ChatGPT AI and the UPSC Exam

AI and UPSC exam

With the discovery of fire, our ancestors changed their diet and their landscapes. With the wheel, they made the world smaller and so on until we recreated the entire planet in our image. Now with AI, we will recreate intelligence itself, in our own image. AI is incredible. It can do things which no human … Read more ChatGPT AI and the UPSC Exam

Reality of government jobs you should know– Myth Vs Facts

government job india

In most developed countries, being a civil servant is not cause for veneration or celebration. In much of Indian society however, to secure a government job is akin to winning the socio-economic lottery. I remember how when I was selected to join the IRS, relatives, and people around me started to behave entirely differently. It … Read more Reality of government jobs you should know– Myth Vs Facts

The Dark side of Emotional Intelligence – How evil do you think you are?

good evil

The most dangerous, and yet the most gregarious of creatures you will ever encounter in this world are other human beings. To navigate this world, whether that’s career, relationships, or anything else, is to navigate people. And people are very complicated. Their true personalities are hidden beneath layer upon layer of socialization, traumatic experiences, early … Read more The Dark side of Emotional Intelligence – How evil do you think you are?

UPSC Coaching Institutes and false advertising – the twisted ethics of the industry and how to navigate around it

upsc coaching exposed

The UPSC coaching industry has thrived in India generating Billions of dollars in revenue. In recent years, many businesses in the industry have seen the rapid infusion of venture capital. This capital investment implies that companies must generate revenue at a certain pace to satisfy their investors and to do that, they must rely on … Read more UPSC Coaching Institutes and false advertising – the twisted ethics of the industry and how to navigate around it