UPSC Prelims result 2020 declared: What should I do now?


The UPSC Prelims result 2020 has been delcared by the UPSC.For all aspirants, the UPSC prelims results is a much anticipated and dreaded event. This is because of the ambiguity and tight competition of the exam. This year, despite the Covid-19 pandemic is no different. The mains exam is set to be held from 8th … Read more UPSC Prelims result 2020 declared: What should I do now?

UPSC Mains: 12 Common mistakes to avoid in the Essay paper

upsc mains

Only a few exceptions get much more or much less than the average score in the UPSC mains exam. Obviously, you are interested in getting much more and land in the topper-zone shown in the graph. You want to be the exceptional candidate who ends up scoring 70-80% marks in the Essay paper that year.

5 CRITICAL Things to do after UPSC Prelims 2020

upsc prelims

-Shri Amit Kumar Singh, IRS UPSC prelims 2020 is over but the hangover remains. Here’s what you need to do immediately if you want to get the edge in this upcoming UPSC Mains exam. ‌1. Stop analyzing the UPSC Prelims Paper. The Time period between prelims exam and result is the most prone to wastage. … Read more 5 CRITICAL Things to do after UPSC Prelims 2020