily spread across the world,this corrupts the freedom of our thoughts.These is more following to popular people instead of professionals ,which promote false information as the information is not credible.
Social media promotes global friendship , connect long distance families.Provide comfort to know that their loved ones are safe when news of the disaster breaks .It make conscious about ongoing in the world.Online communications male offline relations stronger.Help business women for upgrading thier business for instance like .org help African women entrepreneurs in thier business.
3.In my opinion I will go with the against the motion because her explanations and logical based and providing more explanation.If we take anything in this world there is both good and bad things for that.That will affect us based on how we use it.Social media gives us a lot information to and in the time of covid-19 .It help lot for people to interact with thier loved ones without a physical interaction.It help more for students.Social media have negative effect but it is doing more good than bad
Step 1:
1. Social media is very helpful for a person to avoid loneliness. We can make friends all over the world without any restrictions. People can come together based on common interests. During the times like COVID pandemic, such platforms have taken a greater importance when social isolation and loneliness are rampant. Social media helps people indentify and join like-minded peoples group. One can communicate and share ideas with other a half world away with just one click. It gave people a good feeling of connection and belonging.
2. On the other side, this same social media is a culprit for increasing anxiety, depression, insecurities and fear of missing out (FOMO). There is evidence that social media can have negative impact on our mental health. Indirectly, social media leads to comparison and comparison is a thief of joy. By comparison, we tend towards self-doubt and ask ourselves whether we are respectable enough, with social media as authority. The non-stop bombardment of content can cause people to feel anxiety along with never ending FOMO. One is never done with cycles of fear and reassurance.
3. There are many people who are free of all these problems. Because they have a confident answer for what they really seek. To be calm, one just need to delete such negative influential apps and deactivate their accounts. Use filters on these apps, what to see and what don’t. The power of AI is that it exposes users to the content of one’s interest only. To avoid the use of social media, get some apps to track usage and set a particular limit.
Step 2:
I will vote for the use of social media but for a real social well-being. In my opinion, these social media platforms can be well utilized in order to support vulnerable individuals. Many teens, young adults, now-a-days are exposing themselves which is harmful. We can limit this by: banning individuals under 18 from changing from private to public settings, banning various channels for sexual exploitation. Instead of scrolling on social media, we should put the efforts to become selfish i.e. trying and learning new things, so as to become positively energized.
1. Present day, social media has changed the way we interact with people &replaced physical human interactions with the virtual world. It is because people spend a huge proportion of their time in it. Research tells that people visit their social media more than 2.7 times.
2. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc are giving young people distorted images of how the body should look, often resulting in serious mental illness &eating disorders that have far-reaching implications on loving families & friendships & sometimes lead to suicide also. Overuse of it may distract oneself from the real world, Fear of Missing Out(FOMO), less time for personality development, and lack of sleep.
3. Social media works in favor of the few and has filtered and altered reality. It encourages the idea of following popularity rather than professionalism. Truth has been replaced by speed and access &it has become harder to find integrity in journalism.
1. Though it is considered that social media has changed the way we interact, it has been able to make our offline relationships stronger. Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc can give a “Sense of Togetherness” which is true for those who feel isolated/marginalized. Ex: During COVID-19, it connected people with their loved ones living in isolation & gave support from family to the needy.
2. Social media is a “Gateway to Talent”- a platform to share creative ideas & get an honest response that acts as a guide for shaping their skills. It has helped minorities come forward irrespective of their cause & businesswomen to grow. It helps raise voices against injustice and censorship in authoritarian regimes& also helps to combat loneliness, social stigma, socio-economic barriers &garner solidarity for marginalized groups.
3. Social Media helped Senior citizens who are living alone to interact with their loved ones, family &friends. Social media has made this world smaller and easier for you to love and be loved.
My view is that I can neither vote for any of the arguments because social media has pros & cons if used wisely, it will be very helpful in the present context. A perfect balance between the real world & the virtual world is needed & negatives of it are to be rectified.
While Jack Symonds gave negative aspects of social media on our interactions & raising trolls and cyberbullying supports this side. Laalithya Vadlamani gave positive aspects of social media like pride events &the American black – lives matter campaign that supports the other side. Nonetheless, it’s a complex choice, it depends on the individual’s perspective.
social media is inherently a selfish medium
arguments in favor-
1- social media corrupts individual and societal relationships. It replaces physical relationships with virtual relationships. Today we do not have organic interactions and communication with our friends, family, and idols.
2- it causes high levels of depression and eating disorders among those people who frequently check social media. As Facebook and Twitter give young people distorted images of how their bodies should look. That is further a cause of mental illness among them. It also elicits feelings of envy and feelings of inadequacy by instilling a false belief that others are living more successful life or more fulfilling lives.
3- social media filters and alters the world for the benefit of other people or groups. Crowd-pleasing individuals are emphasized more and not professionals. For instance, Facebook often is accused of trending some articles for political motives.
4- it obstructs the freedom of thought- electoral fraud during the US presidential elections.
arguments against the topic
1- it connects the physical world with the online world-
as it provides a solution to the ongoing corruption. That is the present devaluing of the life of the old, disabled, and ones not part of the supply chain.
2- it empowers individuals and instigates social change- for example, the Black life matter campaign and an app to mark unsafe locations. Minority groups, whether identified by identity or interests, both benefitted from it.
3- remind us of our collective consciousness.
4- it is not our main form of communication.
my side
The reason for the invention of social media was to bring us closer. And it is successful as today’s world is getting smaller and more and more people are connecting. Whether strangers, interacting for a job, school project, or need a friend or family living overseas to conform about the well-being of their dear one.
But at the same time, it is being used unethically for the benefit of some people or groups. These may include politicians’ sensation news about how generous they are or making underrated celebrity/film stars more popular by buying some fake likes and comments. What is sad is that this practice is not limited to benefits but is used to harm others like cyberbullying, blackmailing to privacy violations at worst (hacking accounts). So it is clear that the tool is not at default. But people don’t know how to use it. Hence, a draft of guidelines(rules and regulations )is required.
Task 1
Social media corrupts human interaction
Social media also causes depression and eating disorders, as social media platforms like Facebook Instagram, and Snapchat is giving young people distorted images of how the body should look, often resulting in a serious mental illness that has far-reaching implications on loving families and loving friendships.
By being constantly presented with a highly idealized view of social media elicits the feeling of envy and inadequacy instilling often a false belief that other people are living more successful lives.
Social media can be very dishonest as it presents an unrealistic standard. A world that has been filtered and altered for the benefit of another person and that is the very essence of corruption. It corrupts the way we behave the way we act as a society, the way that we interact with our political leader as it gives a massive following for popular people rather than professional people which is unfair.
Social media empowered us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness as we can interact with close ones across the globe.
Social media can be used as a good force to empower individuals and marginalized communities to investigate social changes. It helped us arm social stigma. For instance, sticks and stones come Spain’s campaign uses Twitter to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and learning disabilities.
Social media is one of the best ways to stay informed as social networking sites spread information faster than any other form of media.
Also, it is a powerful tool in empowering businesswomen through social networking sites that allow businesswomen to grow their business across the globe.
Task 2
I will vote for social media corrupting human interaction because I agree with the fact that social media impacts our lives negatively. As we are constantly feeling the need to be seen by a massive amount of people. As we are growing, we are becoming more and more dependent on instant gratification and to feel included we are forced to post pictures, stories tweets. Our real human relationships are replaced by virtual relationships. We are spending a huge proportion of our life living in the digital universe. Therefore, it corrupts the way we act with each other in a physical world.
Social media corrupts human interaction
Though social media has connected the whole world at one place but their are various implications because of the way it used by someone.The virtual world which has created because of social media has decreased the physical interaction.This is reason the people feel depression,envy and also made people lethargic. Though it has given freedom of expression to everyone equally but this increases the fake news and hatred too.Corruption and fraud is increasing day by day because of easy access of information. Its implications on children is very disastrous because at the time when they should have more interaction with physical world for their mental development,play outer games they wasting their precious time on social media. It has become very easy for political parties to spread wrong propaganda on social media because of masses present there.
E.g—CAA protest, Toolkit during farmers protest, cyber bullying, pornography videos (easy access)
Inspite of the thing that social media has created a virtual world but interaction became very easy for the people who r not leaving nearby.Access of internet on social media has become the voice of the people who r marginalized can’t speak in crowd has come infront for their right.Indian constitution has has given right to speech and expression to everyone equally. It has broken the glass ceiling of caste,class,gender, religion and race. Because of easy and faster availability of information people get aware of the going around the world.It is helping empowering women, business enterpreneur etc. It is miracle for the senior citizens who r living alone to interact with their loveones. Not only this friends to whom we didn’t meet frequently are getting interacted on daily basis. It has become easy for govt to get updates protest.
Eg—- Labour migration help during COVID-19
Help during any natural disaster
Like a coin has two sides in the same way social media has its own pros and cons.Its our choice to use it in right or wrong way.Though their are negative implications or effect like depression, anxiety, corruption,cyber bullying and other wrong use. But we we use it responsibly,not harming others it not not become the place of corruption, depression and fake news.
Arguments in Support of “Social Media Corrupts Human Interaction”
It all began with a social media account when someone types texts and sends them to the concerned person but what lies behind this process is the lack of human interaction due to virtual interaction. The research from the University of Pittsburgh on 1700 people shows 25% of them have a high level of depression due to social media. Social media brought unexpected turbulence in people’s thoughts causing preconceived notions based on someone’s regular social media post & this results every now and then became the cause of complicated relationships. No one has imagined earlier that the eating cycle can also be affected due to long chats, social media surfing & scrolling endlessly results in eating disorders. The implications of using social media cannot be measured on absolute scales but it makes sense to research more parameters. Friendships drove by online medium fuel lack of time for real friends and family members. The belief of looking at someones’ 2 min video or still images on social media thinking them more successful is unrealistic and unreliable which intr-un highly responsible to bring an inferiority complex among the weak and the results are loneliness and shyness.
Arguments Against ” Social Media Corrupts Human Interaction”
No one can even imagine some years ago that it is possible to see and interact with dear ones or strangers in any part of the world with the help of social media. Families distanced due to work, have come closer than ever using social media platforms. The joy of meeting with some stranger sharing the same hobbies and thoughts is irreplaceable which was earlier hard to find in the local community. It has become easier to highlight any issue related to minorities and women and in this way, social medial helps in hearing the voice of the voiceless. Erstwhile, it was common that some people from school or college may not meet you ever once you have graduated but now its not the case in fact it has been seen more social gatherings, alumni meet etc. which means more social interaction. The various issue first takes the form f trends and then without wasting time taken the form of protest on the ground for various rights and issues. Various organizations have also formed after looking at common problems of people together.
My take:
It’s no hidden fact that social media have given rise to the problems of anxiety & depression. Nevertheless, my views at the same time inclined in favor of social media which I think benefitted human interaction after looking at the cost-benefit ratio. It has opened the infinite dimension of growth and learning in various fields irrespective of geography. People want to help strangers endlessly and working together passionately to uplift underprivileged sections of society. The problem lies in how someone is using social media to get benefitted or getting depressed. For many, it is also a medium of getting motivation after looking at your friend’s or strangers’ success which can motivate them to work hard for betterment instead of taking it seriously and get depressed.
1)effortless contact with family and peers
2)positive implications for people living in developing countries (FB has given access to 25Mn people)
3)gives voice to people
4)keeps people safe, allows for fight for what we believe in
5)reporting self-harming and suicidal content
6)counterweight to ongoing devaluation and human lives
7)share hobbies, interacts, updation
8)opportunity to meet offline
9)make offline relations stronger
10)empower us to feel interconnectivity and collective consciousness
11)arm social stigmas (reduce stigma around mental health, black lives matter)
12)break socio-economic barriers
13)helping to empower buisnessman
14)powerful tool for minority
15)speedy information
16)seniors feel happy for contacting online
18)pivotal vehicle for social change
1)recognition seekers
2)urge for instant gratification
3)digital universe corrupting our actions
4)increase in dependency
5)real human beings connections replaced by virtual relationships
6)causing depression- affecting interaction-eating disorders
7)distorted images of how their should look
8)envy and feelings of inadequacy by instilling false beliefs
9)unrealistic standards
10)corrupting our behaviour (altering information)
11)popular people have more followers than the professional ones
12)truth replaced with speed and access
13)decline in journalistic integrity
The above debators had put their arguments in the best way they could, which one cannot deny. Earlier in the ancient times, early humans used to communicate with gestures And symbols. Since, humans has had developed themselves so much that they do not need to think twice before communicating to someone, technology has become so advanced that humans can reach the Mars, by launching the missions(phoenix lander,2008; mariner 4 and many more), to check the possibility of life their. Humans has come so far that if they look back they can feel a sense of accomplishment they’ve achieved. On the other hand, no matter how technologically advance humans can become, one should never become slave to it as it will lead to disastrous consequences. For Example: The Recent trend of Alexa. YES, social media provide speedy information just at one click but many people take advantages and use it for unethical and wrong things like spreading communal harmony, inciting violence (CAA protests) and even rumour-mongering. So many people put a story of rape victims with captions that starts with “justice for…..” and forget about it other day by thinking of it as a ‘new-normal’,why so??? because if people really want a ground-level change they have to work at ground level which seems to be more difficult to them but that is the effective way for sure. Social media is not bad if used mindfuly. Moreover, no one can deny the fact it leads to laziness, anxiety if not depression, addiction and what not.
•dependency on the instant gratification
•real human connection is replaced by the virtual on
•has caused eating disorder irrespective of the gender
•mental illness due to body shaming is the another trait of social media
•it has given massive following to the popular one rather than the professional one
•unreliable posts
•correcting our behaviour
•truth replaced by whims and fancies
•no organic interaction
•effortless contact
•positive implications on developing company
•became voice to people
•sharing our own and others life experiences
•enhanced global friendship
•empower to instigate social change
•helped in breaking the glass ceiling and empowering women
•empowered the minorities
•overcome the isolation
•made us able to appreciate people whom we cannot meet
•pivotical vehicle for social change
•increase collective consciousness
Social media being the fastest way of communication these days has a great impact on human life and psychology. It’s affecting us not only by empowering us but also have a bundle of bad impact. These days social media can be used as double edged sword. The reason behind this is the regulation of social media content is very very difficult, anyone can post whatever they want to post. Being always active on social media is affecting our behaviour in physical world and also causing serious health problem and depression. It is hand in gloved with many roites happening around the world.
The social media has two faces we cannot just blame it. It has spread awareness in the society of their own rights. It has the great impact in breaking the glass ceiling and empowering the women. It has became the voice of the people around the world. For example, we have seen the tweets and posts “a black life matters” from every corner of the world. It has enhanced the global friendship and give a single platform for association, entertainment, discussion. It made us more aware then we were. If we look before 2004 people were not that much aware of their fundamental rights, human rights, animal rights etc. It has given us a single platform to be more aware and make people more aware, to know about other’s culture and spreading our own culture. And during this pandemic, social media has helped help to get over anxiety and depression.
Task 1:social media corrupts human interactions arguments and counters.
Social media is spreading the fake news for example like about the carona is discovered by china without knowing the exact proves and information, social media is harmful by uploading photos the unknown persons tracking and changing the photos and trying to blackmail the persons, By using social media more people are not interacted directly they live in social media interactions with this people lost affections Among each other, Hackers knowing the personal information of people through the social media, people are forgot to live in reality rather than they live in social media, it also put the persons in some kind of depression.
Social media helps to contact with the family and friends in longer distance which feels them to not feel lonely, it promotes the information throughout the world fastly about facts for example like the problems faced by the blacks , it also helps the economic support for the emergency people by doing sharing, it promotes the interactions through out the world, it also helps in promoting communication skills through the interactions with unknown persons, it also useful to see the present photos of your loved ones etc.
I vote for both because social media has both positive side and negative side it depends the person who are using the social media if the person use in correct manner it will help to him to know about what is going around or else if the person using it ine negative manner it corrupts him along with the other people. I conclude by saying that social media is neither harmful nor not harmful.
Social media is important aspect for our life in today’s world with taking photos making memories or to connect us with our friend and family even strangers but as we say every good things comes with something bad and it is with the social media as well. When we surffing social media we spend our major time on it we started to believe virtual world of social media as real and this impact in a great measure on children and youth, as jack Symons mentioned that people who are on social media are in depression and we clearly know the reason behind it the trolling, making our self fit for social media, judge our appearances and ourselves on someone else opinions. Social media in a greatly measure effect the social difference the mentality and made certain mindset of what someone should be. Social media curse or boon is a debatable topic but its creating more negative impact than carrying positivity hope we can decrease it less
My Stand:
I will vote for proposition i.e., “Social media corrupts human interaction” because although social media has given us an alternative channel of interaction and prima facie this option appears liberating, it indeed confines our world and manipulates our free thought, Facebook’s Fake News Scandal exemplifies this. The filtered reality served to us is too much a cost for global connection. Moreover, although social media helps in mobilizing support for campaigns and protest, such support itself could be based on ill-informed, manipulated information.
Task 1:
For: The speaker has stated that in the wake of social media real human connections are being replaced by virtual relationships because we have been spending huge proportion of our time living in the digital universe. It is believed that social media has changed the way we interact. The consumers with high frequency of social media visits are 2.7 times more likely to get depressed than the average. The social media was described as a platform for portraying distorted images with unrealistic standards that has increased serious mental illness and eating disorder. The constant pressure of highly idealized views of our peers have instill the feelings of envy and inadequacy. It was further said that social media works in favour of few and has filtered and altered the reality. It encourages the idea of following popularity rather than professionalism. Truth has been replaced by speed and access and it has become harder to find integrity in journalism.
Against: Social media is a counterweight to the ongoing devaluation of human life. Though it is considered that social media has changed the way we interact, it has been able to make our offline relationships stronger. It has helped us to connect with our friends and family oversees, people we lost contact with and connect with the people we never knew we could have met. It helps us to become a part of organizations and causes we relate to and we believe in. It has helped minorities come forward irrespective of their cause. It has helped women to become businesswomen and increase their reach. It has become a powerful tool for shattering the old socio-economic stigma. There has been an increase in the number of senior citizens who became a part of the digital media stating that it makes them happier and connect them with their family and friends. Social media has made this world smaller and easier for you to love and be loved.
Task 2:
I would like to stand against the motion. Contrary to the belief that social media has corrupted the way we portray ourselves, it has provided us an opportunity to share the moments that we will cherish for life. It has provided us a platform to spread happiness and positivity and spread knowledge and information whenever required. It has come across as a medium to get together and work for a cause to the best of our capacities. It keeps us connected to the ones we living miles away from us and has brought our hearts closer than ever before.
Motion starts ; (1)Social media corrupts human interaction; By allowing the access to the separate realities of human spheres online and offline for devaluation and evaluation of human interaction respectively. In one direction ; (1)Social media empowered us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness. Alongside vulnerability of hacking connectivity through their online interactions and allow people to follow organization causes they believe in i.e., not fully integrated into society. It’s more than changing the essence or nature of interests of community. This is forcefully good in an aesthetic life style. One factor in Modern life that can surge connections in a world divided by the vagaries of capitalism is surely social media the pivotal mode of translation of interactions and social networks in more effective form to resolve motion and organize communities. (+)Social media corrupts human interaction by reducing face to face interaction & disrupting social networks by allowing misinformation on fuzz that is causing the motion of dishonesty unrealistic reality of filters and alterations for the benefits of community. Beings constantly present highly idealized views eliciting feeling of love and feeling of fullfilment instill in us with the beliefs of human interactions against mere translations of human interaction for customary values of matric. we need not to condemn social media but to be aware of the fact that it is corrupting our actions by interpreting and compiling our behavioural changes with speed and access and integrity is something that is quickly becoming harder and harder to find in virtual online world.
I vote in support of the motion; Social media is an instrument of popularity over professionalism, it foster the interconnectivity of collective consciousness for organizing interservice so to arm social stigma and in a way change our behaviour aesthetically and create a space for cyberbullying as well moreover it gives a voice to people it allows us to fight for what we believe in and it allows us to create a movement in the name of what we think is right…
Corrupting human interaction in a sense acting as an instrument of interpreted translations out of print for instant gratification of vetted interests of capitalists community. Social media is enriching the artificial intelligence by connecting the unconnected and projecting the distorted form of realities in an unethical way.
Task 1:
For the motion-
1. Defined the heart of TOPIC
2. Underlined impact at individual as well as societal level
3.Social media increased depression, eating disorders and promoted envy and feeling of inadequacy.
4.Dishonest medium of social media show altered filtered reality
5. They propogate fake news and compromise with journalistic integrity.
Against the motion-
1. Defined and lineated the definition of CORRUPTION.
2. Reflected on positive aspects of Social media interactions.
3. Social media benefits people working far from home, provide online community to like-minded people and help raise voices against injustice and censorship in authoritarian regimes.
4. Helps people combat loneliness, social stigma , socio-economic barriers and garner solidarity for marginalized groups.
5.They are potentially pivotal vehicle for social change and garner absolute solidarity fostering through the fluid, complex yet powerful interaction they provide.
Task 2:
Given both the arguments faired well and hold truth in existing scenario. While Jack Symonds helped us understand the negative aspects of the social media has on our interactions, Lalithya Vadlamani reinforced the idea of “Good for all” image of social media with which intent it was actually invented. The raising trolls and cyber bullying incidences makes me go with the motion but the positive impacts like pride events and black lives matter campaign , makes me appreciate the other side of the motion. Nonetheless it’s a complex choice , but it’s not the invention but the user who gratify the intent for which the invention came into being. Appreciating positives, hoping for negatives to be rectified.
The points that have been noticed from Jack Symonds are as follows;
Social media allows to stay in contact with family and friends around the world.
Still Social Media acts as a positive implication for many people in developing countries and some of the world’s largest social media companies are at the heart of these positive changes.
Social media gives voice to the people. It allows to fight for what we believe in. it keeps people safe and it allows to create a movement in the name of what we think is right.
Impact of social media effect on our interaction, on our relationships and on each and every one lives on a deeply personal level as a society we are constantly feeling the need to be seen by massive amount of people. We are growing more and more dependent on instant gratification and in order to feel included we are forced to post graham, snap, tweet, upload, pin, checking, swipe, like, share react or message.
Our real human connections are being replaced by virtual relationships. The simple truth is that for the most part we are spending huge proportions of our lives living in the digital universe and it is corrupting the way we act with each other.
Social media affects us and also the interaction with each other. People who are already depressed that are turning to social media as an outlet, while this may be true to some degree the social media is causing depression for a lot of people and of course that depression is affecting the way that we interact with each other in the physical world. Perhaps, even more troubling the relationship between social media and depression is the relationship between social media and eating disorders in young people.
Social media instilling us with the often false belief that other people are living more successful or more fulfilled lives. Social media is not evil, but it can very well be dishonest. It presents us with standards that is unrealistic, a reality that is unreliable and a world which has been filtered and altered for the benefit of another person or group and that is the very essence of corruption. Changing the way that we act as a society and the way we interact with our political leaders.
Social media gives massive following for the people who are popular rather than people who are professional. Truth is being replaced with speed and access and journalistic integrity is something that quickly becoming harder and harder to find.
No organic interaction with each other with our friends without idol with our family or with our political leaders.
We need not condemn social media but to be aware of the fact that it is corrupting our interactions. Its time to stop stalking and start talking.
From Laalithya Vadlamani argument,
She has argued with so many examples, and pointedout the following;
Spread info faster
Follow organizations
Online contact
Being Upto date
Connected Digitally and physically, Increase connections
I accept the points being forwarded by Jack Symonds, so I agree the topic ‘Social media corrupts human interactions’.
Points in favour
1.Social Media act as a positive implications for people living in developing countries .Facebook has made access to internet to 25 million people.Social media overcomes the constraints provided by Real and virtual world and offline and online.
2.It helps us sharing information, tweets of protests which government censor, memories of people from their school which they hadnt met yet. Parents can keep eye on their students studying abroad. Also online communication makes offline relationships stronger.
3.Social media helps us to stay connected with family, friends and relatives living in any corner of the world. People share their most cherished momemts with their family and friends. They make memories and enjoy.
4.Social media helped us feel interconnectivity and collective consciousness. Social media cam be used as power to instigate communities for a change. It can be used as an arm tool for a new change. It helps us to raise our voice for revolution amd movement and to fight for what we think is right.
5.Social media shatters the conventional socio economic barriers .It helps to empower women .It acts as a powerful tool for minority groups in general whether defined by identity or interest.
6.Social media equips with knowledge needed to become global citizens and communicators. It helps us to stay informed.
Social media sites help spread information faster than any other form .It helps people to be a part of organization in which they are not even fully integrated. Also senior people feels happy after contacting with their family on social media and getting news which has run out of print. Humans communication is not just spending heaps of time fussing or gossiping but just smiling knowingly that everyone is near close and is happy and safe.
7.Its about the solidarity that foster through the complex fluid yet powerful interaction you get online .The world is getting smaller. It helps us to love and to be loved .We feel connected digitally as well as physically .
It increases the connection in a world which is divided by the vagaries of capitalism , disengagememt of t. V., isolation of suburban sprawl .
8.Social media is not just place one type of conversation with another. It is allowed translation of interaction and social network .
It is not the main part of communication but it just changew the way we interact or listen. It cam act as a substitute for physical interaction .
8.Social media has potential to be an incredible pivotal vehical for societal change and it has power to enhance existing relationships.
Points against the motion
1.Living in a society we feel a need to be seen by everyone to be included in society and hence sharing every big and small happening of our life on social media. It is corrupting the way we act.
2.We are living more in virtual world than the real world and hence our relationship are getting affected. We live in a digital universe.
3.Social media impact us as individuals as well as the way we interact with each other. A youth between 19 to 32 who spends average 61 minutes per day and checks social media 30 times per week are most likely to fall into depression.
4.Social media also causing eating disorders amongst the people of all genders and all ages.
5.Social media is presenting a false image of how our bodies should look in a particular fashion that can have adverse impact on loving families and relationships.
6.It provides a false image of others. It make us believe that others are living more successful life. It is unrealistic reality filtered and altered information for benefit of another person and that is a way of corruption.
7.It alters way we behave as a society and with political leaders. It gives unofficial people massive following than authorized people. Journalist integrity is harder to get .We don’t have physical conversation with our family, idols and society.
Task 2 : I will be on the side of favour of social media. As we all know, Every coin has 2 faces. Everything no matter either nature has endowed us with or we have gained through technology has both advantages as well as disadvantages.In the same way Social media as listed above has both benefits as wells as many drawbacks. But if we use it sincerely within limits, for purpose or for enjoyment then it can prove a boon for the world.
We can use it for communicating over the world, for running businesses and organizations for welfare of people.
Task 1
FOR: The speaker speaking ‘for’ the motion of the topic started with the assertion that he very well uses the social media and listed the benefits it has rendered in present times. Subsequently, the speaker transcends to to the negatives of the human indulgence with social media. Various arguments citing the ill effects of the social media are listed below: –
(a) It generates the need for instant gratification.
(b) It affects the individuality, the constant urge for peer or people’s approval.
(c) Constant need of such social approvals is one of the major reasons for depression, if not fulfilled.
(d) Studies show that people checking social media regularly are at 2.7 times more risk of going under depression.
(e) Depression is one of the major causes of over eating and related disorders.
(f) The highly idealised views of peers and triggers self doubt and low self image in people.
(g) The never ending feed of the social media platforms may become highly toxic and has high potential of being stockpilenof lie and fake news which in turn can shape opinions of large sections of population.
(h) The very model and concept of social media promotes popularity over professionalism.
(i) Lastly, the social media disrupts the very essential organic interactions.
AGAINST: The arguments against the motion of the topic made by the speaker are listed below: –
(a) It acts as counterweight to present day life driven by capitalism and profit business oriented world by offering that gratifying touch by people whom u interact with on SMPs (Social Media Platforms) even during the busiest of times.
(b) It helps in finding us our hobby matching mates form any part of the world.
(c) It acts as window to meet new people with vivid experiences.
(d) Studies have shown that social media has even been responsible for strengthening the offline bonds with people in one’s life.
(e) It enhances the connectivity and enriches the collective consciousness of people.
(f) It acts as force for good and social change by giving wide range and spread to any social issue, the recent example being the black lives matter protests and me too movement.
(g) It helps in highlighting threats instantly and alerting people about any forthcoming situation.
(h) SMPs have broken the socio-economic barriers and brought people on the same platform.
(i) It has become a powerful tool for minority community to voice their concerns and get heard which is a significant aid to marginalised community.
Task 2
There is no denying the fact that social media has encroached every aspect of our lives in all possible ways. Yes, there are several harmful affects of such trend. But, I believe the pros of social media outweigh the cons. It has provided incredible connectivity. For example, it was because of social media only people could interact with loved ones face to face even in lockdowns or being at hospitals. Social media groups be it on watsapp or facebook, acted as oxygen atlas for the needy one’s in the pandemic. In the field of education the social media edtech platforms has played a pivotal role in bringing equity by providing access to the students from all sections of society. It has positively impacted the awareness levels of citizens about govern schemes and their rights. The key to more efficient and diligent use of social media lies in its judicial use. One of the steps for the could be inclusion of responsible social media usage as a subject in schools. The recent policy decisions taken by the govt to hold tech giants accountable is also a welcome step.
Social media corrupts human intractions .
Jack ‘s argument : He argues that real human connections are being replaced by virtual interactions . This has lead to many problems in how we interact with others at individual as well as at societal level . At individual level , people are facing 2.7 times more depression than before and having more eating disorders. Social media giving a distorted image of how one’s body should look and eliciting feeling of envy and inadequacy. This leads to serious mental disorders. at society level , it is affecting the way information is being altered and the changing way of interacting with our political leaders. Fake news scandal issue and others showing ill effects of social media affecting truth and journalistic integrity. Thus social media is affecting building organic interactions with our closed ones and our political leaders.
Laalithya ‘s arguement : She mainly focus on how social media is helping in strengthening our live and offline relations and instigating social change. Social media is breaking glass ceiling of social – economic barriers and also giving voice to minority groups like empowering businesswomen and identifying racism in countries. This also help in shattering social stigmas attach to traditional things . Thus social media generates a collective conscious among people .
My arguement : I am in favour of Laalithya ‘s viewpoints that social media is not corrupting human interactions. As social media is a tool which we need to use ignoring its sideeffects. There are many people who have faced depression are now opening up on social media which is helping people realise the true nature of using social media . This has also helped in removing the taboo of mental disorder. Social media can help in raising funds from around the globe regarding serious diseases which a normal middle class family person can’t afford . Some people are facing eating disorders but there are also huge number who were once obese and after following diet or fitness trainers get into good shape and living a healthy life. By connecting to the world , we are getting inspired by the whole world and improving lives of our closed ones also. The alteration of information is not just regarding social media but with whole digitization and we are eradicating this and many other abnormalities related to it one by one . Making a fake news detection department , stricting the rules realted to privacy are such steps which will make this tool to its maximum utilisation.
Task – 1.
Jack Symonds:-
-Physical connections are
replaced by virtual relationships
-Mental illness
-Disconnect from the family and the society.
-Eating disorders
– People are getting addicted to social media.
-Regular users of social media are 2.7 times more suffer from depression.
-Social media shows unrealistic standards related with humans due to which most of the people suffers from anorexia.
-No organic interactions with family, friends, Idols and political leaders.
-Through social media people wants to become popular instead of professional.
-People are creating a false image of themselves on social media
-It elicit feelings of envy
Laalithya Vadlamani:-
-Social media empowered us to feel interconnectivity and collective consciousness.
-Social media can help people arm social stigmas.
-People can connect themselves to anyone.
People keep getting every news of their loved ones.
-Communications through social media can make offline relationships stronger.
-Social media provide some tools to grow which are not readily found offline.
-People share post of their special moments with family on social media.
-Acts as powerful tool for minorities to preserve their identities as well as their interests.
-Spreading of information faster than any form of social media.
-Old age people connect with thier grandchildrens and other family members who are away from them
Task – 2.
Everything has both positive side as well as negative side. Nothing is totally perfect. Where on one hand social media is keeping us up to date, in touch with our family and friends. It can sometimes be addictive and can interupt our offline life. Similarly, where social media is fastest mode of spreading news, it is often found to promote fake news which will ultimately affect one’s mental health.
But if social media’s rules are regulated properly for the benefit of larger all its disadvantages can be overcome.
After going through all the above discussions I like to go with Laalithya Vadlamani for her explanation she highlighted all the positive aspects of social media. Her first statement itself mentions that to corrupt something we need to change its nature and logics based and providing more explanations.
Social media may have negative effects but it is doing more good than bad.
Task 1:
Jack Symonds
1.) The impact that’s social media can have is on our routine interactions and built relationships.
2.) Human connections are replaced by virtual connections these days.
3.) Social media impact on us at individual level which also follow effecting us interacting with each other.
4.) Social media may effect mental health issues like depression and anxiety effects, eating disorder and body shaming etc.
5.) The rise of pro anorexia and pro bulimia communities coupled with advancement of social media algorithms.
6.) Recasting Information and Straining Realities
Laalithya Vadlamani
1.) The idea of portraying an aesthetic lifestyle increased Instagram’s popularity, people enjoy to share moments with family and friends online.
2.) Through social media, users can communicate to each other. At the same time, they can communicate with sharing pictures or images or voice messages and
3.) It has been proved that social media has found the ability to empower people. To empower people means to get the ability to change other people’s opinions and perspectives. It changes others people’s opinions and it can also threaten yours
4.) Social media enable individuals to bring personal experience into the public domain with the potential to affect public attitudes and mainstream media.
5.) Role of Social media in business is irreplaceable, as it helps the businesses to grow their brand awareness and customer base.
6.) Social Media leaves impact on people.
Task 2:
Social media is a double-edged sword because it provides immense benefits but at the same time immense threat to the physical, economic, and psychological well-being of its users. Given the rapid advances and the increased reliance on technology, the question of how it is changing work and employment is highly salient for scholars of organizational psychology and organizational behavior. The way forward for our society with regard to social media is to understand and encourage the positive use of social media for the benefit of the masses and recognize the threats 1t provides in order to put preventive checks on its misuse.
Argued for the motion
1 Develops depression, anxiety in users 2.7 times more than a average person
2 Fake reality
3 Eating disorder not for specific age but for all the ages
4 its giving more followers to people who are popular than the people who are professional
5 no organic interaction with not only family but also with the political leaders
6 Change in behaviour
agrued against the motion
1 Forced to empower individuals
2 Engorged women Empowerment
3 spread news faster than others
4 An app used to save black community
5 One organisation helping African womens to help in growing businesses around the world and working as a powerful tool for minorities
6 Aged people are happy to be connected with their loved ones
7 keeps people updated
Task 2
Both of them have brought a strong examples and points through their arguments . In every field their is a positive and negative result just like if there is presence of positive energy in and around a person then some where there is presence of negativity or negative energy but its all depends upon the person how he reacts and handles just like we can use social media in a positive way I agree with Laatithya Vadlamani she has shown as a ways to use something in a proper and beneficial environment.
*Arguments for the motion by Jack Symonds:
1.Surfing of social media causing depression.
2.Causing eating disorders.
3.Leading to rise in the case of pro-anorexia and pro- bulimia.
4.Causing compulsive instant gratification through the web of virtuality.
5.It elicits the feeling of envy and inadequacy by instilling false belief.
6.It present us with a standard that is unrealistic and with unreliable reality.
7.Instigating fake news.
8.Giving importance to popular instead of professional.
9.Disrupting organic interaction.
*Arguments for the opposition by
Laalithya Vadlamani:
1.Helping us to share our ideas and information by sitting at any place in this world.
2.It help us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consiousness.
3.Provide real time interactions through video calls.
4.It helps to arm social stigmas.
5.Empowering businesswomen.
6.Sharing of important informations faster than any medium.
7.It help us to get free from the isolation of suburban sprawl.
8.Best substitute of personal interaction.
I would like to vote for Laalithya Vadlamani as i also think social media is playing a crucial role in the lives of the people. It has helped a lots of people to maintain interconnectivity with their closer ones living far from them in these hard times of Covid-19. It is creating a direct interface between general public and government by making the government aware about the public problems and to derive the solutions of it through sites like Twitter,Facebook, etc . Government is also making laws and policies to ensure the privacy of people and check the instigation of rumours to ensure the fare surfing. It is a pivotal vehicle to bring the social changes .
Arguments in motion:
The social media corrupts human interactions. As it provides an alternative virtual platform reducing the need for an first hand interaction.
Our constant quest for instant gratification and validation from peers on social media has made it more and more toxic, as we start to compare ourselves & thus struggle with mental diseases i.e. depression etc. This phenomenon is also associated with the food habits disorders.
This way, The social media platforms are getting more and more addictive and becoming cause of concern.
The motion in proposition:
The social media doesn’t corrupt human interactions.
Instead, it strengthens human interactions in form of giving voices to unheard.
Social media platforms provide oportunity to stay in contact with friends and family across the continents.
Social media platforms also provide opportunity to find and connect with the community of like minded people. And one could plan, coordinate and mobilize people who share similar concern and interests for organizing a fest or for staging a protest. The arab spring could be considered to be a good example of the same.
Both the motions were supported with valid arguments but I’d vote for the latter.
Every new technology, innovation or tradition might have some shortcomings in the begining and it takes time to learn & rectify the errors. Regulation of social media platforms for responsible behaviour is imperative. But the benefits of social media can’t be ignored owing to some drawbacks. Social media undoubtedly has potential for enhancing experiences of human interactions.
Social media corrupts Human Interactions
Our real human connections are being replaced by virtual connections .Huge proportion of peoples life is spend living in the digital universe. This is corrupting the way we interact with each other. Social media is changing the way we behave. Pittsburg study points out that people spend average of 60 mins per day on social media and visit them over 30 times per week .It was also found that people who check social media had 2.7 times more chance of developing depression. Data suggests that Social media is also causing eating disorder like pro anorexia and pro bulimia. FB insta & tumblr provide distorted images of how people should look. Social media instils a feeling of envy that often other people are leading more fulfilling lives. Social media is not evil but is dishonest. Social media also has worrying implications of freedom of thought & may manipulate elections. Social media algorithms are filtering our reality and that is the real corruption ; truth is being replaced ; organic interactions are dying.
To corrupt something is to strip something of its utility and functions. Rather then corruption social media is a counter weight. It helps to break the monotony of offline life by joining the online space.It has brought people & communities together. Helps to provide voice to people who cannot get their voice heard by conventional channels Few clicks help share life experiences forging global friendships. It can help organise a peaceful protest in real-life . So in a way it augments real life connection, sort of widening the net. It has helped members of black community to share their plight with features like mark yourself safe. Social media breaks conventional barriers to socio economic platforms ex helps African business women’s to connect.74+ is the fastest growing demographic online, Seniors have reported feeling happier by being connected online. The likes show a form of solidarity and appreciation like never before. Social media doesn’t have to be our main form of interaction rather it can augment & provide expediency.
2. I would vote for the motion. For the motion starts to define what corruption means.(sort of deconstructing the topic). It proposition is that social media is not the main channel of communication but rather it helps to augment the sphere of influence that one has. Then it proves its point by supporting examples , logic & Data (LED principle used) .for ex – 74+ being the fastest growing demographic also tells us that it has positively impacted the lives of people.(she plays the Devils advocate by saying) Of course Social media is not the sole source of communication & cannot replace regular face to face communication, but it has helped people by giving them an voice & a platform to interact & form new connections.
* I would vote “Against” the motion , ( by mistake I typed for)
Social media corrupts human interactions
For : Jack Symonds
1. Virtual relationships are replacing real human connections.
2. Social media is causing depression. Pittsburg School of medicine study in 2014 found that over a quarter of people on social media are depressed. It also says that a person on social media is 2.7 times more likely depressed than the ones who aren’t on social media.
3. Social media can cause eating disorders not only in women but also in men.
4. It is based on instant gratification. Number of likes on a social media post has a significant effect on the mood of the person.
5. It can create distorted images of our bodies look.
6. It creates a feeling of envy and inadequacy.
7. Though social media is not evil it is dishonest.
8. Popularity is valued over professionalism. Speed and access is valued over truth. Journalistic integrity is replaced by sensationalism.
9. Social media companies can manipulate people.For Example Facebook employees could choose which news articles were to trend rather than an impersonal algorithm.
Against : Laalithya Vadlamani
1. Social media doesn’t replace personal connection. People can still meet in real life.
2. Positivity and fun is shared on social media. For example memes.
3. According to a study people aged 74+ are happier after getting on to social media.
4. It is used to organise people for a social cause. Eg. Women’s March
5. It is used to tell your family and friends to say you are in times of a crisis.
6. It is significantly helping women and minorities to set up and run successful businesses. For Example, has helped thousands of African American Women entrepreneurs,
7. It makes people a global citizen.
8. It helps people to stay informed. Today there are more people who get their news from social media sites than conventional sources.
9. It can solidarity among humans for a cause.
10. Social media has changed our lives. That change is not always corruption. To impose a monoistic absolute definition of what makes human interactions valuable may be wrong.
I would vote for Laalitha Vadlamani. Both the speakers have used various examples, logic, data in a very effective way to present their arguments. Social media is like any other technology. Technology in itself is neither good nor bad. The difference lies in the way in which humans use the technology. Social media need not replace personal interaction. It can create a hybrid of offline and online interaction where human connections are valued. Though social media has its negative aspects as listed by Jack, I agree with Laalitya that reducing the complexity of social media interactions into a monoistic absolute definition of corruption is wrong.
Jack Symonds
Real human connections are being replaced by virtual relationship by spending huge proportion of our lives living in digital universe leads to corruption at ;
Individual level
1) 19-32 age group people spending their 61 minute per day on social media
2) High level of depression.
research found that social media
increase depression by 2.7 times
3) Eating disorders
4) Provide distorted images of how their body should look, constantly presented highly idealized views of others
Societal level
1) In U.S election, Facebook counted 34000 extra votes
2) Alteration of information and filtering of our reality
3) Popular people gets more than professional
Laalithya Vadlamani
Social media is counterweight to the ongoing devolution of human lives as;
1) it empowered us to feel interconnectivity and collective consciousness
2) empower individual and communities to investigate social change
3) Shattering of conventional socio-economic barriers
4) Best way to stay informed
5) online contact for family and friends
6)Its make easy to express your appreciation, respect and love.
I would like to vote for jack as he argued in very simple and solid way by giving logic , example and data.
As for above points he explaind the topic closely to the given topic and concluded how each of above point can resulting in detroited human physical interaction
But at the same time against arguments was not up to the mark and not hitting the topic as she was counting benefits and benefits of using social media without any good logic , example.
Task 1
Jack Symonds
In his opinion social media has some negetive side, in some studides have found a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self harms, and even suicidal thought. Social media may promote negetive expression. It’s cause of huge impact on our mental health and happiness .
For many, social media appears to have a range of benefits. It provides a way for many of us to connect with others. We can support other people and feel supported by them. It may even be a useful way for those with social anxiety and those who have a hard time with face to face interaction to connect with others.
Task 2.
I’m agree with AALITHYA VADLAMANI, Jack Symonds, both of them because social media itself is not the problem.. Every thing has some positive or negative we had to choose which side we will creat for us .
In some cases social media is good for society because it let’s us write to people if we need help we can interact with other people and have fun. We can learn from people who live in different countries.. If we have any interstate in any topic we can easily found some important nots from social media.
In other hand if we increased usage more time spent on social media can lead to cyberbullying, social anxiety, depression and exposure to content that is not age appropriate. People also education with social media.
Task 1
Jack Symonds
1.Real human connection are being replaced by virtual relationships.
2.Social media corrupts human interaction by reducing face to face interaction time.
3.Develop depression.
4.Causing eating disorders.
5.Alteration of information by filtering of reality.
6.Social media is giving massive following for people who are popular rather than who are professional.
Laalithya Vadlmani:
1.Social media is ongoing deviation of human lives.
2.Social media can help us arm social stigmas.
3.It is a integral part of our live.
4.Social media is a powerful tool helping to empower business womens.
5.Social networking sites spread information faster than any other form of media.
6.Social media help us to love and to be loved.
My View
Social media has both advantages and disadvantages. If use wisely it is very helpful.
For example:Many UPSC aspirants who came from a poor family background are not able to take admission and study in a good coaching institution but with the help of social media platforms like YouTube, Google, etc. can study and able to cleared exams too.But when students spend too much time on social media and uses it for other purposes rather than studying like playing online games it will lead to bad performance in his/her academic and it will also effects his/her mental health too.
Social media media will be a great help if we use it wisely .
Social Media Corrupts Human Interactions
1. Unnatural human interaction.
2. Causes depression. (Age wise categorization)
3. Causes eating disorders.
4. Unrealistic body goals leading to inferiority complex.
5. Political manipulation (improper vote counts).
6. Popular people/content suppress professionals.
7. Truth being quickly replaced with speed and access.
8. Compare hard work with fake/ Showoff achievements .
Social Media does not Corrupts Human Interactions
1. Helps to raise voice and spread awareness.
2. Make bonds stronger over distance.
3. Parents being able to connect with children from anywhere.
4. Social media can be used as a force for good and empower individuals and communities to instigate social change.
5. Helps in business growth.
6. Helps face racial or cast discrimination.
7. Faster and unfiltered news platform.
Task 2
Although social media poses several problems it is clear that its benefits are far superior.
Sudden exchange of information, Global communication, Business, education and healthcare development makes it irreplaceable. Also many of the bad influence of social media is self imposed and can be controlled which makes the problems selective.
Moreover in the times like covid-19 pandemic, social media has proven to be very useful in every field and sector by connecting people, providing information and a creating distraction to overcome boredom and anxiety.
Task 1:-
Arguments by JACK SYMONDS
Social media corrupts human interactions
#)2.7 times more likely develop depression on who frequently check social media
#) Depression is affecting the physical way of interaction
#)Causing eating disorder on all age groups.
#) Cause of metal illness.
#)Social Media elicits feeling of envy and feelings of inadequacy by the views of our peer groups
#)Social Media impact on political leaders also.
#)Truth is being replaced with speed and access to false rumors.
Social media does not corrupt human interactions by LAALITHYA VADLAMANI
#)empowered women for business.
#)Making entrepreneur
#)Social media is a faster intermediary that can pass any messages within a second.
#)connecting family and friends
From one end of earth to another.
Task 2-
Even all things have some advantages as well as disadvantages but all depends on us how we react to it .
Social media gives voice to voiceless.
Task 1
Jack Symonds
Social media corrupts human interactions
Organic interactions are replaced by virtual interactions
Cause eating disorder in all ages
Increase depression
People become unrealistic and dishonest
Laalithya Vadlmani
People around the glob can be in touch with each other
Helps to bring changes in peoples life by supporting them
Information’s can be shared easily
Can react in social issues
Task 2
In the case of social media the usage of human beings is important. If they use it in gathering and sharing information’s, supporting each other in business and all other fields, helping others to overcome their problems like loneliness etc. it also causes depression and eating disorder.
1.Social media affects on an individual level,According to the survey, 30 times a week a person is spending time on social media.
2. Eating disorders not specific age but all the ages.
3.People aged between 19 to 32 are depressed 2.7 times more likely to develop depression.
4.It causes envy, inadequacy among peer groups.
5.effects political leaders.
6.Truth is being replaced with speed and access to false rumors.
7.provides a feeling of safety(contradiction).
1.Force to empower individuals and communicate to integrate social change.
2.Aged people are happy to be around their loved ones and connect.
3.An app used to save black community in USA. helping African women to help in growing of business world, and powerful tool for minority groups.
5.Its not about hours and hours of spending its about making people smile who are very far away.
6.Women has gone extraordinary manner in which it spread around the world.
I agree with Laalithya Vadlamani for her explanation and logical based and providing more explanations.Social media may have negative effects but it is doing more good than bad.Even the opposition also has good sides which cannot be denied.
Social Media Corrupts Human Interactions ( Jack Symonds )
1. Real human connections are replaced by virtual relationships.
2. It causes the depression hemce behaviour change.
3. Social media is causing eating disorders.
4. Social media provides people distorted images of how their body should look which is causing mental illness in people.
5. Social media is manipulating votes.
6. Social media is giving massive followings for people who are popular rather than people who are professionals.
7. Truth is being quickly replaced with speed and access.
8. Living digital corrupt real interactions.
9. False beliefs of living successfully and fulfilling lives.
10. Not evil but dishonest standard.
Filtered information for bemefit of another.
11. No organic interactions with each other.
Social Media does not Corrupts Human Interactions ( Laalithya Valdmani )
1. Social media is platform to raise voice through tweets and photos when government censors protests.
2. Online relationships can make offline relationships stronger.
3. Parents are able to keep close contact with their children who are in the other corner of the planet.
4. Social media can be used as a force for good and empower individuals and communities to instigate social change.
5. Social media can help us arm social stigmas.
6. Social media is a powerful tool to empower business women.
7. Social media is a powerful tool for minority groups in general whether these groups are those defined by their identity or their interests.
8. Social media equips us with knowledge needed to become global citizens and communications.
9. Social media is the best way to stay informed. Social networking sites spread information faster than any other form of media.
10. Global freendship can flourish.
11. Social media enables us to be virtually part of something that was not physically possible.
12. It enables us with ability to express our love and appreciation for others to whom we can’t meet physically.
Task 2: Every coin has two sides, hemce this motion too. BUT I am in favour of the motion that social media does not corrupts the human interactions because ,
1) It is subjective case, hence individually matters.
2) There are more benefits of social media in interactions that would have never happen physically.
3) Can be in touch with telatives that live over seas.
4) Empower business.
5) Global friendships.
Social Media Corrupts Human Interactions ( Jack Symonds )
1. Our real human connections are being replaced by virtual relationships.
2. Social media is causing the depression.
3. Social media is causing eating disorders in people.
4. Social media is giving people distorted images of how their body should look which is causing mental illness in people.
5. Social media is manipulating elections.
6. Social media is giving massive followings for people who are popular rather than people who are professionals.
7. Truth is being quickly replaced with speed and access.
Social Media does not Corrupts Human Interactions ( Laalithya Valdmani )
1. Social media helps you to raise your voice through tweets and photos when government censors protests.
2. Online relationships can make offline relationships stronger.
3. Parents are able to keep close contact with their children who are in the other corner of the planet.
4. Social media can be used as a force for good and empower individuals and communities to instigate social change.
5. Social media can help us arm social stigmas.
6. Social media is a powerful tool to empower business women.
7. Social media is a powerful tool for minority groups in general whether these groups are those defined by their identity or their interests.
8. Social media equips us with knowledge needed to become global citizens and communications.
9. Social media is the best way to stay informed. Social networking sites spread information faster than any other form of media.
I would like to vote for Laalithya Valdmani because our life is affected by social media for good at a greater extent which can be clearly seen from the Covid-19 pandemic situations where the world is connected through virtual meetings and webinars and even people saved theirs and their loved ones’ lives by getting information about medical equipments and beds availability at hospitals through social media.
But as they say ” excess of everything is bad ” , it is highly recommended not to use social media in excess as it can cause troubles in our lives as Jack Symonds has mentioned in the debate.
So social media is an advantage to humans if it is used cautiously and in an appropriate manner.
Arguments supporting the motion:
1. More than the pros,the con which overshadows everything – social media is simply degrading people’s lives causing serious disorders , depression etc.
2. The real world relationships are getting affected . It is fueling and making a bad impact on the lives of individuals by looking at the lives of others,and not knowing the far end dark truth.
3. The spread of fake news has caused the downfall of our ecosystem,thinking and judging abilities.
1. Continuous connectivity ,crowdfund donations,helping people raise voices for their rights,against the plight of not only people,but nature as well
2. Video connectivity,especially has helped the older generations to interact with the younger social changes have been brought,spreading awareness about a certain issue
3. breaking all the barriers stereotypes,empowering people,women,young entrepreneurs etc.
Also making people aware of their heritage,history, and being updated of the current important trends of the world
Task 2
Social media has the potential to bring change in our lives. .it has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Inclusive , However, a balance is needed between virtual life and the real actual world for living in reality and not falling for fake/triggering news.
So how it’s used and when ,for whom ,matters.
If it is used for helping others and for positive impact ,it can reform societies and change the constricted thinking of most.
But if not,may lead to several disasters
Task 1:
Jack Symonds
1. Dependent on instant gratification
2. human connections are replaced by virtual relationships
3. Increase in depression
4. Eating disorders
5. Mental illness
6. Feeling of envy and inadequacy
7. People are unrealistic and dishonest
8. Corrupt interactions
Laalithya Vadlamani
1. Keep contacts to far away places
2. Helps in social changes
3. to American women’s
4. Increase in connection to the world
5. Speedy share of information
6. Old age people connect to their children who are in far away places
7. Collective and interconnectivity
Task 2:
Everything has two sides good and bad likewise social media too have its positive and negative impact. While considering Jack Symonds arguments he clearly explained the impact of social media rather than pointing its negative effect, while Laalithya Vadlamani arguments points the positive side of social media. In my opinion whether its good or bad we have to choose them. If social media are used wisely, people will not have much negative impact. Online class is one good example for that but students also lose their health because of the continuous class and also they are getting addicted to social media due its continuous usage. From above analysis I can neither vote for any of the arguments.
Jack argued that social media has indeed changed our lives and took us in to whole new era of communication but at the same time it has increased human distances all together with compulsive instant gratification, approval from unknowns and empty virtual imagination which has led us to whole machine based interaction rather than interpersonal. He put forward that social media has penetrated lives of all but childrens and youth are most affected thus leading to unfavorable consequences like depression, anxiety etc. He provided data to prove this as 1/3 of social media user youth are depressed and it is diminishing their childhood.
IN her counter argument she proved that social media has made world a well connected family , which has reduced distances between friends , families, relatives, businesses , world leaders and information which was not possible 2decades ago. She said social media not only let us reach to vast masses but it also allow us to help each other in need , raise voices and can even compell policy changes. She provided data on how over a billions of people use social media to stay connected despite distances which negates its negatives as a primary outcome.
In my opinion social media has both the sides of coin which depends on individual subjectivity that which side you choose to see but can’t deny any. However, in this modern era of 5th revolution positives of social media outweighs its negative outcomes starting from teenager profile on Facebook to leaders of superpower announcing state policy on social media, from local news to national level election social media campaigns, from funny videos to doctors operating surgery to court proceedings, social media has allowed us to connect worldwide despite of thousands of kilometers distances. Various social media platforms have helped people to grow their businesses, made carriers and provided livelihoods. In india Facebook alone has millions of users which proves its acceptability as a part of modern lifestyle.
Task 1 –
Jack Symonds –
1. Our real human connections are being replaced by virtual relationships.
2. For the most part we are spending huge proportions of our lives living in the digital universe and it is corrupting the way that we act with each other.
3. People who frequently check social media were found to be 2.7 times more likely to develop depression than the average.
4. The relationship between social media and depression is the relationship between social media and eating disorders in young people and is affecting people of all ages .
5. Platforms like facebook and Instagram are giving young people distorted images of how their bodies should look and oftentimes the result is a serious mental illness that has far reaching implications on loving families and loving friendship.
6. By being constantly presented with highly idealized views of our peers social media elicit feelings of envy and feeling of inadequacy by instilling us with the often false belief that other people are living more successful or more fulfilling lives.
7. Social media can very well be dishonest.
8. Social media is giving massive followings for people who are popular rather than people who are professional.
9. Social media is not only corrupting the way that we behave as individuals in our own lives, it is also changing the way that we act as a society and the ways that we interact with our political leaders. In the recent US elections Facebook’s I voted function generated 340,000 extra votes while it hasn’t been determined weather these were in favour of republican or in favour of democrats. The implications on our freedom of vote are worryingly clear.
Laalithya Vadlamani –
1. Social media empowered us to feel interconnected and collective consciousness.
2. Social media can be used as a force for good and empower individuals and communities to instigate social change.
3. Social media can help us arm social stigmas. For example: the sticks and stone’s campaign uses twitter to reduce stigma surrounding mental health and learning disabilities.
4. New apps and tools add to the strength of powerful change movements. Example: Apps have been launched that allows black lives matter organizers modelled after Facebook safety check to allow black social media users symbolically mark themselves as unsafe in locations throughout the US.
5. Social media is also a powerful tool in helping to empower businesswomen.
6. Social media equips us with the knowledge needed to become global citizens and communicators.
7. Social networking sites spread information faster than any other form of media. Example: Twitter and YouTube users reported the 2012 Colorado theater shooting before news crews could arrive on the scene.
8. Grandparents feels connected to their children and grandchildren who live abroad through social media.
9. The world really is getting smaller and we’re now connected to each other digitally and physically.
Task 2 –
I would vote for Jack Symonds side because believe it or not social media has increased cyber crimes , frauds , cyber bullying , pornography, etc. It is true that we feel connected through social media but it is also true that the relationships are getting weaker because we’re connected digitally but not emotionally. We have many friends on social media but only one or two real friends. Day by day rate of cyber frauds are increasing catastrophically. Fake profiles of frauds on social media platforms like Instagram , Facebook , etc. are bluffing innocents. Recently , a man created a fake profile on Facebook and acted as a cancer patient. He asked for money donation and collected crores of rupees from people. An another example of cyber fraud is as follows : A month ago Chinese app scam cheated 5 lakh Indians of Rs.150 crore. During the pandemic, many people list jobs and faced financial breakdowns. Apps like PowerBank , Sun factory etc. made people believe their scheme of multiply their money. People believed this scheme to be genuine and invested their money. Once someone had invested a large amount, their account was blocked by the apps, thus causing severe financial loss. Everything has good or bad sides. Social media has also both sides. It depends on an individual’s perspective.
=) Jack Symonds:
1) real human connections are being replaced by virtual relationships
2) corrupting our interaction
3) develop depression and causing eating disorder
4) will be a dishonest
5) giving massive followings for people who are popular rather than people who are professional
=) Laalithya’s arguments
a) connecting family and friends who living in a far distance
b) online communication can make offline relationships stronger
c) empowered us to feel our interactivity and collective consciousness
d) help us arm social stigmas
e) one of the best ways to stay informed
My view
Social media has many advantages as Laalithya said but we can’t ignore the disadvantages of it. Some people use social media in a wrong way which affect their lives especially youngsters. There is a lot of content available on a social media that can be misleading if viewers get in the habit of watching it. I neither on Jack side nor Laalithya side. Both views are as practical as logical. It depends on individual how they use for themselves. Lastly, I would like to say that if social media is not used wisely, its bad effects will be more deadly.
Arguments by Jack symond:-
1-social media corrupts human interaction.
2-between the age of 19 and 32 , participants spend 61 minutes per day on social media and visit social media websites over 30 times per week.
3-2.7 times more likely to develop depression than the average.
4-causes depression.
5-social media and eating disorders.
6-fb,insta,Tumblr are giving young people distorted images of how their bodies should look and results in a mental illness.
7-social media elicits feelings of envy and feeling of inadequacy.
8- social media corruption change the way that we act as a society and the way that we interact with our political leaders.
9- truth is quickly being replaced with speed and access and journalist integrity is harder to find.
Arguments by laalithya vadlamani:-
1-online communication can make face to face offline relationship stronger.
2-parents are able to keep close contact with their children who are far away from them.
3-social media empowered us to feel our inter connectivity and collective consciousness.
4-cherished moments with family and friends.
5-social media powerful interaction that you get online.
6-social media makes it easier for us to love and be loved.
7-connected to each digitally and physically.
8-powerful tool in helping to empower business women to get opportunities.
9-social networking sites spread information faster than any other media.
My opinion:-
In my opinion, social media has advantages and disadvantages but it depends on individual person how they use this platform.Social media is a great platform to learn like many students are not able to study in coaching or institutes so with the help of you tube and Google they can study well and many of them cleared exams too.Social media also helps us to be connected with our loved ones who are living far away from ourselves.During this pandemic ,we are stressed and cannot meet our loved ones so social media is only way to be in touch with our friends and family also social media is fastest mode of spreading news.Everything has a limit so using social media in limit will be a great help for everyone.
Arguments supporting the motion:
1. At an individual level, social media is deteriorating our lives. It is causing serious implications like depression, eating disorders, and others.
2. The relationships are getting affected due to social media. It is fueling the feelings of jealousy in the individuals by looking at the lives of others.
3. The spread of fake news is affecting our choices from choosing a pen to the President.
1. Social media is increasing interconnectivity and collective consciousness. It can give a voice to the people irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, or others.
2. Social media is providing interconnectivity in the world. Talking to friends, family, and other family members have become very easy. It has a positive impact which has the potential to bring people out of depression.
3. Social media is breaking all the socio-economic barriers by empowering women, backward classes, and other deprived people to be entrepreneurs which would empower them.
Task 2
Social media has the potential to bring change in our lives. It has the potential to bring social inclusiveness to society. For example, e-commerce empowering MSMEs to break socioeconomic barriers. However, a perfect balance is needed between virtual life and the physical world so that people can make informed choices and do not fall into the trap of fake news.
Social media corrupts human interactions:
* Real human connection replaced by virtual relationships
* People aged b/w 19-32 spending 61 minutes on social media.
* It develops depression, eating disorder ,mental illness etc
* Human are living digitally rather than realistic
* Spreads fake news even causes larger destruction like spreading hate
* It elicits feeling of envy and inadequacy leads to self harm and reduces self love
* It shows standard that is unrealistics and reality that is unreliable.
# arguments against the motion :
* Social media cann’t be main source of communication.
* It boost the interconnectivity and interaction around the world.
* It becomes part of our day to day life and reduces human burden
* It gives faster info than anyother thing.
* It allows peaceful protest like what aim of twitter is.
* It brings social changes by campaigns where a large population of world can together put views and fight against wrong for example #black lives matter.
In my opinion the wisely use of social media brings positive changes and the wrong use can bring negative impact too.
Human should not develop habit of it. It should be used in right direction like Ravi sir makes it use in a very right way to teach many of us and everything has advantage and disadvantage it is us to develop sense of what is useful to us or not .
Argument by Jack Symonds
1. Real relationship replaces by virtual relationship.
2.Many eating disorders in young age group of world.
3. Result in depression and ill mental health.
4. Social media is not evil but dishonest.
5. Lead to corruption by leaking users detail without their prior permission.
6. Truth is being replaced with speed and access to false rumors.
In opposin by
Laalthiya Vadlamani
1. Social media empower us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness
2. Used as a force of good and empower individuals and communities.
3. is helping women in Africa to increase their business.
4. Web app used to save the crime against black community.
5. We stay informed and spread news faster.
6. Stop from being isolated.
7. Create a integrated world.
8. A pivotal vechile for social change.
Task 2
In above mentioned debate about ” Social media corrupt human interaction” there is both pros and cons of social media so it’s not a good thing ethically to favour only one aspect of debate so my opinion is neutral about social media.
It’s true that it helps in revolunize the way people meet and interact to other people but this interaction sometimes not genuine which result in crimes and personal depression which is the biggest cons of it because it affects someone’s life and health which is not a good thing for society and
Arguments by jack Symonds : corrupts human interaction
2.create anxiety and depression
3.people between 19-32 age spends 61 minutes per day
4.eating disorder in young people
5.elicits feeling of envy and inadequacy
6.changing the way that we act as a society and interacts with our political leaders
7.alteration of information
Laalithya argument: communication make face to face offline relationship stronger
2.parents are in contact with their children who are away from them
3.share cherished moments with their family and friends
4.empowered us to feel our interconnectivity and collective conciousness
5.empower individuals and communities to instigate social change
6.spread information faster than any other medium media makes easier for us tolove and beloved
My opinion:
In my opinion, everything has some pro and cons but it depends on an individual that how he/she utilise it.So both are correct in their position but i think social media has less side effect than benefits because for example in ongoing pandemic and lockdown people are more stressful and outconnected with entire world physically and in this situation the only medium that connects with our loved ones is social media.Also we take our classes through online medum.But in excess of anything will be harmful .
Task 1:-
Arguments by JACK SYMONDS
Social media corrupts human interactions
1)Effect of social media on an individual level, one hour of time spent by each individual in a week 30 time visit as a survey shows.
2)2.7 times more likely develop depression on who frequently check social media
3)Depresion is affecting the physical way of interaction
4)Causing eating disorder on all age groups
5)Social Media elicits feeling of envy and feelings of inadequacy by the views of our peer groups
6)Social Media impact on political leaders i.e on elections and on our society.
7)Truth is being replaced with speed and access to false rumors
Social media does not corrupt human interactions by LAALITHYA VADLAMANI
1)Social can be used as a force for good and empower individuals and communicate to integrate social change
2) How web app is used to save the black community in USA at some places
3) is helping African women to help in growing the business world(Power free tool for minority groups)
4)Socail Media played a crucial role in Colorodo shooting case to pass the information before the press arrives and the safety of the people
5)Age group above 70 are happier in connecting with families and friends worldwide
6)Not about spending hours its about smiling who is far away i.e 600miles away
7) social media doesnt stopping in talking to loved ones in real life
8) women march has gone extraordinary manner in which it spread around the world
Task 2:-
My Opinion
Social media has both advantages and disadvantages.some people Post misleading information and some other Post useful information.
It depends upon us how We use the social media platforms for good or bad purpose. Often people get addicted to social media platforms.facebook has been introduced features like vaccination center finder tool and earthquake alert .it is choice to use the social media platforms to good or bad purpose. I cannot vote for the either side .
Arguments for the motion
1. Social media causes depression.
2. It is directly related to eating disorders like pro- anorexia and bulimia.
3. It elicit feelings of envy and inadequacy.
4. Reality is often altered and filtered and this fake news spreads like fire through social media.
5. Journalist integrity is becoming and harder to find.
6. Social media can be addictive.
Against the motion
1. Online communication can make face to face offline relationship stronger.
2. Parents are able to keep close contact with their children who are away from them.
3. It empowers us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness.
4. It can help us to fight against social stigmas.
5. It is a powerful tool in helping to empower business women.
6 It doesn’t make one stop speaking to your loved one’s in real life.
Everything in this world has some pro’s and con’s. Nothing is perfect. Where on one had social media is keeping us up to date , in touch with our family and friends. It can sometimes be addictive and can interupt our offline life. Similarly, where social media is fastest mode of spreading news, it is often found to promote fake news which will ultimately affect one’s mental health.
But if social media’s rules are regulated properly for the benefit of larger all its disadvantages can be overcome.
Thank You
The proposition by Jack Symonds:
1. Social media is affecting us as individuals and changing the way that we behave it follows that social media is affecting the way we interact with each other
2. We spend huge proportions of our lives living in the digital universe.
3. Impacts the integrity of political, social, and democratic processes, where the bias of the social media platforms’ employees figures in prioritizing content in their consumers’ feeds, creating political scandals.
4. Social Media causing issues like depression, eating disorder, self-harm, suicidal tendency. Quoting personal experience of a family member with an eating disorder.
5. Truth is being replaced with speed and access to false rumors.
Opposition by Laalithya Vadlamani:
1. Online interactions not only connect people from across the world but also help in making offline face-to-face interactions stronger.
2. Social media can be used as a force for good and empower individuals and communicate to integrate social change
3. Social media can help in fighting against social stigmas. New apps and tools help to bring powerful change to the movement.
4. Social media allows people to follow the organizations and causes, they believe in and contribute towards them. It may involve a sense of expediency, but it may not necessarily imply a feeling of non-fulfillment.
5. User-friendly nature helps old age people to connect with their grandchildren and other family members so that they do not feel lonely.
I would agree with both of the arguments. It is a fact that falsified information is possibly the biggest threat to social media. The phycological effects are also true at the same time, the connectivity and convenience that social media offers both for entertainment and business purposes is groundbreaking and innovative social media branding and advertising are one of the biggest revenue sources on the planet, social media models are mostly millionaires. The conclusion put forward by Laalithya would be a proper way, to sum up, my views as well Social media is not perfect but it can play a pivotal role in social change
[ : ]The impact that’s social media can have on our interactions and relationships
[ : ]Very Human connections replaced by virtual connections
[ : ]social media impact on us at individual level which also follow effecting us interacting with each other
[ : ]Social media as one of the causes for Mental health issues like depression and anxiety effects, eating disorder and body shaming
[ : ] The rise of pro anorexia and pro bulimia communities coupled with advancement of social media algorithms
[ : ]Alteration of information and Filtering of realities
[ : ]the idea of portraying an aesthetic lifestyle increase Instagram popularity, people enjoying being shared the Cherish moments with family and friends online.
[ : ]Social Media is used to connect people around globe and Enhance global friendship
[ : ] Social media can be used to force good and empower individuals to be a part in change
[ : ] Social media can help us arm social stigmas
[ : ] Social media as tool for socioeconomic and helps to business women
[ : ] Human communication isn’t about spending heap of time in a conversation, its about smiling knowingly of the fellow status
[ : ] social media is just the one factor in modern life that can increase the connection which is divided by vagaries of capitalism, the disengagement of television and the isolation of the suburban sprawl
Task – 2
Although after listing to the arguments of both the sides in a logical and reasonable way with analogical data examples which “Jack” argument are strenuous and much needed to be addressed, On the contrary “Laalithya” Arguments are Strong but Some points are out of context Which ‘jack’ mentioned before starting argument that its not about ,is social media good or bad! Jack arguments subtly referring to the individual level disadvantages of social media, but Nonetheless I agree and Vote to “laalithya” where as social media enhances scope of education and support for minority groups, it also increased the connectivity , interaction of a individual with authorities and state which also enhanced accountability of officials and politicians, Social media encourages the concept of free schooling by enabling availability for masses which helps students and also professionals to follow up there passion without distrusting there current lifestyles which also plays as a key role in skill development, By encouraging open education , global friendship and connectivity, Social media acting as catalyst for change through peaceful and fruitful digital revolutions. However as per jack arguments on a subtle level its individual who is accountable for the changes. Before Internet involvement in day to day life, people use to be in groups and with there beloved with full of security on the contrary after involvement of Internet and social media in day to day life of every individual where one is alone and more private which not let individual to know others opinion and views of certain topic which not let one to question about accurate of it.
Jack Symond
Social media affects the human individually, their behavior and interaction among family and friends.
Social media unrealistic, filtered and altered.
Laalithya vadlamani
Social media is the one of the important way to spread the message.
Social media connects the people across the world
Over a period of time technology has improved. All inventions have good and bad impacts.
We should utilize the technology for completion of needs not for deeds
* Social Media Corrupts Human Interaction
( Jack Symonds )-:
He says that Social media is not an evil but it is affecting our individuals corrupts our behavior as we not communicate live and spend many time on the Social media so we lost live Interaction with each other. We like to post,comment and degrading essence of offline relationship leading to depression, anxiety, forced beliefs etc.
* Social Media Doesn’t Corrupt Human Interaction ( Laalithya Vadalmani )-:
Social media becoming are integral part of life. Awe can communicate via social media by studying in abroad to our family. It connects us with all our family, friends. Who are away from makes more conscious about ongoing in the world. We get information from Social media for peaceful protest for justice etc. So according to her,Social media is not a corrupt practice. Social media empower women to grow business and also one can follow the organization that they believe in.
* My opinions-:
Social media can be considered to be selfish as their users often share one way information to gain appreciation, for profits, and to increase their business. Social media platforms owners also have selfish motives to gain from advertising and user data. Social media cannot be said to be entirely selfish, as they are used by people to raise funds for charitable cause, increase awareness about Social issues, and to freely connect with friends and family.
Jack Argument 1 – There’s no organic interaction on SM platforms with the people we believe in and idolize.
Laalithya Counter Argument – SM Platforms doesn’t stop us to talk to people in real life. There’s no definition of what is the right way to interact. The choice to interact offline or online should be left to people to decide based on their comfort.
Jack Argument 2 – SM platforms are changing the way we interact with society and political leaders. Eg. FB interfering in American elections.
Laalithya Counter Argument – SM platforms empower people to instigate change in society by removing social stigmas and breaking socio-economic barriers. Eg. Black Social Media users – marking unsafe areas.
Jack Argument 3 – SM platforms create an impact on an individual level. SM platforms are constantly presenting highly idealized views, elicit feelings of envy and inadequacy, instilling false beliefs, unrealistic and unreliable reality.
Laalithya Counter Argument – Interactions on SM platforms create a connected and collective consciousness. It has taught some people the ability to express and respect. It also makes us easier to love and be loved. It is not just about spending time with people but also about knowing they are good and happy.
Jack Argument 4 – It has increased the level of depression in some people and depressed people are going to SM platforms for escapism. There’s also a correlation seen between SM users and their eating disorders.
Laalithya Counter Argument – SM makes people feel a part of any organization even if they’re not fully integrated into it. 74+ demography is the having the fastest rate of joining SM platforms.
My View: I would vote for Ms. Laalithya’s arguments as her arguments were optimistic as opposed to Mr. Jack’s arguments which are too balanced to gauge the understanding of the motion. Every single argument of hers was backed by solid logic, example, and data which helped her create a very solid narrative backed by compelling arguments. She very well pointed out logical fallacies in Jack’s arguments like the correlation between social media usage and eating disorders or depression to highlight the nature of corruption in human interactions.
Task 1:list of arguments
Jack Symonds:
1.Social media corrupts human interaction and replaces it with virtual interaction. It affects human individually, their behavior and interaction among family and friends. It causes depression, changes our thinking and ideology towards world ,increases the tendency of self harming and suicidal cases.Social media influences massive followings to popular rather than professional.
2.It is an unrealistic platform which opposes organic interactions. We need to condemn social media but be aware of the facts that it is corrupting our interactions.
3.It is time to stop stalking and start talking .One can learn more by looking into ones eye rather than looking at social media profiles.
Laalithya Vad lamani :
1.Social media is a integral part of communication around the world which empowers us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness. It has a particular significance to marginalize communication around the globe .
2.Social media can be used a forced for good and empower individuals and communities to instigate social changes. It provides us modern apps and tools which helps in online business especially the growth of businesswomen. By this we can follow several organizations, maintain online connections with our friends and families. It keeps us up-to-date about what’s going on the globe.
3.Social is just one factor in modern life that can increase connections in whole world which is divided by vagaries of capitalism. No one said sm should be the main form of communication but it can listen to as a substitute.
Task 2:My opinion:
After listening the both sides of the argument l couldn’t choose a particular one as they both said some valid and logical points that social media brings world more closer but at the same time it reduces organic communications.
But if l have to choose between them two according to the assignment l will vote for laalithya Vadlamani because it is totally relevant and true that we couldn’t leave social media totally. It has a lot of advantages along with some disadvantages. But we have to be aware of its disadvantages. The use of social media is only depend on our uses. So I can conclude that social media should not be the main form of our communication but it can be used as a substitute. We all need to understand that it is a tool to stay connected with world but must not make it our world.
1) Relationship
LAALITHYA VADLAMANI- People can attempt to break away from the constraints and they’re offline lives by hacking that connectivity through their online interaction.
JACK SYMONDS- Relationship between social media and depression is the relationship between social media and eating disorders in young people, and I’m not just talking about young girls, eating disorders today are affecting people of all genders, of all races and from all socio-economic background and in some cases of all ages as well.
2) Outlets
LAALITHYA VADLAMANI- People who share your hobbies and interests surely those community online can’t get your voice heard through conventional media outlets because your government is censoring news of your protest.
JACK SYMONDS- It is people who are already depressed that are turning to social media as an outlets while this may be true to some degree.
3) Interaction
LAALITHYA VADLAMANI – Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives over one billion active Facebook users. Visit site each day. They are over 500 million tweets per day and 18 million posts on Instagram.
JACK SYMONDS – We are growing more and more dependent on instant gratification in order to feel included. We are forced to post Graham snap tweet upload pin, check-in swipe like share, react or message.
4) Internet
LAALITHYA VADLAMANI – Got lost in the city and author of Ctrl-alt-delete how I grew up online as former social media editor of British climber and a leading blogger.
JACK SYMONDS – Facebook for example has given internet best to over 25 million around world who have been able to reap the many benefits that internet provides these people live in countries ranging from Kenya to Columbia. And program is only in its first two years. Social media gives a voice to people it allows us to fight for what we believe in.
I would like to vote for Jack Symonds because in many line he throw the light on exact impact of social media on our relationship because, in today’s world, the people prefer more relationship with that person, who far but met through the social media and trying to avoid the relationship, want away from physically present with them. That’s what in one side the social media makes new relationship but in other side it also destroy pre- existence relationship.
Social media corrupts human interaction
1.feeling for instant gratification is increasing among humans
2.real human relationships are being replaced with virtual relationships
3.spending lots of time in the digital universe rather than with physical world quarter of young people are suffering from depression as surveyed by university of Pittsburg
5.eating disorders among all sections of people using social media
6.elicits feeling of envy and feelings of inadequacy by giving false hopes
7.Alteration of information by filtering of reality
Social media doesn’t corrupt human relationships
1.share your views quickly online whom we can’t find offline to do so
2.make close contact with family while being far away
3.tool to empower individuals particularly women and minority communities and instigate social change
4.platform to do businesses.
Task 2
Social media although helps in seamless connection with the outer world has not been without drawbacks. As pointed out by jack symonds feeling for instant gratification is leading many young men and women into virtual world by generating false hopes. The feeling of inadequacy, under achievement when compared to peers not only lets them into depression but also into eating disorders. This reality is overshadowed by the digital world. It not only influences the internet feed by filtering out information but also our cognitive thinking.
Social media can be double edged sword at the same time which can push oneself out from their own boundaries either by enhancing their personality or degrading oneself. Therefore careful use of social media is essential and it is the need of the hour
Topic: Social Media is inherently a selfish.
Social Media Corrupt Human Interaction.
ARGUE: Jack Symonds.
(1)Social media influences massive followings to popular rather than professionals.
(2) It need not condemn social media, but to be aware of the fact that it is corrupting the interaction. (3) It it high time to stop stalking and start talking and sometimes you can learn more by looking someone eye rather than looking at social media profile.
OPPOSITION: Laalithya Vadlamani
(1) Social media interaction is not corruption as no one is saying social medai is main form of communication or not even substitution.
(2) Rather than corruption social media is ongoing deviation in human life.
(3)Social media is integral part of human life as it empowers us to to fell interconnectivity and collective consciousness.
(4) Social media allows transition of interaction , social network to more effective way.
Task: 2
I vote and agree with Laalithya Vadlamani as she holds a strong command arguing on the topic as Social media can be used as the force for good and empowers individual and community to get social change. With a great example ” Black lives matter” initiative model in facebook safety checks to allow Blacks to mark themselves unsafe around the US.
Social media also a powerful tools for raising a voice of minorities groups in general. It is also an one factor in modern life to develop a connection in the world which is divided by hatred ans cruelty. Lastly Social Media makes easier for love and be love.
Jack Symond :-
1. Human relationship replace with virtual relationship.
2. Social Media affects human individually, their behaviour and interaction among family and friends.
3.Social media causing depression, it molds our thinking and ideology.
4. Social media is unrealistic, unreliable , filtered and altered.
5. It distrupts face to face connection.
Laalithya Vadlamani :-
1. We can easily contact overseas , family to their children at other end of world.
2. S.M offers interconnectivity and collective consciousness.
3. S.M empower individual and communities to instigate social change.
4. S.M is best way to stay informed and spread information faster.
5. It connect the world and we are now connected digitally.
After listening the both side of Argument , I observed that they both said some point which prove social media brings us more close than ever. But, at same time there are points which proves it wrong. The use of social media is all depend on user , use of anything to extent is bad and same apply for social media also . It is also true that social media replace human relationship with virtual relationship, but it is also true that social media offers you to be more close to your relatives who is living miles apart from you. I will vote for Laalithya Vadlamani because it is totally relevant and true that now it is impossible to leave social media because of its lot of advantages, but at same point of time we needed to be aware about it consequences.
Social Media corrupts Human Interactios
Arguments by Jack symonds
1. Social media corrupts human interaction.
2. As a society massive human connections are being replaced by virtual relationships.
3. Social media elicits feelings of envy and feelings of inadequacy by instilling us with often false belief that other people are living more successful or more fulfilling lives.
4 social media Impacts the integrity of political, social, and democratic processes, where the bias of the social media platforms
countered by Laalithya Vadlamani
[ ] social media doesn’t corrupts the human interaction but in modern life, it provides a tool to be connected with the people live miles away. eg. peoples living abroad , children going universities, etc
[ ] As a society the human connections are not just limited to the society we are living. the different societies of world have interconnectivity due to social media, and cam also help to stand for the Rights of society eg Black live matters portal.
[ ] Social media empowers us to use interconnectivity and social networks. Discouraged by the outcome of the US election, a retired lawyer set up a Facebook event, inviting a peaceful protest in Washington.
Task 2
Social media is just like the coin having two sides positive impacts along with negative side effects.Laalithya Vadlamanili explained the positive sides of social networks.How a social network could be used for business, interconnectivity with societies, to protect righta of minorities etc.As Jack symonds explained how social network has become integral part of modern life. it affected physical and mental health of individuals, journalism integrity , alteration of information. In modern life, most of us are using social networks,internet , social network platforms. “everything in excess is poison” , this is also the same with social networks usage. The use of social networks improves our interconnectivity with others, promotes globalization. In India , government has launched “Digital India programme” which has resulted in improved governance.The unwise and excessive use of social networks has resulted into dperession and impatience in teenagers.The social networks are good for our life only if we use it wisely. It must not be allowed to replace our physical interactions.It is a tool to be stay connected with World, we must not make It our world.
Arguments FOR: Jacks side
– How social media impacted peoples life at large extend, he has presented his arguments by giving some data facts.
– How social media impacted on political election or agenda of political party showing peoples most favorable political alliances
– Particular ideologies and that impact on people’s life.
– We missed the real connect with the people rather more we socially connected so essence of face to face interaction in digital word we are missing
– People are more concern about their image at social site rather the image in real public space
– As people are getting connected globally and communication gets easier at longer distance it self
Arguments Against : Laalithya Vadlamani
– Because of social media we miss the essence of human to human physical interaction but rather we strongly socially connected with online meet.
– It is one side we are showing we have good bond with family members by communicating socially but after that getting offline we get disconnected touch after that moment
– As people are socially connected so it can also lead to another bad side of any political ideology to spared their message at fast extend to many people and this lead to create mass march against government
– Movement against racism to indicate that we are safe that our home where protest going on
– Literacy among the people increasing to get connected with their loved once
My take on: jacks side
Social media has greater impact on people’s life and communication gets easier with their loved once and long distance family or the children who are taking the education on other country. Knowledge can get access faster than physical transmission and people get connected easily with similar like minded people because of that knowledge base are getting created. Created huge impact on global business also to get connected with the long distance business association. Rather only considering the negative impacts we have to look on how it changes the life of the people at greater extend and it saving the people’s time is most important asset nowadays.
Argument by jack symond:
Social media is not evil but it is something which is affecting every individuals life. It is dishonest. It create a false image and unrealistic standard of an individuals. Social media is pushing an individual to portray their image of what they are not. Some says that social media is for fun. It help people to come out from depression and anxiety. However people who frequently check their social media account were found to be 2.7 times more likely to develop depression than the average. It is because of lack of face-to-face interaction. Social media is affecting our interaction and communication skills with the physical world. Social media and its filter are creating and inferior complexity among the people. The filter which makes people look beautiful and fair are creating inferiority which result in low esteem that is why people often potray to be what they are not. Social media give massive following to the people who are more popular rather than who are professional. Social media often create feeling of envy and jealousy because individual start believing in false status that other person is more successful than them.
Laalithya argument:
Social media has become integral part of our life. It has connected people from one pole to another. In today’s world nobody has a stable life where some are earning in different, some are studying in abroad or residing social media help them to stay connected with their families. When people stay alone due to some reason then social media help them to come out of their loneliness. Social media not only help in interaction but it also help to empower businesswomen to get opportunities. Most of the women cannot go out and work but social media has helped them to work online. Social media is a source of information hear the information spread faster than any other form. It is also used as a platform for many peaceful protest.
My opinion:
Social media is like a coin which has both the sides negative and positive. It depends on us that how we are using it. Excessive use of anything is harmful whether it is alcohol or social media. When we use something more than requirement we get addicted and so with social media. Social media is evil for the one who does not use it properly but boon for the one who use it positively. It’s depend on individual choice whether they want to use it as evil or boon.
The argument put forward by Jack Symonds revolves around the individual interactions with social media and its possible effects both short and long term on the individual himself/herself. According to Jack the individual has a range of negative physiological, mental and social impact which alters the interaction the individual has with his family, peers, society and himself. Jack talks about the falsified information that spreads likes wild fire and this information are not crossed checked by professionals. He also points out the mental health and physiological effects that social media models bring in the minds such as a sense of inferiority complex, a sense inadequacy among millions of people which leads to things like depression which make the statement ‘not everything in social media is true’ seem very accurate.
The counter argument also revolves around the individual interactions with social media but the focus was on the individual who is a part of a collective conscious which led to the empowerment of the group as a whole. Laalithya on the other hand talks about the biggest advantage of social media, the connectivity it offers. The sheer number of users and the speed of information exchange gives it unlimited range of possibilities. The counter argument is based on the effect of legitimate and authentic information spread and its collective effect on empowerment of the community. The example to this counter argument was fully data based. Examples of women entrepreneurs, business connectivity website, interconnectivity were used as the effect of authentic information spread countering the first proposition.
Personally, I would agree to the both of the arguments. It is a fact that the falsified information is possibly the biggest threat to social media. The phycological effects are also true at the same time, the connectivity and convenience that social media offers both for entertainment and business purposes is ground breaking and innovative social media branding and advertising are one of the biggest revenue sources in the planet, social media models are mostly millionaires. The conclusion put forward by Laalithya would be a proper way to sum up my views as well “Social media is not perfect but it can clearly play a pivotal role in vehicle for social change
Jack Symonds : FOR
Starts with examples, and its utility. Positive implication. Bring positive changes. Data on Facebook. Gives voice to people, keeps them safe. Create a movement, In what ‘we’ think is right.
Deconstructs the topic.
Human interactions : instant gratification, inclusiveness. Replace human with virtual connections.
Spending time in digital universe is corrupting the way we act with each other.
Individual level : Its affecting, Research & Data, gives idea of opposition now. & demolishes it with the extent of data.
Impact as eating disorder. Images of how body should look. Damages our relations. Envy & inadequacy feeling. Dishonest, unreliable, filtered & altered and corrupted things.
Societal level : Example of Facebook-political. Journalistic integrity. No more organic interactions.
Ends with beauty.
Laalithya Vadlamani: AGAINST
Defines Corruption differently. Gives a vent to lives. Utility of social media. Can make offline relations stronger. Global friendship. Quotes a book, and other people (for authenticity)
Example of how social media helped women rights in US. Data. Data. Data. Example. Example. Example. Empower businesswomen. Helps minority groups. Become global citizens. Fast data travel.
Personal anecdote.
Does not lead to corruption, but changes the way of interaction.
Conclusion is best.
We cannot determine, what is best. Accepts not perfect, but does help.
Ends with example.
Which side I vote for & why?
Jack Symonds. Because broader perspective given. More dimensions. An optimum balance of L/E/D. He used Deconstruction. He anticipated opposition argument, and ended it. Body has the Beast & Concludes with beauty.
Arguments against :
Social media makes people seek shallow popularity, Instant gratification.
Promotes virtual relationships in a digital universe which is often altered.
Data shows high level of depression and anxiety due to social media usage, eating disorder, inferiority complex about their body and lifestyle.
Idealised view of peers, false belief that other people are living perfect and happy lives.
Fake news, popularity over Professionalism, threat on journalistic integrity.
Off line and online world are integrated. Social media provides freedom from the constraints of offline world.
Empowers underprivileged communities, minorities by giving them a voice online, while in the offline world, their voice is often ignored due to inaccessibility.
Promotes global friendship and connection, helps families stay in touch even if scattered over the globe, helps combat loneliness for elderly people.
Social Media has been used as a force of good to combat Stigma around mental health.
Provides a platform for ordinary people to support the causes they believe in.
My take:
Social media has been a force of good by democratising access of information and opportunities. Any new tool is bound to be misused by vested interests for politics and business. However, Social media has the potential to adapt itself. It has introduces new features to combat fake news, or defamatory contents. A conscious use of social media would be a a gift for humanity to bring positive change.
The argument for the motion by Jack Symonds
1. Instills a sense of insecurity and the need for validation
2. Impacts People at the individual level- Is a cause of mental illnesses such as depression, Communities that are pro-anorexia and pro bulimia corrupt people and cause eating disorders. Social media, by the use of filters and body shaping tools, allow the idea of distorted body images while promoting the idealized and too good to be true body shapes. This not only leads to self-doubt but enviousness towards others.
3. Impacts society- False information is easily spread across the world, This corrupts our freedom of thought. There is more following to Popular people instead of professionals, which further promotes false information as the information is not credible.
The argument against the motion by Laalithya Vadlamani
1. Issues people face are all the same in the offline and online world. People go to the online world in order to find relief and reassurance that they are not alone.
2. Promotes global friendship, connects families that have been separated due to academic or professional reasons. Provides comfort to know that loved ones are safe at home when news of the disaster in the region breaks.
3. More inclusive as it has increased female businesses and strengthened feminism, where women collectively express their sides of the story. Increase in Elder participation in social media to distract self from loneliness.
4. Social Media does not wish to substitute human interactions but complements them.
My View-
I would side against the motion, as social media also encourages learning from the best sources free at cost, at the comfort of one’s own home. The disorders Jack talked about have been in existence even before the advent of social media, if anything, social media would help people find their own kind and encourage them to accept themselves as they are not alone. It also promotes small businesses and provides the talented to showcase the talent to the whole world, just with a click. Every generation has something or the other to keep themselves busy, and thus social media must not be viewed as an evil, but a friend.
Argument by Jack symonds:-
He says that social media is not an evil but it is affecting our individuals life. It corrupts our behaviour as we not communicate live and spend many time on the social media so we lost live interaction with each other. We like to post, comment and share reels which build virtual relationship but degrading essence of offline relationship leading to depression, anxiety ,forced beliefs etc.
Arguments by Laalithya Vadalmani:-
Social media becoming are integral part of life. Awe can communicate via social media by studying in abroad to our family. Ut connects us with all our family, friends who are away from us. It makes more conscious about ongoing in the world. We get information from social media for peaceful protests for justice etc. So according to her, social media is not a corrupt practice .
In my opinion, excess of everything is bad. We should use social media but not in excess. We can use it for communication who are quite away from us but not with them who are staying with us. We shall communicate and spend some time with our fellow beings instead of sharing reels with them online. We should be more skeptical before believing in something which is posted and it is required.
Arguments by Jack Symonds-
Social media is not a evil but it can be very dishonest and we have to very skeptical about it because it presents us with unrealistic standard,altered content and corrupts our behaviour at an individual level as we are becoming more and more dependent on instant gratification in order to feel included which forces us to post, comment,swipe, tweet,like share,frequent checkins building virtual relationship and degrading essence of offline relationships leading to depression, anxiety ,forced beliefsetc.
Agruments by Laalithya Vadlamani-
Global relationships are flourishing with social media and becoming an internal part of our lives.
Its makes us feel integrate and more conscious and ongoings across world.
Help ing elders, parents to be more connected with their children, grandchildren
It equips us with knowledge ,quick and easy to access
Pivotal vehicle of social change .
In my opinion,excess of everything is harmful.Social media can certainly not replace the offline interactions but a controlled use and be a little more skeptical before believing in something which is posted is what it is required.
It has the power to fuel our integrity, bring social changes that we require and making people aware at a wider platform as large population is connected from across the world.
Regulation by legislature to prevent infodemics at various level is also the need of hour.
Proposition by Jack Symonds
1. Social media is affecting us at individuals and changing the way that we behave it follows that social media is affecting the way we interact with each other
2. Over one quarter of the young people survey displayed indicators of high levels of depression and people who more frequently check social media were found to be 2.7 times more likely develop depression than the average. This depression affecting the way that we interact with each other in the physical world
3. As a result of social media, eating disorders affecting all genders, all ages and all races around the world
4. Facebook and Instagram have simple methods for reporting self harming and suicidal content is respectable but it is also a chilling indictment of the extent of this problem
5. Social media elicits feelings of envy and feelings of inadequacy by instilling us with often false belief that other people are living more successful or more fulfilling lives
6. Social media is not evil but it can very well be dishonest, it presents us with a standard that is unrealistic a reality that is unreliable and a world which has been filtered and altered for benefit of another person or group and that is very essence of corruption
7. It also changing the way that we act as a society and the ways that we interact with our political leaders
8. Social media giving massive following for people who are popular rather than who are professional
9. Truth is quickly being replaced with speed and access and journalistic integrity quickly becoming harder to find
Opposition by Laalithya Vadlamani
1. Social media empowered us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consiousness
2. Social media is also a powerful tool in helping to empower businesswomen to get opportunities which are not ready at offline
3. It is equips with knowledge needed to become global citizens and communicators
4. It is one of the best ways to stay informed social networking sites spread information faster than any other form of media
5. Using social media allows people to follow Organizations and caused that they believe in and makes them that they are part of something even if they are not fully integrated into society
6.World really is getting smaller and we are now connected to each other based digitally and physically
7. Social media is one factor in modern life that can increase the connection in a world which is divided by the vagaries of Capitalism and disengagement of television and the isolation of suburban sprawl
8. Social media certainly is not perfect but is has potential to be an incredibly pivotal vehicle for social change and that it has power to enchance existing interactions and relationships
1. Social media is like “two edge sword”, has impact the way we use it . For instance, by exposing fully to social media many of adult people gone their lives (addict > suicides) while many of vulnerable people have been saved during worse situations ( Covid-19 pandemic-Twitter)
2. Case study for former agrument- someone shared false information on Whattsapp ( spread rapidly across many parts ) that is, ‘ national wide Bandh’ on one day that leads to huge strike ultimately > lathi charge result in one person dies. This worse situation only because of one’s misinformation led to one’s life had to be sacrificed.
3. Case study for latter argument- by using social media-Twitter, many Organisations come forward and use it effectively to save many people who seek help during pandemic in our country
4. So, i can’t agree fully to either sides
=> Arguments by jack Symonds
* Social media effortlessly allows to be in contact with your family, friends and colleagues. But, it’s not an organic interaction, need to stop stalking and start talking.
* Individual level is shown by the research from university of Pittsburgh, who studied over 1700 people of age group from 19 to 32. This research shows that this age group is spending 61 minutes per day on social media.
* Regular users of social media are 2.7 times more high to suffer in depression.
* Social media provides massive following to people who are popular rather than those who are prefessional.
=> Arguments by laalithya vadlamani,
* Social media connects people to people all over world.
* Connects people online who are not having opportunity to meet phisically.
* People can post their special moments with family and friends on social media like Facebook, instagram posts.
* Helps businesses women for upgrading their business for instance helps African woman entrepreneur to upgrade their business.
* Spread information faster than any form of social media.
* Real time example is her grandmother being able to connect with her family.
=>My personal opinions
* Both arguments are very well. Both are get forward each other in arguments.
* But, i support to jack Symonds. Because, he is talking about actually what happens in 2020 covid lockdown. People are very stressed. Because of using social media.
* At covid lockdown period, most of the people spending more time for unwanted things like tiktok, Facebook, instagram, whatsapp and wasting lot of golden time. Causes stress and eye irrigation.
* More elder people don’t know how to use social media. Nowadays, all changes to digital media. They are don’t know about usage of Android. But, nowadays all necessary things available in online. For maintain the social distancing, we are use digital media like cylinder booking, recharge, Money transfer.
Arguments by Jack Symonds
1. Not completely against social media as it connects with family and friends all over the world.
2. Social media platform like facebook provided internet benefits from columbia to kenya in just 2 years.
3. Social media gives us voice to fight for our rights.
4. Major part of our life we are spending in a digital universe thus it corrupts our interaction with each other.
5. University of Pitsberg school of medicine in 2014 carried out research on 1700 people between 18 to 32 years of age group they observed each participant spend 61 min on social media per day and visit it at least 30 times per week now the numbers are increasing.
6. Regular users of social media are 2.7 times more prone to suffer from deepression.
7. Social media shows unrealistic standards related with humans due to which most of the people suffers from anorexia.
8. Social media provides massive following to people who are popular rather than those who are professional.
9. No organic interactions with family, friends, Idols and political leaders.
10. Stop stalking and start talking.
Arguments by Laalithya Vadlamani
1. To corrupt something we need to change nature of that thing.
2. Social media connects with family if we are doing job in another country.
3. Helps us to raise the voice against the government.
4. Connects people who are not having opportunity to meet online.
5. Online communications can make offline relationships stronger.
6. People can post their special moments with family on social media platforms like facebook and instagram.
7. Helps buisness womens for upgrading their buisness for instance helps african women entrepreneurs to upgrade their buisness.
8. Acts as powerful tool for minorities to preserve their identities and interests.
9. Spreads information faster than any form of social media.
10. User friendly nature helps old age people to connect with thier grandchildrens and other family members so that they do not feel lonely.
11. Makes world smaller by increasing interaction however it should not be the option always.
My opinion: After going through all the above discussions I will support Laalithya Vadlamani’s arguement because she highlighted all the positive aspects of social media. Her first statement itself mentions that to corrupt something we need to change its nature. Though anorexia and deepression cases are increasing we cannot claim social media 100% responsible for it. Although there can be no other best alternative for physical interaction but social media may act as tool to fill the communication gaps, However it should not be an option always.
According to jack symonds, social media effortlessly allows to be in contact with your family, friends, colleagues but it’s not an organic interaction, need to stop stalking and start talking. Spending more time digitally is corrupting the way we act with each other, making us more dependent on instant gratification. It’s impact at individual level is shown by the research from University of Pittsburgh, who studied over 1700 people of age group of 19-32. This research shows that this age group is spending more than 61 minutes per day on social media and visiting social medias websites over 30 times per week and makes such people more vulnerable to depression and mental stress i.e( people who frequently use social media are 2.7 times more prone to develop depression). Social media also indirectly causes a problem of eating disorder. Images of the models and how someone’s body should look like causes self doubt which results in mental illness and have far reaching implications on their loved ones. Facebook and Instagram has method for reporting self harming and suicidal content but on the other hand, they are the indictment of the extent of this problem . Social media constantly displays highly idealised views which causes feeling of envy and inadequacy and instilling belief that other people are living more successful or fulfilling life. It’s not evil but dishonest , it presents unrealistic standards and shows reality which is unreliable. It also impacted us at society level and the way we interact with our representator or political leader as it was seen in the U.S. presidential election. Facebook ‘s I voted function generated 340,000 extra votes which manipulated people to vote for a particular individual . Facebooks fake news scandal was also in news as they altered the real information and such informations quickly replace truths due to its speed and access. New altered or filtered world for the benefit of few groups is very essence of corruption. Laalithya vadlamani countered these arguments by saying that corrupt means to change major essence or nature of that thing . It constitutes change which is quite opposite of corruption. She provided some arguments to validate its point. According to her, social media empowered us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness. As after U.S. election, retired lawyer Teresa set up a Facebook event to stage a peaceful protest in Washington and also to show trump administration that women’s rights are human rights. Woman across country set up similar events. Over 4.8 million women, men and children come to the street . This manifested that social media is a force for good and empower individuals and communities to instigate social change . Social media also helps in getting rid of social stigma as seen in the sticks and stones campaign in Spain to reduced stigma related to mental health. Social media acts as a mode for empowering women by providing them opportunity for businesses which is not readily available offline. ONE org social website helps African woman entrepreneur to expand their business with the help of social media . It is also best way to be informed as it spread information quickly . Red cross told the people that their loved ones are safe by social media outlets. It also helps in connecting with organisation which gives a sense of part of it and develops social responsibility in us. It’s an elixir for the old age community, it is reported that they are now more happier as they can contact their friends, families at a moment which gives them a sigh of relief by knowing that their kins are well which envisages that it’s an easier way to love and be loved. Facebook doesn’t stop interaction, it has just changed the way of interaction.
Both have presented the well versed arguments, but if i have to choose one i will go with the Laalithya. Social media may not be perfect but it is a pivotal vehicle for the social change and has the power to enhance existing interactions and relationships. Its use is more significant to the marginalised community as they got the platform to raise their voice and sometimes such voices are strengthened by the majority which forces government to solve such issues. If we use social media judiciously, no invention can match its utility . It can be considered as the invention of the decade.
Sorry sir, i have crossed the word limits , i didn’t realise it while writing. I will keep it in mind ,next time.
“Social media corrupts human interactions”
Arguments supporting the motion:
Premise: Social media is affecting us at an individual level and changing for worse the way we behave, and this in turn deteriorates our human interactions.
Example of a university study on age group 19 to 32 presents higher vulnerability of depression in an individual who are frequent on social media.
Relationship between social media and eating disorder citing an example of personal family member.
Social media fuels the feelings of envy and inadequacy by instilling in us false beliefs that other people are living more successful life.
Social media is dishonest and unrealistic which is altered for other’s interest and hence corrupted in itself.
Example of social media influencing more people to vote in US elections.
No organic interactions with family and friends.
Arguments opposing the motion:
Premise: Modern lifestyle is resulting in declining “human value” and reduced it to a number and social media is acting as a counterweight to this process.
Social media empowers us to feel our interconnectivity and collective consciousness. Example of a lawyer being able to generate support over a cause within a day.
Social media can disarm social stigma. Example of “sticks and stones” on twitter regarding mental health issues.
Social media facilitates shattering of socio-economic barriers. Example of supporting African women entrepreneurs.
Social media equips us with knowledge needed to become global citizens. Example of shooting incident being reported on social media first.
Personal example of her grandmother being able to connect with her family.
No absolute definition of human interactions and to consider social media out of it is an assumption in first place.
Personal Opinion:
1. Utilitarian approach: Going by arguments, amount of persons positively affected outweighs persons negatively affected.
2. Inclusivity: Arguments of 1st speaker is restricted to young population while 2nd speaker citing senior citizens is more inclusive. As per UN report global average age in 2019 is 72.6 yrs.
3. Argument of “no absolute definition of human interactions” stands firm ground.
4. Any technology or facility can be disrupting but whether it will positively disrupt or negatively disrupt depends on the intent/story attached to it.
Going by above reasons, I will vote against the motion.
“Social Media Corrupts Human Interaction”
Arguments by Jack Symonds…
1. He says,Our human connection is replaced by virtual relationship.
2. We spend huge proportions of our lives living in the digital universe.
3. It affects us like an individuals
4. Social media is causing depressions. 5.People whose social media are more likely to have depression rather than average one.
6. Relationship between social media and depression is like a relationship between social media and eating disorder in young people.
7. It affecting all genders of all races from socioeconomic backgrounds.
8. It affects implication on loving families and loving friends.
9. Finally ends with, social media can’t be evil but it can very well be dishonest.
Arguments by Laalithya vadlamani…
1. She says, it empowers us and make us feel our inter connectivity and collective consciousness.
2. It is also a powerful tool in helping to empower business women.
3. It allows people to follow organisation and cause of that, they believe in and makes them feel that, they are part of something even if they are not fully integrated into society.
4. She then says, people are happier due to online contact to family and friends.
5. Finally she ends with, social media makes it easier for us to love and be loved.
I agree with Jack Symonds points… He says about today’s reality… Now a days teenagers are more addicted to social media…. They think social media gives everything to them… They are madly going towards it…
Social media is inherently a selfish medium
For the statement (Jack Symonds)
According to Jack Social media has taken over he interaction done on a personal level or in other word interaction in the physical world
but at the same time he is saying that social media has helped a lot of people in fact everyone to stay in touch with their loved ones.
he presented some data regarding the eating disorder in age groups, and also the the idea of “grass is always greener on the other side” by sharing the feelings of people who judges their lives with others who posts a lot of pictures, check ins, videos, blogs, tweets, snaps, stories.
He also mentions about the depression and mental illness people are getting due to spending too much time on internet and comparing their lives.
According to him it creates an idea of how human life should be instead of the fact how one should live his/ her life. It instills the idea that the other person is successful and they are not.
Against the motion(Laalithya Vadlamani)
according to her the main point of attraction was Despite the social media interaction it does not limits us in any way for having interaction in the physical world.
Social media gives platform to every individuals to post something which their own government might stand against. It also helps women entrepreneurship. It also helps in spreading awareness among people regarding world affairs.
It helps to connect people staying away from the family.
If I were to vote someone from the above mentioned people i would vote for both as i felt both had some distinctive points in their arguments put forward. As i believe one can not completely cut off ties with social media in this world and when our world has been hit by a serious pandemic like COVID 19 virtual world or social world is presently our world to survive in, and stay in touch with the people
but it does not necessarily mean that we cannot keep physical interaction
1.Social media affects on an individual level,According to the survey, 30 times a week a person is spending time on social media.
2. Eating disorders not specific age but all the ages.
3.People aged between 19 to 32 are depressed 2.7 times more likely to develop depression.
4.It causes envy, inadequacy among peer groups.
5.effects political leaders.
6.Truth is being replaced with speed and access to false rumors.
7.provides a feeling of safety(contradiction).
1.Force to empower individuals and communicate to integrate social change.
2.Aged people are happy to be around their loved ones and connect.
3.An app used to save black community in USA. helping African women to help in growing of business world, and powerful tool for minority groups.
5.Its not about hours and hours of spending its about making people smile who are very far away.
6.Women has gone extraordinary manner in which it spread around the world.
I agree with Laalithya Vadlamani for her explanation and logical based and providing more explanations.Social media may have negative effects but it is doing more good than bad.
In the debate presented here, the speaker who is talking for the motion is Jack Symonds and the speaker taking against the motion is Laalithya Vadlamani.
According to Jack Symonds – Social Media has impacted every individual at an intricate level such that it has changed the individual’s approach towards each other and their behavior towards themselves. It even dictates the likes and dislikes of people and presents unrealistic standards of living.
He also says that social media leads people to depression and unhealthy minds jeopardizing the relationships between friends and families. Social media outplaces the truth and journalistic integrity has become a rarity. It has distanced people from their friends, families, and reality.
But, according to Laalithya Vadlamani – Social Media helps us to be in contact with everybody and is not distancing from our dear loved ones. According to her social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. She has also presented certain data wherein a billion users visit the Facebook site every day and about 80 billion posts are posted on Instagram. By this, we come to the point that the aesthetic lifestyle has increased in social media popularity immensely as the users share their cherished moments with their dear loved ones.
According to her, there are various applications and tools regarding social media wherein some tools/applications create awareness programs and some help in protecting the individuals facing discrimination concerning races, cast, etc. The tools/applications developed highlight the current threats across the nation. Also, some of them help in generating and connecting businesses for women entrepreneurs. One such example is
Social Media is one of the best ways to stay up to date concerning information and news. Social media spreads the information faster than any other medium and also allows people to follow various organizations and causes of their interests.
In conclusion, she says, so social media has made the world smaller, compact and closer. Expressing our love and respect for the whole world and the deserving people and also our opinions regarding the important social issues.
As far as I am concerned, I am in support of Laalithya Vadlamani as some research states that social media is harming the community in several ways, but that doesn’t mean it is all bad, and cutting it off entirely shall solve the problem. Rather view in such a way that it connects people of varied backgrounds. A quick way to know each other, if they are living across the world from one another.
Social media has exponentially increased the resources for mental health information and support. Research shows us that people who get support from peers have better health outcomes, irrespective of their physical condition or psychological depression.
Being a part of social media can increase the quality of life, reduce health risk, can help improve satisfaction, memory retention, and overall well-being with the help of large social groups/communities.
Is “social media inherently a selfish medium” ,can be evaluated from the lens of the following pros and cons:-
It is a selfish medium- In the 21st century whether it is a 10 year old or a 75 year old, there is no denying social media has transformed human interactions significantly. Print media has given way to instant connect platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc where populism has triumphed over professionalism integrity. As there were no rules or checks and balances, these are now being relooked at and questioned.
Social media has weaved a utopian paradigm where real human connections are being replaced by Virtual interactions to feel validation, instant gratification, seen, to feel included by posts, check ins, swipes, tweets, like, upload, share, message and reacts.
The human touch has gone missing in this digitally created picture perfect universe. The impact on individual level by various studies depicts eating disorders and depression as an outcome to match unrealistic aesthetic lifestyles. If you ask why- and probe into this fluid world of idealized false beliefs, it is not evil but dishonest .False news spreads like wildfire. There have also been concerns of perpetuating a desired outcome in political and economic spheres. e.g ivote creating a filtered reality.
It isnt- People may not be averse to semi regular Facebook updates, Snapchat stories rather excessive obsessive use of social media. The central focal point being that it helps connect people living far away from home, stay safe and in contact in a affordable manner whether it’s students, elderly, minorities,migrant workers.
Social media also has far reaching social implications for developing nations like Kenya, Columbia etc. Platforms like is already showing positive outcomes by connecting even far flung areas to access knowledge and grow businesses. The disengagement by Television, Isolation of urbanism and selfishness of social media are but one side of the coin. One must also look at the other balancing side which connects and integrates people.
In toto, even though some facts support that social media in some cases has posed challenges of mental health, physical health, cyber safety and bullying. It cannot be overlooked that social media is a mere technological tool and can be used as users deem fit. Positively or Negatively.
While Jack Symonds has supported his arguments structured clearly with facts to support that social media is inherently selfish. I find that Laalithya Vadlamani has approached proving it isnt selfish with an emotional appeal including personal examples and direct political references. In concurrence, the absence or curtailment of freedom to information in my opinion is no guard against the challenges it poses. it must be addressed and overcome as the pros of social media have much promise and outweigh the cons.
Arguments FOR the motion by Jack Symonds:
1. Social media impacts people at a personal level. As a part of society, people are developing a greater tendency to be visible to a larger number of people. There is a dependence on the feeling of inclusion and instant gratification.
2. Real human connections are being replaced by virtual relationships. Huge proportions of an individual’s time is spent in the digital universe, thus affecting our ways of interaction.
3. As per a survey, between the ages of 19 and 32, people spend roughly 61 minutes per day on social media. 25% of the people using social media are suffering from high levels of depression. People frequenting social media are more likely to develop depression.
4. Social media distorts our perception of body images and causes eating disorders in people. This results in mental illnesses and adverse effects on physical relationships.
5. Evidence of self-harming and suicidal content on social media.
6. Social media creates an idealized view of peers, thus eliciting feelings of envy and false belief, of other people living more fulfilling lives. It creates a bubble of misperception, which is prone to burst and harm its creator.
7. It is dishonest, and sets unrealistic standards and unreliable reality. It gives a sense of an altered filtered world, which is the essence of corruption in our ways of life and interaction.
8. Impacts the integrity of political, social, and democratic processes, where the bias of the social media platforms’ employees figures in prioritizing content in their consumers’ feeds, creating political scandals.
9. It builds a lack of organic interactions, by preferring popular over professional, even though it’s coupled with degraded quality.
Arguments AGAINST the motion by Laalithya Vadlamani:
1. Market culture treats human life as a number and market value, especially the weaker and marginalized sections. Social media is a counterweight to the ongoing devaluation of human lives, by giving them voice and representation.
2. Offline and online worlds, though separate are well integrated and people can very easily transition from one to another. Social media does not stop, prevent or substitute physical interactions but provides an effective leeway in the absence of physical interaction, which is pretty much understandable in the present times of a pandemic.
3. It overcomes the limitations of distance, thus providing visibility to every voice on the globe. Thus, it can serve as a potent platform to raise genuine concerns and provide audience and representations to all voices that need to be heard, and all rights that need to be recognized.
4. It has a large user base, where people can enjoy, share and cherish precious moments of their lives. Thus, online relationships can strengthen offline relationships.
5. It empowers people to feel our interconnectedness and collective consciousness, thus saving people from the wraths of loneliness and giving them a sense of belonging and well-being, and a feeling of love and be loved.
6. It can serve as a tool to instigate social change and arm against social stigma. it can become the voice of minority identity and interests, by spreading knowledge needed to become global citizens and communicators. Thus, it helps us stay informed.
7. It facilitates the breaking of glass ceilings and the shattering of conventional social-economic barriers. For e.g. empowering businesswomen across the globe.
8. Social media allows people to follow the organizations and causes, they believe in and contribute towards them. It may involve a sense of expediency, but it may not necessarily imply a feeling of non-fulfillment.
9. Social media does not force itself to be the main route of interaction but provides a great option available as a leeway for interactions in situations when physical interactions may not be possible or may need time. It changes the way we interact but it is not corruption.
(2.) My opinion about the above motion:
Both the speakers have conveyed some strong arguments in their points, however, there is a lack of diversity and balance in their perspectives. Where the person speaking for the motion focuses largely on depression, the speaker against the motion is largely centred on the idea of giving representation to certain sections of society. The counter-arguments are not really strong from Laalithya. Also, while the good thing for Jack is that he has brought in relatable data points, no such relevant data figures in the arguments from Laalithya. However, for me, Laalithya edges slightly, because of the sync in her arguments and her well-defined premise of corruption, which supports her argument that Social media has not necessarily corrupted human interactions. This kind of puts that Social media can be a great solution in certain situations, but it is definitely not the panacea for all the problems in the world.
Motion – Social media corrupts human interactions
(a) For the motion-
Real human connections are replaced by virtual connections, through social media. People spend a huge proportion of life in the digital universe. A study was done by Oxford professionals on 1700 people from the age group of 19 to 32. It highlighted that a person spends more than 61 minutes per day, which caused a high level of depression.
Facebook, Tumbler, etc. are distorting the image of people about how they should look like, this is causing a high level of eating disorder which is found in all genders, all social communities across the world. This sometimes leads to self-harming or suicidal attempts.
Against the motion-
On the other hand, through social media, people are meeting those whom they can not meet offline. Online interaction makes real conversation stronger. For example, parents can keep in contact with their children studying abroad. In a way, people remain updated with the happenings around them or even across the world. Data shows that Facebook has around 1 billion active users per day, Twitter has 500 million tweets per day, and 80 million posts on Instagram per day. In this way, social media plays a vital role in keeping people more organized.
(b) For the motion-
Social media corrupts people’s organic interactions, by replacing the truth. Social media, for instance, gives more followers to the people who are already popular not to the professionals. People are more and more getting dependent on instant gratification.
Against the motion-
Social media can help in fighting against social stigmas. New apps and tools help to bring powerful change to the movement. For example, a web Black Lives Matter portal enabled black social media users to mark them unsafe on their profiles. This movement was against the threats that the black community faces.
Social media empowers us to feel our interconnectivity and social networks. Discouraged by the outcome of the US election, a retired lawyer set up a Facebook event, inviting a peaceful protest in Washington. On November 8th she was one lady to know that women’s rights are human rights. On the 21 st of January, 500,000 people were protesting forcefully with her.
(c) For the motion-
Social media elicits feelings of envy and inadequacy. This medium is not evil but dishonest. It is replacing the standards which seems unrealistic. the unreliable reality, and this filtered and altered world is the essence of corruption. In the recent US elections, Facebook generated three hundred and forty thousand extra votes towards particular political interests. Facebook employees were accused of false articles about their own political beliefs. In this way, freedom of thought was under doubt.
Against the motion-
Social media helps women’s entrepreneurship which is not found offline. A website helps African women to connect and to grow their business. Hence, it is a powerful tool for minority groups in general.
MY OPINION about the above motion.
Our day-to-day life is severely affected through social media, positively and negatively. For effective understanding, one should consider both sides of the same coin. Many times it seems a distraction at an individual level, but sometimes it becomes the source of entertainment, education, and self-improvement. For some, social media is a cause for depression but at the same time, it brings many opportunities for many people to decrease their isolation, make money, raise an issue, and expand their awareness. For example, consuming more calories is a major reason for obesity, it does not mean that people should stop eating food having more calories. Rather it is advisable to have a well-balanced diet consisting of fewer calories.
In the same regard, a mixture of both should be chosen which is reflected in the ideas of Laalithya Vadlamani. She says that interactions on social media do not stop anyone to have real interactions. Her arguments are a well-balanced mixture of both. This is why I would vote against the motion.
1. Definition of Corruption – Defined as filtering of our reality. Social media setting dishonest, unrealistic standard,
Opp – Defined as more than filtering i.e striping it of its utility, function and pleasure. Social media is bringing change by making interaction fluid and complex.
2. Human interaction – Replacing organic interaction with virtual connection. Thus corrupting human interaction.
Opp – Social media is not replacing one type of connection. Even if it did, it can still be fulfilling or for an individual, thus not corrupting.
3. Mental health – Social Media causing issues like depression, eating disorder, self harm, suicidal tendency. Quoting personal experience of family member with eating disorder.
Opp- Social media apps allowing minority group to highlight threats and issues. Allowing them to voice their concerns. Thus avoid feeling isolated.Quoting personal experience of her grandmother feeling included because of social media.
4. Instant gratification- Social media making people dependent on instant gratification.
Opp – People are not dependent on social media for instant gratification, rather for a community of people they are unable to find in offline sphere.
5. Core reason – Social media is corrupting human interaction because the highly idealized view of life instills feeling of inadequacy, envy. This alters the way we behave and interact.
Opp – Social media is not corrupting human interaction because it is empowering us to feel our global consciousness and interconnectedness. It is strengthens the bonds and connection people have in real life.
I would vote against the motion. This is due to the logical inconsistency in the argument put forth by the speaker defending the motion, for instance – Social media portraying highly idealized world as well as social media sites being rampant source of content related to self harm, suicidal tendency. Further, the speaker acknowledges the shortcoming of the study but fails to provide substantial argument for why one should still consider the data significant. While mentioning harmful groups, no counter argument or acknowledgment of awareness groups headed by professional using social media. The speaker against the motion accepted that there were changes good and bad but in essence not equivalent to corruption. The counter arguments and their appeal to the emotional and ethical aspects of human life were better than the ones defending the motion.
If I had to put forth views for the motion, I would highlight the para-social relations occurring as a direct consequence of social media.
1. Social Media corrupts Human Interactions(jack Symonds)
1)Effect of social media on an individual level, one hour of time spent by each individual in a week 30 time visit as a survey shows.
2)2.7 times more likely develop depression on who frequently check social media
3)Depresion is affecting the physical way of interaction
4)Causing eating disorder on all age groups
5)Social Media elicits feeling of envy and feelings of inadequacy by the views of our peer groups
6)Social Media impact on political leaders i.e on elections and on our society.
7)Truth is being replaced with speed and access to false rumors
1)Social can be used as a force for good and empower individuals and communicate to integrate social change
2) How web app is used to save the black community in USA at some places
3) is helping African women to help in growing the business world(Power free tool for minority groups)
4)Socail Media played a crucial role in Colorodo shooting case to pass the information before the press arrives and the safety of the people
5)Age group above 70 are happier in connecting with families and friends worldwide
6)Not about spending hours its about smiling who is far away i.e 600miles away
7) social media doesnt stopping in talking to loved ones in real life
8) women march has gone extraordinary manner in which it spread around the world.
2)As it got me a chance to give a conclusion i agree with some aspects of both the arugments. In general it is true that it is causing the depression mainly to the youngsters, as they are the future of the world, from the data givenby JACK it clearly mentions(17 to 32 age group).
Too much influence of Social Media in interactions with the Real life friends and family members, where as people are Increasing in time spent on social media is more in comparative to time spent on books.
I rarely diagree to laalithya and appreciate the example used in interaction with her grandmother through digitally and to be aware about Fourth industrial revolution and the march done by women for peace thougth social gathering.
(1) Social media corrupts human interactions
Proposition by Jack Symonds:
1.Weak introduction by highlighting importance of social media instead should have given facts against social media- to establish a stronger premise.
2.FB Internet org was opposed in many countries and was banned in India.
3.He says social media keeps people safe and then goes on to talk about depression and eating disorders caused due to social media. Self-contradictory!
4.His premise is- if we agree that social media is affecting us at individual level then it can be said that it is affecting our interactions with each other.
5.University of Pittsburg study of 1700 people between 19-32 is too small a sample to study the impact of social media.
6.He anticipated counter argument for depression but couldn’t substantiate the same with the data.
7.Social media is corrupting individuals by setting unrealistic standards, idealised views and a filtered worldview.
8.He pointed out that we are not having organic interactions with our friends, family and political leaders but didn’t discuss why and how aspect of it.
Opposition by Laalithya Vadlamani:
1.Counter-argument against social media corrupting individuals- To corrupt something is to change the main essence or nature of that thing but here social media only enhances human interactions with its utility and functionality.
2.Social media is a counterweight to ongoing devaluation of human lives(Oppression of minorities) rather than aiding it.
3.Online interactions not only connect people from across the world but also help in making offline face to face interactions stronger.
4.One billion Facebook users, 500 million tweets and 80 million Instagram stories in day indicate users enjoy digital interactions. — Substantiated by data.
5.Social media makes us feel interconnected and empowers our collective consciousness— followed by examples (A) 8th November Peace protest after US Presidential election lead to 408 such marches around the country,(B) Black lives matter protest, (C) which supports African women entrepreneurs— Highlights the role of social media as a powerful tool for minority groups.( But this wasn’t required to oppose the motion.?)
6.Spread information faster- 2012 Colorado shooting reported by Twitter users before news crew.( Again, a benefit of social media but not required for the debate)
7.Social media is essentially helpful to people who are physically isolated by families-it provides digital interaction at the least.
8.Social media interactions are just one main way of communication, they do not stop or prevent one from having personal face to face interactions.— Strong argument based on logic.
(2) If given a chance I wouldn’t give my vote to both speakers for the following reasons:
-Both of them have wandered away from the debate. For example, talking about anorexia and depression in the first case and excessive emphasis on minorities in the second case.
-The examples and studies quoted are not really impactful.
-Second speaker have not anticipated any of the further counter-arguments.
Instead, would have loved to see the debate focus on how on-screen conversations have choked our real life communication skills.The importance of a human touch, warmth in the voice and emotions which can be conveyed in reality are not even discussed. The honesty and strength in human interactions which lead to long term relationships is not spoken about.
Still, If I am to vote, I’d give it to Laalithya Vadlamani for the logic based argument she proposed which says- Digital interactions doesn’t prevent one from having physical human interactions.
P.S: Hi Sir: Really sorry for not adhering to the word limit. I wouldn’t repeat the same.
Thank you.
•Human interactions are being replaced by virtual relationship which corrupts the way of our interaction with each other. Corrupts human interaction by reducing face to face interaction time.
•Social media platforms are giving young people distorted images of how their bodies should look and oftentimes results a serious mental illness that has far reaching implications on loving families.
•Social media elicit feeling of envy and feeling of inadequacy by instilling us with often false belief that other people are living a successful and worthy life.
•Social media sometimes is dishonest and represents us with standard that is unrealistic, the world which is filtered and altered for benefit of another person that is very essence if corruption.
•Rather than corruption social media is of anything a counterweight to the ongoing devolution of human lives rather than being seperate virtual and real worlds, the fact that online and offline fears are tightly integrated is exactly why people take away and constraints in their offline lives by hacking their connectivity through their online interactions.
•Online communication can make face to face offline relationship stronger.
•Social media empowers individuals and communities to instigate social change. Social media can help us arm social stigmas. For example web app allows black lives matter organizers modeled after Facebook safety check to allow black social media users to symbolically mark themselves as unsafe in locations throughout the United States. The tool serves to highlight the current threat the black community face across the nation making it clear that how racism threatens the safety of black Americans.
•Social media empower women to grow business and also one can follow the organization that they believe in.
•Social media doesn’t in fact just place one type of conversation with another, it instead allowed translation of interaction and social network through a more effective form.
Everything has two sides good or bad and I think both of them have represented their part of the story. Individually both of them are correct like Jack Symond said about the filtered and altered articles for someone’s personal benefits are one of the worst part of social media, on the other hand Laalithya Vadlamani’s argument that social media do not stop anyone to have real interactions is also valid.